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Just Curious...

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    Just Curious...

    Hi B.B. Sorry you didn't feel supported on the boards re the posting.

    There have been several occasions when a member has spoken their mind and if it is controversial it has tended to polarize the members as to who is right and who is wrong on the issue and the situations becomes inflamed beyond the original post due to have last word. (Check to see "Why I am a Thread Killer for a humorous example).

    None of us want any unpleasantness on the site because it contradicts the true meaning of the site and that is why people PM their feelings. Sometimes the least said is the soonest forgotten.
    I have posted impulsively and regretted it later.

    Your postings are valuable to us and I hope you continue to post - whatever your feelings are.

    Enlightened by MWO


      Just Curious...

      Hello All,
      I respect and admire everyone here. I have never been offended by someone's opinion or point of view. I take each little piece of advice that is given and see if it can work for me. I have at times been near to tears with the support and kindness that I have found here.
      I love this place. It would be poorer if anyone were to feel they couldn't contribute.


        Just Curious...

        Hi Bluebell, havent a clue what the issue was. I too can get a bit sensitive on occasion. whatever the THING is try not to take it personally.
        We all come on here searching for support/ help/guidance/comparisons/hints/strategies to try....our reasons are endless and change along with our moods.

        We open ourselves up to each other in the hope we will get support..or to support others.this makes us vunerable to misunderstandings and criticism too

        I have keenly read your posts and at times they have hit the spot!!!

        So dont get fed up....maybe the person who offended you was having a bad day...i can remember clearly how the dark days can feel and expect you can too?

        anyway..i want to thank you for your honesty ,integrity etc, so Rock on..and lets get on with supporting each other along the journey ...

        Regards Cassy

