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Army Thread Wednesday 24th July

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    Army Thread Wednesday 24th July

    RunningCourage;1536169 wrote: Yes it is good to do things - but in our own ways...
    And yes it did confirm something I've been thinking for a year or two now - there must be more to life than this - getting up - dealing with Noseyhole and coming home. The grog used blocked it out - now it's back ......
    It's boredom - for want of a better word - so I need now to get my arse up and do SOMETHING WORTHWHILE ......give somthing back.
    Not a clue what .... will wait for inspiration...
    I'm not great at expressing it ... but you get the gist ?


      Army Thread Wednesday 24th July

      Night D'arsey
      Off meself too seeing as no-one about :hiya:


        Army Thread Wednesday 24th July

        Evening all, hope everybody is fit, well and happy.

        Here's something to make you smile, I managed to fall asleep in a meeting at work yesterday ops!: It wouldn't have been so bad if I'd been drinking :H
        AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


          Army Thread Wednesday 24th July

          Zenstyle;1536466 wrote: He really does need glasses. Totally missed what I posted to him on yesterday's thread... :goodjob:
          No...I did see your post zenny! I actually began a reply to it and then deleted cos I didn't like what I'd written. Should still have acknowledged your post though, so my apologies for that.

          Zenstyle;1536079 wrote: I?m putting both parts of your post together? and will admit that I?ve not been feeling as ?connected? to everyone here as usual. I put my game face on and posted as per? but I just wasn?t ?feeling? it like I used to. I was wondering if the disconnect was because I wasn?t posting as much as before rehab but now, reading what you said, I realize that?s not it. It?s because I clammed up and only posted about trivial day-to-day stuff instead of what?s really going on in my noggin. (Apart from when I got upset in Scotland, which I felt embarrassed for afterwards? and it?s ridiculous to feel embarrassed when everyone else is so open on the thread.)
          There's absolutely nothing wrong with only posting about trivial stuff zenny. We all get to choose what we want to post about and sometimes we choose to post about what's going on in our heads and other times we don't. But whatever we post about, we (usually!) get replies and a lot of the time the replies contain good advice or are helpful in some other way. All of which is a rather clumsy way of saying that the more of ourselves we put into the thread, the more we get out of it. But then you know that already, so why am I saying it?!!

          Zenstyle;1536079 wrote:
          I think you?re right in that being communicative attracts people into your sphere of existence (as long as one?s not OVERLY communicative in which case they?ll scatter (as per Frank on Shameless!)). And, yep, if one has nobody to be communicative with I think one could become a bit rusty. But it?s like riding a bike and once there are people whose personalities are attractive to someone and they wish to communicate with them? game on.
          That makes sense, but you do have to learn to ride the bike first.

          Zenstyle;1536079 wrote:
          On a more personal note? I know that you don?t feel as if communication comes naturally to you and you?re scared of putting your foot in it. But, really, you do a lot better than you think you do? in fact very well imho. Maybe you?ve had a bad episode of foot in mouth syndrome in the past but haven?t we all? Shite, I stick my foot in it all the time. Perhaps you should just give yourself more credit on that score and, to be honest, I think you?ve grown and developed these skills, you know? X
          I didn't really want to post this, which is why I ended up deleting the other day. The only social interaction I had as a child was with my family and there was very little of that cos I was left on my own most of the time, so never got into the habit of communicating. I was unable to talk to my peers cos I couldn't understand them. What passed for "conversation" at home was relentlessly negative, aggressive, confontational and critical. Nobody ever had anything kind or nice or positive to say about anyone or anything. For some reason no-one was able to open their mouths without shouting (and no, my deafness had nothing to do with that!). So that was what I learned and that was how I communicated on the rare occasion when I did speak as a young adult. I've spent 30 years or so trying to unlearn those bad habits and then trying to learn good ones in their place, but old habits die hard unfortunately, and I have to think carefully before saying something.

