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Army Thread Thursday 4th July

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    Army Thread Thursday 4th July

    Gooooooooooooood morning, Army

    Another windy day at the southern tip of Africa.

    It's kinda Friday for me, so not complaining. Mrs. T has to go into hospital for a minor procedure tomorrow, so I have the day off to cart her to and from hospital. But first I need to get loads done today.

    Have a lekker Thursday, folksies.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Thursday 4th July

    Good morning Tips from an equally windy northern side of the UK:H

    Best wishes for Mrs T tomorrow.

    Had a lovely meal at a place where we had fab food that everyone enjoyed and instead of us footing the bill we split the cost. Very pleased with my assertivness(sp!)

    Got my new SIM card for the stolen phone now just got to wait for the insurance to check my claim and send me a new iphone!


      Army Thread Thursday 4th July

      Good morning MrT, MrsA and all who follow

      Best wishes to MrsT for tomorrow xx

      MrsA- good job you had insurance on phone- hope you don't hafta wait much longer for the new one

      Slept in and running late so best away, hope all have a good day, maybe see ya's later :hallo:


        Army Thread Thursday 4th July

        Hi Sweetpea are you off for a long day at the coalface?


          Army Thread Thursday 4th July

          Good morning Tipperooo, Our Whizzy, Sweetypea

          tiptronic_ct;1528008 wrote:
          It's kinda Friday for me, so not complaining. Mrs. T has to go into hospital for a minor procedure tomorrow, so I have the day off to cart her to and from hospital. But first I need to get loads done today.
          Have a lekker Thursday, folksies.
          There yer are Mr T, you can have a lend of the one we carted Mr JC to horsepital.

          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Thursday 4th July

            Hi Molly and Jackie. Going out for the day which my include the Zoo( without the kids).
            Enjoy your buns Molly. I know you would hate the zoo but I have a free pass and it is escape from the madhoue here:H


              Army Thread Thursday 4th July

              Morning Molls,
              I'm orff to the orifice today but I'm not taking any buns.

              Someine stick the kettle on about 6ish. (by that I mean Reccybear).

              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Thursday 4th July

                Hi anyone !
                No point opening Skiverville as you are all off to work etc.

                Enjoy the Zoo Ms A - LOVE the manimals !
                Watched a programme about Alpaca in Peru the other night - facinating !
                Love Alpaca :h


                  Army Thread Thursday 4th July

                  Morning - just a quick fly by - had a fire at home yesterday - eldest son making toast - kitchens totalled, smoke damage through the house - not a happy bunny :-( And still had to come to work ...............
                  Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                    Army Thread Thursday 4th July

                    Quest for the key;1528062 wrote: Morning - just a quick fly by - had a fire at home yesterday - eldest son making toast - kitchens totalled, smoke damage through the house - not a happy bunny :-( And still had to come to work ...............
                    Jesus are you serious ?:egad:
                    Really sorry Questy !:l


                      Army Thread Thursday 4th July

                      Afternoon army

                      been reinstalling my laptop, so was unable to get online for a day or two. I really feel completely lost without access the Internet. It's been very quiet in the barracks though, so at least there wasn't too much reading back to do.

                      Quest for the key;1528062 wrote: Morning - just a quick fly by - had a fire at home yesterday - eldest son making toast - kitchens totalled, smoke damage through the house - not a happy bunny :-( And still had to come to work ...............
                      That is awful questie. It must be absolutely the last thing you needed. I hope your cold is a bit better.

                      JackieClaire;1528040 wrote:
                      Someine stick the kettle on about 6ish. (by that I mean Reccybear).
                      I'll try to Jackie. The old memory isn't what it was...

                      Did zenners get home safely? I believe it's Independence Day over there today.


                        Army Thread Thursday 4th July

                        Hiya Satzy and Reccie - yup totally serious - and guess who forgot to renew their insurance ???

                        Reccie - colds a lot better ta, wish it had been flu and I would have had to stay home yesterday - maybe none if this would be happening.
                        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                          Army Thread Thursday 4th July

                          I even missed the bloody fire men cos I wa at bleeding work !!!!!!!!
                          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                            Army Thread Thursday 4th July

                            Questy :l to you.... At the very least you gotta sense of humour what with not seeing the firemen.

                            Reccie good to see you here - missed you these last couple of days.

                            Hello tips, mrsa, peapants, Jacs, molls, satz and all the rest of the army brats.


                              Army Thread Thursday 4th July

                              Quest for the key;1528108 wrote: Hiya Satzy and Reccie - yup totally serious - and guess who forgot to renew their insurance ???
                              Oh no!!!

                              :hallo: arsey

