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    Does anyone have any good books on addiction and alcoholism. Books on treatment and such? And if you've read these, had they helped you in your road to recovery?

    I have no time to see a counsellor and I am not going to AA. I need other options. I really want to stop this now.

    Thanks for any tips or suggestions in advance.


    Jerry Vale and Allen Carr go with the 'freedom' approach - good reads. The one that hit me the deepest was/is "Drinking, A Love Story", by Carline Knapp. I was hooked by first sentence and just inhaled the whole book. And, just finished "Dry",.Augusten Burroughs, entertaining and enlightening.



      reading material

      I've read tons of books and the best by far is Heart of Addiction by Lance Dodes. This could be very helpful for you considering the OCD.
      I think you should make time for a counselor, even if it's once a month. If money is an issue, you could find a student counselor.



        'Seven Weeks to Sobriety' by Joan Larson is a good book if you're interested in the supplement route. You don't need to buy the supplements from them, most you can get on your own; there are a LOT of supplements suggested, but you could pick and choose what you want to try. The book also has a questionnaire to determine which type of alcoholic you are, biochemically speaking, which helps with supplement choice.
        AF since 6JUN2012



          I'm a bit of a book worm on topics to guide me in my recovery, but I found a nice balance of books and talking to others be it therapy, AA, a good friend you trust, can't beat human interaction, helped best, but that's just me. I remember in the early stages when my head was still drying out and full of emotions, juggling, 'The Power of Now', 'Women Who think too Much', Allen Carrs 's book and the big book, my head was going to explode or melt!!! I recommend trying one, and don't put too much pressure on yourself, they all basically have the same message, Change the way you look at things and change your thinking and attitude, I find the whole malarkey fascinating and much easier and useful when my head had dried out a small bit, I've swung off on the Spiritual path a bit now, but I could recommend loads if you want but the most important thing is to put what you read into practice..
          Wishing you all the best
          "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"



            Thanks everyone, I am definitely going to look into all of these. I currently have brought Allen Car's book to work with me (it's so slow around here, and I am on my own so no one will ask questions)...I have read it before to no avail...but maybe I just wasn't ready at the time.
            I would love to hear even more suggestions Sugar. Thanks.




              Alcohol Lied To Me by Craig Beck. It really says the same thing as Carr and Vale, but for some reason I could relate to this book better.

              Sorry to hear you are still struggling. I was in a Celebrate meeting last night with a woman 20 years my senior. My first inclination was thinking...."you got to drink 20 years more than me". Quickly followed by, "good lord how did you survive?" I did not have 20 years left in me.

              Best to you.



                TheSunFlower;1528152 wrote: I was in a Celebrate meeting last night with a woman 20 years my senior. My first inclination was thinking...."you got to drink 20 years more than me". Quickly followed by, "good lord how did you survive?" I did not have 20 years left in me.

                Best to you.
                Funny how the mind works, eh?

                I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                ? Lao-Tzu



                  How are you doing, Tipplerette? I was hoping you were going to hang out in the NN!!

                  :h NS



                    briseus;1527870 wrote: Does anyone have any good books on addiction and alcoholism. Books on treatment and such? And if you've read these, had they helped you in your road to recovery?

                    I have no time to see a counsellor and I am not going to AA. I need other options. I really want to stop this now.

                    Thanks for any tips or suggestions in advance.
                    Hi Briseus, I really liked a book by Carolyn Knapp called "Drinking: A Love Story" There were some things I could not relate to, and some things I could, however I could relate to the whole love story gone bad in my relationship with AL.

                    I also recommend Jason Vale's book - Quit the drink Easily.

                    Good luck!



                      I loved.... "Drinking, A Love Story", by Carline Knapp.

