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Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

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    Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

    satz123;1530081 wrote:
    Now my moan:
    Mr S's cousin that he saw intermittantly died age 58.

    I got the inquisition this morning -
    • "Burial - Thursday - ARE YOU GOING ?" - er NO - 'cos I'll be in the hospital with a camera in dark places at 7.30 am - I have to be dropped & collected 2 hours later - and 'minded' for 12 hours."Well go Tomorrow night to the church" - er - NO - I have to evacuate my bowel and will be on the loo from 6pm tomorrow.
    Got quite heated then - what time would I be finished ? and I was told that HE was going to the funeral - no matter what on Thursday.
    Well at least I know now where I am in the pecking order.
    I get the impression it's all 'for show' d'ya know ? Kinda here we all are - wives in tow kinda thing ......
    I will get a taxi to the hospital - see how that goes ...........

    Really p***ed off !

    Thanks for allowing the rant :l
    JackieClaire;1530101 wrote: Satz, you're a fecking strong woman.:l

    Bollix to him. Gawd I wish I could stick me fingers up his nostrils and drag him round a really, really rough and cheap nylon carpet.
    mollyka;1530111 wrote:
    Lunchtime on de grass - yay!!!!!! Welcome Sugarbeat - for all the use I was??!!!! Glad u feelin better - Satz DON'T START ME ON IRISHMEN AND FUCKIN RELLIES FUNERALS!!!! I woldnt go even If I wasn't gettin summat up my arse - NO - Don't believe in funerals - pagan they are!
    Ahh FFS!!! Yiz are a right pair Jacks & Mollers. Think we should get yiz yer own show... stand up comedy routine... :H

    Satz... imho Mr S's attitude feckin SUCKS. He's bossy is he? Well heyall girl... get YOUR bossy head on. When you go home say to him summat like "I've been mulling this "funeral/hospital" matter over today and I have come to the opinion that you appear to place more importance on a deceased distant relative than you do on your very much alive and kicking wife. Being as I am the one married to you (woe is me), and not only is he just a distant relative he happens to be DEAD and you can not help him in any way, shape or form by going to his funeral, you should assist the one that's still on this earth. That would be the upstanding and decent thing for you to do, let alone the fact that I'm your bleedin wife FFS! I have to go to the hospital on Thursday and YOU should be taking me and bringing me home as I can not drive. If you DON'T take me then you better be prepared to get someone else to help you if and when you need it."

    Feckin cheek of him ignoring your colonoscopy. Just you wait till he needs to get a camera up his bum. If he doesn't take you then he can chuffing well get a taxi himself. (

    Recluse;1530124 wrote:
    No..I'm indoors reading a book about how to keep oneself occupied during retirement. It's 4 years since I left my job and I've never really thought about what I'm gonna do with the rest of my life. Might partly explain how/why my drinking got out of control.
    Can you afford not to work Reccy? Even if you can, I reckon you should get a part-time job. The worst thing an addict can have is too much time on their hands... it's a recipe for disaster... no two ways about it.

    Gawd, I'm sounding well bossy today ain't I? ;o)


      Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

      It's a pesky day Chez Zenners today. Paying bills, doing banking, insurance shite, need to renew my passport, 1-800 calls, still battling with laptop/VOIP set-up... GAH! I don't think I can take much more... loosing the will to live! I'm going to get me yard clobber on and go trim some shrubs, this crapola will have to wait...


        Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

        satz123;1530140 wrote: Good advice Reccie .... just wish I KNEW if anything was coming down the line - redundancy - wise !
        I used to be able to tell when redundancies were in the pipeline by observing how busy my colleagues were. If folks were spending a lot of time hanging around the water cooler chatting idly, I knew it was time to start looking busy if I wanted to hold on to my job.

        satz123;1530140 wrote:
        Not too late though for you to pick up on something NOW though ?
        Have you a dastardly plan taking form :ey:
        It's not exactly a dastardly plan, but I've been thinking for a while about getting a border collie. I really need some company cos I'm quite lonely and it might do me good to have to take a dog out for walks every day. I got a book about border collies from Amazon in the post this morning, so gonna have a read of that and then think on it some more. If any of the army dog owners (or non-dog owners for that matter) have any views on the idea, I'd be very pleased to hear them.


          Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

          Recluse;1530149 wrote:
          It's not exactly a dastardly plan, but I've been thinking for a while about getting a border collie. I really need some company cos I'm quite lonely and it might do me good to have to take a dog out for walks every day. I got a book about border collies from Amazon in the post this morning, so gonna have a read of that and then think on it some more. If any of the army dog owners (or non-dog owners for that matter) have any views on the idea, I'd be very pleased to hear them.
          I think that's a stellar move. ) Remember I was thinking about getting a standard poodle? 'Twas for much the same reasons as you...

          I'm going to have to do more to keep myself occupied. I have stuff I want to do around the house and with money being tight I'll be doing the work myself. After that I'm going to pick up more work with yer wan indoors. He's a real estate attorney and I used to do legal secretarial so it's a shoe-in. I'll still be able to work from home and I'll feel better working for myself instead of lining someone else's pockets. That's the plan anyway, and it feels good to be planning ahead tbh...


            Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

            p.s. The one thing I will NOT be looking to do is feckin trading! :H:H:H I reckon I was the world's worst day trader! :H

            Is there any chance of you getting back into that Reccy? I don't know what the market is like at the moment, haven't followed it at all... but they keep going on about the economy picking up so maybe the market is too?


              Army Thread Tuesday 9th July


              RunningCourage;1530143 wrote: My folks retired 7 years ago now and haven't stopped working since :H Really, i mean they've slowed down and don't have to get up each day to do a 9 - 5, but they still need to work out which day off in the week they can have together cos they're both out doing stuff (voluntary work, chairing bodies/groups; representing orgs and, in my dad's case, doing what he used to do part-time to cover someone who's taken early retirement due to illness). They are lucky though (though dad needs to watch - he gets immersed in projects/jobs and is slowing down... and folks could take him for granted).
              Sounds as if your parents have got the retirement thing sorted arsey. Much better to be heavily occupied than sitting around watching telly all day.

              RunningCourage;1530143 wrote: When i finally do retire i would like to ride a harley-davidson around north america for starters... ooohhh.... already i'm writing that bucket list
              Far too many people wait until they retire before doing the things they really want to do (myself included). Is there no way you could do something like that while you're still young? Between jobs, perhaps?

              Zenstyle;1530144 wrote:
              Ahh FFS!!! Yiz are a right pair Jacks & Mollers. Think we should get yiz yer own show... stand up comedy routine... :H
              I agree!

              Zenstyle;1530144 wrote:
              Can you afford not to work Reccy? Even if you can, I reckon you should get a part-time job. The worst thing an addict can have is too much time on their hands... it's a recipe for disaster... no two ways about it.
              Re being able to afford not to work...I don't know zenny...only time will tell. If I was to go back to drinking heavily again. I might run out of money at some stage and then be forced to go back to work. I do agree with you about the dangers of an addict having too much time on their hands though.


                Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

                More xposts!

                Zenstyle;1530152 wrote: I think that's a stellar move. ) Remember I was thinking about getting a standard poodle? 'Twas for much the same reasons as you...

                I'm going to have to do more to keep myself occupied. I have stuff I want to do around the house and with money being tight I'll be doing the work myself. After that I'm going to pick up more work with yer wan indoors. He's a real estate attorney and I used to do legal secretarial so it's a shoe-in. I'll still be able to work from home and I'll feel better working for myself instead of lining someone else's pockets. That's the plan anyway, and it feels good to be planning ahead tbh...
                Yep..I do indeed remember you thinking about getting a poodle.

                You seem to be doing a pretty good job of keeping yourself occupied already actually! It would seem to make sense to do the stuff around the house yourself if you are able to and if you could work from home after that it would be be brilliant! :goodjob:

                Zenstyle;1530154 wrote:
                p.s. The one thing I will NOT be looking to do is feckin trading! :H:H:H I reckon I was the world's worst day trader! :H

                Is there any chance of you getting back into that Reccy? I don't know what the market is like at the moment, haven't followed it at all... but they keep going on about the economy picking up so maybe the market is too?
                I still follow the markets on a day to day basis zenny, but I'm not particularly active in them at the moment cos they're so heavily manipulated by policymakers. I'm waiting for the political interference to die down before becoming more involved again.

                Got to go out now. Laters.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

                  FFS now I'm expected to go see the body in the home place tonight .
                  I really don't mind giving support - but Jazus - that will be an all-night session sitting around talking shite!:upset:


                    Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

                    Recluse;1530162 wrote:
                    I still follow the markets on a day to day basis zenny, but I'm not particularly active in them at the moment cos they're so heavily manipulated by policymakers. I'm waiting for the political interference to die down before becoming more involved again.

                    Got to go out now. Laters.
                    It would be good if you could start doing that again... (Not sure if political interference will EVER die down tho...) (

                    Catch you later! X

                    satz123;1530163 wrote:
                    FFS now I'm expected to go see the body in the home place tonight .
                    I really don't mind giving support - but Jazus - that will be an all-night session sitting around talking shite!:upset:
                    Yer not getting out of this one are you?! Maybe you can just pop in, pay your respects, make an excuse, and skiddaddle...

                    Well, I am officially sick of paperwork. I'm orf to chop up some bushes and warsh some winders... Evidently naebody roon here to talk to anyways...


                      Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

                      Satz... kick him in the bollocks. And then in the kidneys when he's down...

                      Reccie: border collies are fantastic dogs, as long as they get enough exercise. Else they'll drive you nuts. Couldn't ask for cleverer or more loyal dogs, though.

                      :hallo: rest of Army. Just back from work and stuck the kettle on. Would love some of JC's curry. Don't f ancy spending time in the kit hen tonight.
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

                        mollyka;1530168 wrote: Howdo Zens??? I'm home - in my shorts - in the garden and finally HAPPY OUT!
                        My family very theatrically put their sunglasses on when I go outside in shorts
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

                          tiptronic_ct;1530170 wrote: My family very theatrically put their sunglasses on when I go outside in shorts


                            Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

                            :wavin: Mollers

                            You're a paragon of etiquette
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

                              X-post D'Arsey :waving:
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread Tuesday 9th July

                                can i retire now please?

