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Not worth it!

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    Not worth it!

    Hi everyone
    Haven't posted in a VERY long time but i come on here every day and read.
    Been trying to stop drinking for years and currently am on day 53 AF
    I managed 5 mths a couple of years ago and am definately aiming to carry on until i've beaten that record and stay AF forever.
    Never want to go back to the insanity and blackouts that were my everyday life for a very very long time.
    Anyway i just wanted to share with u all that in the last week i have discovered that 2 old female friends from my past are currently dying from liver disease
    Both were heavy drinkers but functional.
    One is in the hospital as we speak and is gravely ill awaiting a liver transplant . She is 45 with 2 children and a husband. The other is in a wheelchair with end stage liver disease and has just turned 41. She also has 2 children and a husband.
    I have lost countless friends and acquaintances to alcohol over my 41 yrs on this planet. It is tragic! Lets never give up! Only the alcohol please!
    It is so NOT worth it xxx

    Not worth it!


    First of all, kudos on the 53 days. Keep it up.

    Secondly, your post is so vitally important. This disease is truly deadly and we often push those thoughts aside. Telling ourselves we are not that far along, we are not that bad, etc.

    I know a 24 year old girl who lost patches of hair, threw up blood and cr@pped blood and was still not convinced she had to quit drinking.

    In AA they say there are only three options for us if we continue drinking.
    [list type=decimal][*]Death[*]InsanityJail[/list type=decimal]
    For those of us who are truly alcoholics, those three options are very real.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Not worth it!

      We should not loose sight of the deadly consequences of AL abuse so good that you have posted. Sad but it reminds us that so called functioning Mums and relatively young women can die from this. I have known many successful kind women who have been slaves to AL and postponed the fact that it is killing them


        Not worth it!

        Hi Vegan: Your post IS very vital to all of us and 53 days is HUGE! :goodjob:

        I went ot school at Lancaster University and we could all put pints away day after day after day...

        I just lost my wonderful cousin to this awful addiction. She was 54. We are all devastated. I've talked a lot about it on some other threads.

        Stay close, :l
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Not worth it!

          It's so true. Nobody knows how their body is gonna react to the poison. It really is russian roulette. My sister also lost her 30 year old friend to liver failure in January. My step dad also lost his brother and sister to liver failure. They were in their 50's. These people held down jobs, had their own homes and cars etc. They just drank too much on an evening. Seeing someone turn yellow and throw up blood all because they loved their wine etc is shocking.
          U may aswell sit back swig rat poison and see what happens.
          I am embracing day 54 AF!
          Stay strong xxx


            Not worth it!

            People don't realise what long term, even moderate drinking does to your body and your health.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              Not worth it!

              Very thought provoking read! We do so much damage to ourselves without caring about consequences until its too late.


                Not worth it!


                Thank you for coming back and posting about your experience and that of the people you've known who came to a bad end because of the vile poison. We have to have constant reminders of just how dangerous this seemingly acceptable toxin is!

                We are on the exact same number of days - I'm day 54 today, so I'm going to think of you as my quit buddy and follow this thread.

                UN :lilheart:


                  Not worth it!

                  So we're both on day 55 today unwasted. How fab are we??!! How are u feeling?. I can never believe how awesome sober sleep is. I crash for 9 fabulous hours a night at the min. Compared to 6 hours broken drunk sleep with a pounding head and chronic anxiety it is bliss. My poison was vodka. Gallons and gallons of vodka. I totally lost my mind on the stuff. I did some horrendous things. Blacked out every time too. I actually haven't touched vodka for a year but went onto rum instead. Not wise. I've been eating really healthily since i quit the poison and have happily lost 16 lbs up to now. I piled weight on drinking rum. Hope everyone is ok today. Gonna take my dog for a hike in this beautiful sunshine xxx


                    Not worth it!


                    I'm feeling really good, thanks. Sleeping well, anxiety gone, renewed interest in life! I've had a couple of false starts at this, but feeling that this time is different. I think I finally understand the one drink dilemma and that I can't stop there. It took me a long time to believe that.

                    Sounds like you're doing great and I'm happy for you! And what a nice added bonus for you that you've lost weight (assume that's a good thing?). Everything about not drinking is better for me. What strikes me the most, aside from the anxiety being gone, is how clear my thinking has become. I don't have that confusion and inability to make a decision and stick with it that plagued me when I was drinking. What a relief!

                    Best to you,

                    UN :l


                      Not worth it!

                      so sad, and preventable! alcohol is more toxic to women than men (oh lucky us), and it seems that many women keep it hidden and go on drinking while raising their families, as a means of coping with the daily stresses (I know that's what I did, anyway), and to relieve the boredom (mostly this for me!)...we kill ourselves slowly not realizing that we don't have to sorry, but I am glad you have stopped and are on the path out.

                      all the best!


                        Not worth it!

                        We're on day 60 today Unwasted!!!
                        How are u doing? I'm ok. Having a few cravings but i think they last forever. Just like smoking which i stopped 20 mths ago. U just have to live with them i suppose.
                        It's my daughters 23rd b'day coming up and she wants me to have a drink with her.
                        I told her i can't face the 5 day hangovers anymore. Cos once i start i know i'll be still up guzzling vodka at 5am. We don't have the off switch do we? Either that or i'll pass out and puke in a blackout. Think we're gonna do a meal and the cinema instead.
                        Anyway hope everyone is doing ok


                          Not worth it!

                          GREAT job Vegan - you are an inspiration !

                          Thanks for posting that information to remind us that it is a POISON ... that can damage our bodies.

                          Sometimes we forget - and focus on the social / family issues only that drinking causes



                            Not worth it!

                            Vegan, yes, day 60 for us! YAY. And, no, we don't have the proper off switch. We have to remember that. Also, we have to remember that we romanticize what alcohol did for us. By the time we got to the problem level, I think it had stopped being fun and that we just sort of had this grim determination to drink that felt pretty awful all in all.

                            Take care and be that model for your daughter! We really impact people around us by showing them life can be lived and enjoyed without drinking.

                            So happy for us. Woohoo!!!


                              Not worth it!

                              Seems to me you have flicked the OFF switch now!! Great job on finding that switch, flicking it, and keeping it off - congrats!!

