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What a waste

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    What a waste

    Hi guys

    Cut down a bit this week, but now i've finnished work for four days i've gone and bought a bucket full of beer for tonight. (and i do mean a bucket full)

    What an idiot, just when i thought i was making a little progress.

    Anyway without you guys i wouldn't have cut down in the first place.

    My hearts in broken pieces and my heads a mess.

    What a waste

    it's a new can be a zig zaggedy road sometimes so don't be too hard on yourself. Try to pace yourself with the well and drink water in between. I'm actually where you are, not doing as well as I'd like, but I've done extremely well, and trust that I will again.


      What a waste

      It's all part of the process. We do great, fall, do great and on and on. Then at some point we get good at it and it becomes a lifestyle where we don't overdo the drinking. Just keep at it and you will get there, I did!
      Feel better
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        What a waste

        Hi brightfield,
        Beaches said it for me.
        You'll get there.


          What a waste

          Hiyah! How big is this bucket? I'm Canadian..the bucket to me; fits about a 2-4! We all have set backs; I've been finding that the setbacks are getting smaller and smaller everytime..even if it is only a glass, or one bottle of beer. That is one less than normal, and that is a good thing. Hang in there!


            What a waste

            At least you didn't drink 2 buckets. Bettcha you could have in the old days HuH? Your making strides. Start anew tomorrow


              What a waste

              Hi, I have done exactly what you did and I know how it feels. I feel for ya!! I think we should set a mini goal for ourselves again and try to reach it. I will do it with you if you want. Let me know?? How about 2 weeks af???



                What a waste

                Thanks for the support everyone, the bucket is twelve cans, GG,

                But at least its not two buckets simey, well said.

                Sammys, the thought of two weeks is just far too ambitious for me at this time, but i appriciate the thought.

                Dilayne, hope you get on track again.

                Beeches, wise words, thanks

                Pops, do i owe you some fine money?

                Thanks everyone, this place really helps.


                  What a waste

                  Bright you can make progress~no one says you have to drink the whole bucket. If the determination is there you can find a way to not do it or limit yourself. And yeah-a bucket? A bucket is something I wash my floor or car with! We're behind you!
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    What a waste

                    Oh-had my reply open as I was making dinner & then submitted after. So that's a bucket. Geesh-a bucket makes it seem like something HUGE-like a keg.
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

