Dear GMS,
Thank you for your story -- I can completely understand the desire to moderate and the inability to do so. My off switch is broken. I have been seriously trying to stop drinking since mid March. Reached 30+ days in early May and then the moderation voice kicked in. Each time I came back to MWO with a goal of complete abstinence, but work, family reunions, holidays were a constant temptation (I travel at least 2 weeks per month for work). Finally, when I knew I would be on a 2 week holiday where alcohol would be present every day, I started taking Antabuse. It helped me enormously as it basically removed the option for drinking from the table. (Strange, I won't drink if I am on Antabuse, because I don't want to be violently sick, but I will drink, knowing the stuff is poison for me. Wierd, i know).
I am not one to offer AB as the silver bullet. For me, it provides a little extra muscle or resolve as I work to develop my "No, thank you, I don't drink" mentality. If you think AB might be an option for you, check it out with your physician.
Can hear your commitment from your writings. Wishing you strength to stay on your AF journey.