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I haven't been here in a month?!

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    I haven't been here in a month?!

    So...what does that suggest? Yup. :upset:

    The GOOD NEWS:
    ? Some of you may have seen my thread regarding me going back to school at 51 years old. I am pleased to say that I am still on course with that (I start Sept. 3rd).
    ? I lost 10 pounds and 3 inches off my waist (then plateaued).
    ? Campral finally started to make me not even think of it, and while on antabuse, I found that I could enjoy an N/A beer.

    The BAD NEWS:
    ? As with many of us, *since I was doing so well* I figured I could handle "a few" on the weekends, and did quite well with that for several weeks.
    ? I've probably put most of those 10 lbs and 3 inches back on.
    ? I had the opportunity to take an antabuse on several occasions, and thought to myself, "Eh...just *one* more day, *THEN* I will!

    And so here I am. I just have to admit that I can't drink, as I have seen so many others here do?they finally had that epiphany, or whatever it was. (And the little voice in my head is going, "Oh! But the HOLIDAYS are coming up!" and "Oh! You have your first vacation in 3 years at the end of August!")

    Nasty little voice.

    So I'm gonna give 'er a go again bright-and-squirrely on the 4th. Wish me luck, and please feel free to respond or pm or call or write or... :thanks:
    "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

    —William A. Ward

    I haven't been here in a month?!

    Welcome back Nichau.

    I too will be having my first vacation in 3 years at the end of August. And I'm looking forward to doing it sober. It will be my first sober vacation ever as an adult, and I look forward to waking early (well not too early, it is vacation after all) and hangover-free and doing the things I enjoy. And at night I plan to indulge with decadent desserts.

    Squash that nasty little voice with thoughts of how good you feel when you're AF.

    Good luck!
    AF since 6JUN2012


      I haven't been here in a month?!

      One day at a time Nichau. I'll look for you after the 4th. You've been AF before right? So you know what to expect in the first few days/weeks? Do you have a plan in place? Have you tried listing the reasons you want to quit?
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        I haven't been here in a month?!

        Thanks, Pixie! I'm very much looking forward to spending my vacation clear-headed. There were some vacations at my cabin that I barely remembered, and looking at the pictures scared me, like, "Who the heck is THAT bloated thing?" As the crow flies, my cabin is about 30 miles down from the Canadian border in Minnesota. All that air, and stars, and Northern Lights, and saunas, and will be so refreshing to actually get to experience it all for once. Except for spiders. And they grow 'em BIG up there, LOL!

        Oh yeah, 3June; I'm a grizzled ol' veteran who's rode this train on-and-off since 1983 or thereabouts. I never have any problems physically when I quit; just emotionally. One of the problems now that I'm older is that I'm having some medical issues which makes exercising nearly impossible. Sure wish I could at least get around the block on foot or a sure helps clear the mind and take the 'sting' out of it all.

        Congratulations on your first month!!! I am very proud of you!
        "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

        —William A. Ward


          I haven't been here in a month?!

          Welcome back...
          AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
          As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


            I haven't been here in a month?!

            Positive thoughts and welcome back N. Xxx


              I haven't been here in a month?!

              OK it's the fourth are we still on?
              Newbies Nest
              My accountability thread


                I haven't been here in a month?!

                Yes! I accept your chanllenge, 3June! I'm doing okay.

                Thanks all!
                "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

                —William A. Ward


                  I haven't been here in a month?!

                  Day Nine!

                  Hooray! Slept and slept last night...probably ten hours or better. Not beating myself up over waking up so late (which I am wont to do) but I'm alive and refreshed and took all my meds incl. Campral and Antabuse. Now on to start a productive weekend!

                  Glad you guys are all here, old and new. It's a real big help to me, and, I'm sure, all of us.

                  Have a great Saturday, everyone! I'll post later about some things that have been going on with me this past week?kind of serious but not drinking related. Still feeling upbeat, though.

                  "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

                  —William A. Ward

