45 minutes ago my bosses told me my post at work was being made redundant.
Happy Monday.
They gave me a letter to explain the restructure... There's gonna be a new post - a managerial one. Which I have first dibs for.
But you know when you have a GUT feeling that just says they don't want you there any more? Or at least one of them. That it's your time? That's how I feel. Raw and a wee but nauseous. So... that'll be me out of a post in a few weeks perhaps. No job. No girl.
Better head home to mama and papa
And cry a fucking pity party.
I've cycled home - they were kind enough to say go away and digest it. Everyone else at work will know at the end of play today. That'll make it tomorrow fun.
Anyway I thinks about it. As you'd expect. And what hurts is that it feels like not so much that I haven't been valued, but that I am not valuable or valuable enough. Disposable. Not good enough. Didn't rise to the occasion.
And perhaps that is right. Perhaps I didn't. Perhaps I just did what I could and got by. But then at 3.5 years in that post and on that pay, after a while I was getting tired. I know I was and I was looking for pastures new. Just not like this.
Of course that the new post is managerial and a wage that is 25-30% more than my current one... and I'm like well what the fuck was that all about... those years in there, when finally a post does come up... And i KNOW they aint gonna give it to me. They HAVE someone in mind.... just like with all the other new posts with all the other re-structures over the past 2 years.... I KNOW. Sometimes i just trust my gut.
And even if i didn't want it / decided not to go for the new post.... there's still something that tastes rotten.
I can be objective and see it from the directors points of view... but the fact that with one of them i have, again in my gut, an uneasy feeling about, despite her being the loveliest person for so many to work for and be friends with etc etc... ever get the feeling someone just smiles at you because that's their job. But at night in the bar with other colleagues the truth comes out - sees me as weak, thin-skinned, not on top of it, not robust, etc etc...and maybe they are right...
I suffer from mild paranoia sometimes, perhaps.
And at 34, i feel, bejeesus, i'm heading towards middle age faster than a rate of naughts and i'm soon to be out of a job and what kind of job do i have to do to feel value, to sense meaning, to find my fucking element? What is it? (Rhetorical questions folks).
Pride has been punched and it aint even got to lunchtime on a Monday.
Ah fuck it all.