I have been doing some more thinking on the relapse issue. Since I started drinking again, I make one or two attempts a year to quit. It seems like every time I fall at the two or three month mark.
I think it is because by that point the fog has fully lifted and I don't know what to do with myself. I realize I still have a crappy job and a crappy marriage and I end up going right down the chute again. I just cannot seem to get un-stuck.
The coming out of the fog stage is probably where real, un-drunk emotions really start to climb to the surface. These are feelings that need to be dealt with and not drowned out with alcohol. I am 43 years old and apparently still don't know how to handle these feelings-hence the constant struggle.
I also need to wrap my head around the fact that I cannot change other people and how they act towards me. Yes (Lord Yes!) my drinking has caused problems in my relationships. I understand the damage I have caused. But I also realize there are some issues/relationships that are not going to be fixed just because I do not drink. That is a tough one for me.
Take care.