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Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

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    Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

    Just curious how much everyone drinks when they slip...I typically won't go over a bottle of wine, but have be known to drink a big bottle...any more than that and I feel like death the next day. How much is your limit?

    Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

    D, 3-4 6 oz. glasses. I normally allow myself 2- 6 oz per night done into 2 oz spitzers with 4 oz of diet sprite to streach it. I find any more than this give me a headache. I used to drink 3 bottles a day or a 5th of vodka. Oh the old "daze" (yes I measure everything)


      Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

      owch Dilayne...the memories hurt!
      when I was doing what I thought was good moderating (ha!) I'd have up to 3 large glasses of vino. when I'd slip bad due to depression or stress-attach I'd do two bottles plus several beers plus a couple + shots of whatever I could guzzle without putting too many suspicious bottles in the trash...crazy! makes me ill thinking about it. wher'es my mountain bike???....eeeeeeeeeek!!! gotta go.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

        Can't wait till i find my mountain bike


          Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

          sorry dilayne, got side tracked with mountain bikes.

          makes me wonder when you guys talk about a bottle here and there?

          i'm talking 12 pints here and there, and even cutting down is like seven or eight, probabaly more like nine.

          not much help, sorry
          good luck.


            Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

            6-8 12oz. Beers Not good feel real crappy next day.



              Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

              Hi Guys if im honest, A slip is at least two bottles of wine, .... that used to be OK but not now xx


                Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

                hi guys,
                take a look at what betts wearing tonight!

                anybody falling in love?


                  Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

                  If I slip...........I drink about the same amount as I did when I was out on the street. There's no grey area with's either black or white..IAD
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

                    Let's see if I'm not constantly watching myself and amounts a "slip" comes on very quickly for me. I just drink until I wobble then know it's time to lay my butt down. The amount doesn't really matter as long as I get "that feeling".
                    I hate the next morning....such a motivator to work hard at not slipping.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

                      If im gonna slip it will be 10 pints


                        Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

                        Afternoon to all,
                        If I slip it will be a glass or two of wine--The first night
                        The second night it will be a bottle of 9% champagne
                        The third night it will be nothing
                        After that it will oscillate between a bottle of 9%champagne or nothing at all.
                        I usually don't feel as though I have had enough unless it is a bottle.

                        THAT is why I don't want to slip - yikes - also why I can't moderate - it just takes me too darn long to get back on the pony - WHY?? does anyone else have that issue? I don't seem able to pick it up and put it down - If I pick it up I want to run the full length of the field with it.


                          Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

                          To be honest I have not "slipped" yet. I started on this sight around the begining of Lent and gave up my favorite Vodka. I have done well and have only had a few glasses of wine each night. Not bad, huh. I have not come even close to being "drunk" or even "tipsy". Lent ends this weekend and I'm scared to death. I'm not really sure that all the Topa, Kudzu and L-Glut that I am taking can save me from myself. But I'll let you know.
                          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                            Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

                   this is back in the day for me. Its been now 10 months since I have drank anything. And I didnt really have any slips so to speak. I just drank a lot. Often and a lot. Once I got serious about stoppin I just did it. Not to make it sound easy cuz it wasnt. I wanted to quit for a long time but didnt. But once I came here and got started on Topamax, I just stopped. So my slips as you call them....which were 4-5 nights a week was at least a 6 pk of beer. Coors light usually or Michalob ultra light. But I was gettin to usually drink 7 or 8 beers a night. And on a bad night.....I could have drank 9 or 10. (uuhgg) I really dont like thinkin about how bad I got. Glad that was 10 months ago and I will never get there again.
                            Gabby :flower:


                              Just curious, how much do you drink when you slip?

                              I started to try to cut down or quit in June. I could stop for 10 days maybe 13 and then talk myself into drinking - just some. Just like you Rivergirl...first night one or maybe two glasses of wine. Then I would have a few more. I tried this in New Orleans. The third night (or slip) I was up to 1 martini, 3 glasses of wine, 2 hurricanes, something called a Category 5 (straight tequila I think) and then 2 beers.
                              And no, I did not feel very good the next day.

                              Thanks for the reminder of why I'm having diet pepsi tonight.

                              159 days AF ...5 months

