:waving: Tipps
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Army Thread Tuesday 9th July
Army Thread Tuesday 9th July
Hi Army :-) Just wanted to drop by and say hello.All is very well here still sober still determined to never have that first one, anyways Hope your are all doing well since I last saw you. I'm sorry that I don't post or visit as often as I should. My life has been kind of busy - work and family are just some of the reasons why I'm out of the loop. But I do miss droping in and having the buzz and the serious talks together. You'r all still my bestfriend, yah know. Maybe see ya all soon keep good.
:congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:
Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
I know enough to know that I don't know enough.
This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.
Army Thread Tuesday 9th July
tiptronic_ct;1530169 wrote: Satz... kick him in the bollocks. And then in the kidneys when he's down...
:H Jaysus Tipps! :H It was the "kidneys" bit that got me.... Howling!!!
Good to see Mario dropping by... and even better to hear you're in fine fettle if you happen to be reading Mario... X
Got rained out from me yard work but it's just as well as I was covered in itchy shite. I felled a bougainvillea tree that was past it's prime and got covered in crap. Just had a shower and going next door to get an "Eggplant Parmesan" cookery demonstration from CherMum...S'laterz...
Army Thread Tuesday 9th July
Back again.
Hello JC - that's lovely to hear you've had a grand few hours with yer aunt, cousin and the bares
Mario - y'alright there?! Great to see you and glad to hear you're keeping weel good sir.
Zen - me wants a pic of that eggplant parmesan thingy you got cookin there
Just back from run... boy it was hot. I wasnfire: but not cos i was running fast. on the contrary...
Army Thread Tuesday 9th July
mollyka;1530227 wrote: howdo MrD --- just cannot IMAGINE why anyone would run ANYWHERE in this heat - bloody hell, I'm just sittin here and I'm melting!!!
Do you enjoy the running club now --- or is that where you were?
I do enjoy it.... well, to be honest i'm still struggling with looking forward to doing things in the evening when it takes me away from just me pottering around and not feeling of having to be anywhere... not sure what that's about. Before i would have jumped at socialising, or say even the running club, and then look for if there was a social drink after.
Actually i think it's a control thing... And that by 4pm/5pm i'm feeling lethargic and weak cos me blood sugar is prolly getting low... And i just want me own dinners!!
Anyway, the good thing about the running club is that there is a yearly membership. I;ve paid up to the end of their year (Oct), so would feel guilty if i didn't go.... And it does me good, cos i am meeting people (even if they're not necessarily going to be me best buddies) and it is nice, when running races, to be running for a club.
Army Thread Tuesday 9th July
mollyka;1530232 wrote: Oh you poor thing - always feel like that when I've been to a bad movie --- but at least at a movie you get popcorn
How did you get out of going on the inevitable 'session'?
Plus ;
BIL & SIL weren't there ! just missed them thank feck - so just feckin tea after tea after tea
Army Thread Tuesday 9th July
mollyka;1530241 wrote: yeah, do you know I was only thinking recently how I've changed a bit recently in that regard (not the running I hasten to add, but the 'going out' in the evening) --- up to VERY recently, anything I HAD to do in the evening after work was just like a chore reallymollyka;1530241 wrote:, my idea of heaven was my Thursday evening cos it's the only day I don't have anything I have to do.... but I HAVE changed subtly --- I've noticed a few times in the last couple of months suggesting to Joe that we do something, mebbe only a walk on the beach or going to the cinema --- but before it was always him wanting to do stuff and me complying..... maybe a further step in recovery..... not sure ----- I'd say you are doing the right thing just pushing yourself a bit and making yourself go when you don't feel like it.
But judging on Molls post - maybe that changes when we get more AF confidence ?
Army Thread Tuesday 9th July
Yup - you got it Molls.... post work stuff does seem a chore... especially cos right now - even after 7 months AF... i kinda go so "what's my reward if it's not a bottle of wine, or beer with some peeps?!" Thing is - by the time end of Aug comes, I'll likely be out more evenings than i'm in and when I'm in I'll be working/studying.... but i MUST get something out of it (and want to do it), otherwise i wouldn;t do it all :H:H