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Army Thread Monday 15th July

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    Army Thread Monday 15th July

    Goooooooooood morning, Army

    The cubs go back to school today after their winter break. The both of them are rather grumpy :H

    Have a lekker Monday, everyone! May it be a good week to boot.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Monday 15th July

    Morning Tipps and all to come. Well according to the forecast our heat wave is to continue into early august. Its a lovely morning already the sun is up and it feels warm. Meeting up with a friend this afternoon. Have a good Monday and heres to a good week. :wavin::rays::butterfly:


      Army Thread Monday 15th July

      Morning tips, foxy and all to come

      Beautiful day today. I've been taking advantage of the lower temps of the early morning to get in a walk and do a spot of gardening. Need to try and do one more session in the garage later on and then I might be able to order a freezer to stick in there.

      Have a great week everyone


        Army Thread Monday 15th July

        Good morning Tips, Reccie and Foxy.
        Sorry not had time to read back so hope you are all ok?
        Struggling a bit here probably due to the warm weather and reminders of summer glasses of wine in the garden etc. Also still stressed re having my family around so much reminding me of my inadequate parenting (unsaid but implied)
        Anyway knowledge is power and by the end of next week I will have the house back to myself with just me and Mr A who is still saying just have the one glass:upset:


          Army Thread Monday 15th July

          mollyka;1532413 wrote: Morning Reccie Mrsa Foxy Tips!!
          Sorry you're struggling mrsa - fairly pissed off with my sprogs at the mo. tbh - one is doing the silent treatment (Joey) another making a few at best careless and at worst snide remarks yesterday (Adam) another doing a disappearing act (Si) and thankfully Jilly obliviously happy in Canada :-((( TBH if I was drinking I'd be blaming myself for each and every one of these things - cos I'd THINK I'd done or said something ---- feel a clear conscience - so they can all fuck off ---- RIGHT MRSA?????
          Going out into the garden for an hour to clear my head with my book and cuppa - and sod the lot of them --- great to see you back posting Foxy xxx
          Bloody families a blessing and a curse:H

          Thanks for that Molly I am off for a run in the heat.


            Army Thread Monday 15th July

            anon;1532409 wrote: Good morning Tips, Reccie and Foxy.
            Sorry not had time to read back so hope you are all ok?
            Struggling a bit here probably due to the warm weather and reminders of summer glasses of wine in the garden etc. Also still stressed re having my family around so much reminding me of my inadequate parenting (unsaid but implied)
            Anyway knowledge is power and by the end of next week I will have the house back to myself with just me and Mr A who is still saying just have the one glass
            I could have written those 2 sentences Ms A - that is EXACTLY how it is in my house - especially when DD is there ! I spoke about it on Saturday - but you said it much better:l


              Army Thread Monday 15th July

              mollyka;1532413 wrote: Morning Reccie Mrsa Foxy Tips!!
              Sorry you're struggling mrsa - fairly pissed off with my sprogs at the mo. tbh - one is doing the silent treatment (Joey) another making a few at best careless and at worst snide remarks yesterday (Adam) another doing a disappearing act (Si) and thankfully Jilly obliviously happy in Canada :-((( TBH if I was drinking I'd be blaming myself for each and every one of these things - cos I'd THINK I'd done or said something ---- feel a clear conscience - so they can all fuck off ----
              RIGHT MRSA?????
              Going out into the garden for an hour to clear my head with my book and cuppa - and sod the lot of them --- great to see you back posting Foxy xxx
              And Molls YOU said this much better than I could :goodjob:


                Army Thread Monday 15th July

                Oh manners !
                Mornin', by the way, to all :waving:

                Noseyhole is 'working' from home - YES !!!!


                  Army Thread Monday 15th July

                  Recluse;1532404 wrote: Morning tips, foxy and all to come

                  Beautiful day today. I've been taking advantage of the lower temps of the early morning to get in a walk and do a spot of gardening. Need to try and do one more session in the garage later on and then I might be able to order a freezer to stick in there.

                  Have a great week everyone
                  :hiya: Recstar

                  :dog:get the dog : get the dog: get the dog :get the dog ::dog:



                    Army Thread Monday 15th July

                    mollyka;1532419 wrote: It's just as well we love them really --- could hang the whole lot of them up with a rope otherwise:H Don't run toooooo far - it is AWFUL hot!!!

                    Yes, she did - didn't she!! (well in my case - deffo NOT the bit bout 'have one glass') It's very demoralising really.
                    I was extremely upset by one convo adam and I had yesterday --- we were talking about my room-mate from Aiseiri - she's a truly lovely girl -- and sooo organised - even in her drinking days -- he's met her a few times as well which makes what he said even worse.... I was talking about the banks and telling him how she was turned down recently for a car loan - he just said - 'ah sure she probably owes money all over the place - you know, got pissed and forgot about it' ----- and of course as I turn everything into about MMMMMMEEEEEE - the implication to me was that that's what he thinks about me....... just horrible really -
                    :l:l Ah Molls ! DON'T do that to yourself !
                    He was hopefully JUST just to have a response - talking about your friend ...... the little shit !
                    But I know where you are coming from - and THAT is exactly what I am avoiding. How long that will last I don't know - but I will not give them any more ammunition.
                    Ignore the lot of it .......... did you say you were hurt to him ?


                      Army Thread Monday 15th July

                      mollyka;1532424 wrote: Nah - I just said 'that's not fair' ---- but he sailed on so I think he was oblivious to hurt -- and in fairness to him, he's a soft aul mush underneath the strutting male stuff -- don't think he'd willingly hurt his mammy at all, but christ he has a harsh tongue -- bit like all the K clan tbh --- I'll let it go... but just feeling a bit hard done by at the mo. with them all picking the same time to be awkward:H
                      Did you and your daughter always 'spark' off eachother or is it only in latter years?
                      We don't 'spark' as such - but you get the odd snide remark too. I just pulled her up on it on Saturday and she knew & apologised.
                      She is SO from Mr S side of the family.
                      My family are soooooooooooo laid back we hardly bother stringing a sentence together - but it works !
                      She is always watching & looking for a drama - there is none !
                      Me and the grog was a BIG thing to her .......... and would love nothing else than to debate it and then debate it with her friends over & over.
                      And then any time she over drinks - ah well is it any wonder with all the drinking goes on in my family !!
                      ( Mr S is acting like a 20 something in the sun - off out drinknig at the drop of a hat ) :H Came home from Dublin / Meath match @ 9.30 :egad: )
                      With DD - someone has to be blamed for everything !


                        Army Thread Monday 15th July

                        morning all - quickest pop in from skiverville to say hello :hallo:
                        kids are the funniest of things... think it can be easy for them to hold resentment against their folks all too easily... but i wonder if this happens more so when things haven't been brought to light... thinking of my folks... i am VERY lucky with who i got as parents.... but deep down there is, i believe, an anger at them that they didn't do enough for me at one very particular point when i was growing up... but we've never spoken about it - indeed i don't beleive they even know about it, so as much as i can go to theirs have a lovely time... I am aware of an underlying tension sometimes that largely i create...

                        Sorry that was about me there... and i am very much aware that a) whizzy, your situation is very different... and as is yours Satz, and yours too Molls.... and b) importantly, i am also aware that I am kidless. .... BUT i do think it is about getting as much out in the open as possible.

                        Of course, you can't MAKE anyone understand your point of view/feelings from your place. If folks are not willing to be as empathic as possible, to see and understand things from another's point of view, that is their problem.... and unfortunately one the rest of us have to be lumped with. We can hold some peace with ourselves of course when we know we have been as empathic and as open minded as possible to where people are in our lives in relation to ourselves.

                        make sense?

                        Fucking hell. You'd think i was doing Today's Thought for the Day or summat :H:H:H


                          Army Thread Monday 15th July

                          Good morning Tippperooo, Foxyloxy (bewdiful avatart by the way) Reccybear,Our Whizzy, Satzuma, Mollymoo.

                          First have to say a big thanks to Molls, Reccy and a lass I used to work with called Joan.
                          Had the weirdest fecking dream where they skived off work for 3 days and did all my house work. The real crappy stuff like cleaning the oven (Reccy) the carpets (Molls) and the windows (Joan).
                          Gawd I'd be a therapist's star client after that dream.

                          Ohh Molls I'd have launched into a long lecture about addicts with diagrams. Then burst into tears.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Monday 15th July

                            A question

                            Just wondering - when you got sober - did you begin to 'spot' alkos ?
                            or am I over-reacting ?
                            Just I think some I've seen have very dodgy relationships with the grog (brother) and I wonder am I just admitting it now - was throwing a blind eye to it when I was in the same 'pit' ?


                              Army Thread Monday 15th July

                              Morning Sir D'arsey

                              satz123;1532428 wrote: Just wondering - when you got sober - did you begin to 'spot' alkos ?
                              or am I over-reacting ?
                              Just I think some I've seen have very dodgy relationships with the grog (brother) and I wonder am I just admitting it now - was throwing a blind eye to it when I was in the same 'pit' ?
                              I was better at it when I was actively drinking. One of the biggest clues is someone who looks at the ABV on a bottle of wine and laughs loud and long at an 8%.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

