New to the board. I have/had nearly stopped, but not nearly enough, and it's creeping up again of course. Stopped three years ago for five months, then it crept up though not entirely out of control. Not drinking every night. Most, but not every night. Stopped a few times for two or three weeks, last time was two months ago, but for the last month I'm back to 3 times a week, force myself not to drink two nights running, but I seem to have this ability to down up to 2 bottles of wine, that's 2 x 750cc bottles of white wine, three times a week. Then I am not a pleasant person to be with until I fall asleep. Then I wake up in the morning feeling really terrible, like today, anxious about what my husband is going to say because I know I wasn't too nice to him last night.
I want to stop, but I am lacking the willpower. I know you good people can't make me develop the will power, but I am so darned miserable.