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Army Thread Saturday 13th July

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    Army Thread Saturday 13th July

    :hallo: howzit Zennie

    Do yer own reading back. I'm a lazy fecker tonight.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread Saturday 13th July

      tiptronic_ct;1531896 wrote: :hallo: howzit Zennie

      Do yer own reading back. I'm a lazy fecker tonight.
      Och don't be such a git! I've done me share of synopsises... synopsi... oh bugger it, I'll go and read back...


        Army Thread Saturday 13th July

        And it's a hiya and biya from moi, Zennifer.

        Orff to feed.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Saturday 13th July

          mollyka;1531898 wrote: Howdo Zens!
          Feck I can hardly remember my name today ----- it's sooooooooo hot!!! Not a chance of a synopsis ;-)
          Well lets see - what can I remember
          Benjy went to lunch with her sister and her own sangwiches
          Tipps made sour fig jam and has a mean neighbour
          Jackie can't afford to go to Menorca
          Inchy is sad - poor wee thing.
          Reccie is hot and dusty hoovering his garage
          I'm eating banana bread..... howzzat????
          Thank you Mollers! :l I made it half way through the thread, remembered I had to check Facebook, and got lost in a text over there.

          I'm going to go back to find Inchy's post. What a crock of crap that all is... :upset:


            Army Thread Saturday 13th July

            Yo :waving: - loads of talk about ?... Don't ask me... i got it i spend it... so i don't have it that much.

            Inchers - positive OMMMMMM's are Om'ing their way your way Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

            So... Molls - you eating banana bread - i just made me first banana and walnut load/cake thing... have a lookie:



              Army Thread Saturday 13th July

              That's a fucking big pic :H


                Army Thread Saturday 13th July

                JackieClaire;1531900 wrote: And it's a hiya and biya from moi, Zennifer.

                Orff to feed.
                Enjoy yer grub Jacks! New York Strip steaks from Costco on the menu here tonight but looks like it's going to rain on the parade and might not be able to grill them. Feckin weather! :gramps:

                Wonder how Satz did at her do. Did yiz hear from her? It will either have been really good, or really bad, I reckon! :new:


                  Army Thread Saturday 13th July

                  RunningCourage;1531904 wrote:
                  So... Molls - you eating banana bread - i just made me first banana and walnut load/cake thing... have a lookie:

                  OMG! I'm dead impressed... That looks gawjus!


                    Army Thread Saturday 13th July

                    mollyka;1531908 wrote: :H:H THAT'S the one I made!!! Woz it a Mary Berry recipe? Mine had sultanas as well as the nana's and the walnuts?!
                    Mine was a Jamie recipe - from his British Cook Book (the one he released cos it was like the Jubillee - or am i just a cynic?!!)... No raisins... just walnuts and a recipe for a choc butter to go with it


                      Army Thread Saturday 13th July

                      mollyka;1531909 wrote: You've an AWFUL clean cooker ---- for a bloke ;-)
                      Funny you say that - that was this morning's job - well that and the rest of the kit hennet and washing the floor.... Go me!!


                        Army Thread Saturday 13th July

                        Just done the read-back. Ach that's such a shame about Inchy. ( I think yiz made a good point... and agree I think it would be best away from all that drama at home. Unfortunately, I know what it's like and I couldn't WAIT to bolt at 16...

                        I think the rain's stopping. *siiiiiiiiiiiiigh*

                        Mollers... ya getting another chook?! And Tipps... I bought some South African sea salt yesterday... just so I could tell yer!


                          Army Thread Saturday 13th July

                          RunningCourage;1531911 wrote: Funny you say that - that was this morning's job - well that and the rest of the kit hennet and washing the floor.... Go me!!


                            Army Thread Saturday 13th July

                            Zenstyle;1531914 wrote: :H
                            it's wee!! :H


                              Army Thread Saturday 13th July

                              RunningCourage;1531915 wrote: it's wee!! :H
                              Ach what would you be wanting with a kit hen? A kit henette is way easier to clean n'est pas?! Ye've a nice gas kewker and all! Rare as rocking horse shite over here... Got a glass top 'lectric jobbie but remember the gas fondly... (Well, the kit hen gas. Or maybe the craic. But gas-gas... :no: I'm a lady...) :H


                                Army Thread Saturday 13th July

                                mollyka;1531918 wrote:
                                Not sure what I'm doin yet Zens - she seems dead happy all on her own, she's sort of adopted me - follows me round like a shadow and has a proprietorial air bout coming into the house that she never had with the other one -- it's like she's reclaiming family rights:H Guessing I will get another one tho - if I could get a sexed fertilised egg I would, dunno if it's possible - but Joe doesn't want a cock........ jokes on a postcard please:H
                                I'm ROILLY pleased that Joe doesn't want a cock!!! Fookez moi... that would totally ruin yer morale wouldn't it?! :H

                                A fertilized egg would be well neat... she'd think it was her own and they'd get on just fine...

