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    Hello to all. In responce to Analyze my dream by our beloved Smiley Bear.And encouragement from other menbers of MWO you know who you are, Specail thanks to Lorna. WE are starting a new threard. Analyze Your dreams. All are welcome we are all teachers and stundents what you may say or share may help another with out knowing. Lets how Fun share dreams and intrupt both. Thanks I've got a smile on my face , it beeen a long time thank you all Tom Could go under Holistic Heaking- Laught out- Just Strarting Out. I ts our thread Lets have fun with and heal in the process:heart: again as always Tom


    stiil need to inprove my typeing working on it Tom



      Tom Dear, can't type at all!! love the idea of this. Dreams do mean something I'm still figuring out a lot of mine, Like why was I Beoncye? And why every time I have a make out dream it's with my ex-husbannd or Prince Andrew?!!!
      Thank You my friend



        Mary! I've had those dreams in the last two weeks as well..except with ex's.. why? I dont want them me on that one. I am more hoping for dreams of Jason Issacs though..



          I would just like one night with Eric Bana for a change!!I hear your frustration GG



            OK, I love dreams..I've studied them for a while and have journals full of them. Here are 3 steps to analyzing your dreams..bascially derived from Carl Jung's interpretations of the meaning of dreams:

            Step 1: Recording your dreams
            This is the first and foremost step towards dream interpretation. The step requires you write the symbols/keywords/instances that you have seen in your dreams, immediately after you get up. This is because these thoughts tend to vaporize once the rational mind begins to kick in.

            Step 2: Analyzing your dreams
            This step requires the interpreter to be bit creative. The readings that you have taken down are broken in to several small parts, which are then given a definite meaning by associating them to your personal life. These smaller bits are more focused and render great help in interpreting the dream as a whole.

            Step 3: Interpreting Your Dreams
            The small tit-bits that you have got from the previous step are generally sufficient to give your dream a meaning, when brought up together. However, a deeper concentration on your inner self can aid in understanding that unconsciously received message from your subconscious.

            My ex-husband was a regular 'icon' in my dream. Remember, almost always, everyone in your dream is some aspect of yourself, not necessarily the person whose image you see. If you are a woman and there is a man in your dream, he will represent your inner masculine side (called animus)..other women will represent your 'shadow'..the unrecognized, undeveloped or even unaccepted parts of that should give you some context to hold while deciphering the symbols in your dreams. Also, I do believe dreams are always working for your highest is your deeper self becoming conscious..sort of.

            Thanks TomNolds for starting this thread. It should be fun.



              oh, I wanted to say that my ex-husband often represented my own critical and judgemental one dream, he was actually berating, almost to the point of abuse, my younger daughter, who often appears as my innocence...the dream was extremely powerful to me because I was able to see how I can be unmercifully hard on myself and the impact that has on me...since then, my ex's character has evolved into a much friendlier I feel pretty good that 'I got it'...:0)



                Di, I always thought my ex husband was there because he had a slamin' body 54" chest 32"
                waist and bodybuilder. Plus a State trooper. That he was some sort of security.



                  Hi Mar!
                  Could be, but if it were my dream, I would look at how I felt about him in the dream, what he was doing..was he being helpful, or deceitful...was he behaving or misbehaving? Here is a good link to a site that explains the masculine and femine natures...maybe it can give you a clue about your own masculine side...which is important for growth...thing balancing the energies...maybe even think yin/yang if the word masculine throws you off. what can he be representing in you? do you have a slammin' body..or maybe you need to appreciate your body?



                    simeybear;117844 wrote: Di, I always thought my ex husband was there because he had a slamin' body 54" chest 32"
                    waist and bodybuilder. Plus a State trooper. That he was some sort of security.
                    Shit girl...he may be your ex, but you're not mad at his body. Woo hoo. :H Don't blame you for those dreams.



                      GG &Di, When I do dream about him it is always sexual, usually trying to have a baby. we never had children together. Di as for the level of connection you may be right He was very vain. I am very vain. I worry about how I look constantly. So maybe that is the connection. GG if you want to borrow him he has blond hair blue eyes and the straightest whitest teeth ever and is 6'2 Name Jess. Yeah, he even has a masculine name. Not Jessie, Jess. Di I am looking further into this male /female connection
                      Thanks Guys and Thank you Tom for starting this



                        We DO have a lot in common because nobody is any vainer than I am! LOL
                        Here is the's not exactly how I would write it, but I think it has some good stuff...

                        Understanding the Masculine and Feminine Side.



                          I have a cosmetic surgeon who would disagree with you.



                            I am very very vain as well...thanks for the visuals!!! but alas, I likes my man to be dark haired.. I like the Italian looking men, like my husband.



                              I totally went against type this go around. I have been married 3 times
                              1st Dark and Handsome but short
                              2 You've read Huba Huba
                              3rd Burly Irish type with a huge heart
                              4th I'm game!1 Just kidding
                              Italians are handsome ... I bet your daughter is precious

