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Army Thread Monday 29th July

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    Army Thread Monday 29th July

    JackieClaire;1537905 wrote: That's deux moan du jours. Lewk I speaky francaise.
    Regarde! Le Roast Boeuf parle le Francais! :H

    That used to get me so mad when they called me roast beef... lol


      Army Thread Monday 29th July

      I'll be back in a few. Going to start the ball rolling on dying my locks... the skunk look just ain't cutting it...


        Army Thread Monday 29th July

        Zenstyle;1537907 wrote: Regarde! Le Roast Boeuf parle le Francais! :H

        That used to get me so mad when they called me roast beef... lol
        You've actually reminded me there to boil some taters as we have some left over Le Roast Boeuf for dinner. Merci buckets.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Monday 29th July

          Zenstyle;1537901 wrote: Whizzy... how are you doing? Do you have your house back to yourself?
          Oh yes.:goodjob: Was so depressed but feel ok now. Bloody families hey-- hard whatever direction they come from.
          House to myself is lovely


            Army Thread Monday 29th July

            xposts +++++


              Army Thread Monday 29th July

              JackieClaire;1537911 wrote: You've actually reminded me there to boil some taters as we have some left over Le Roast Boeuf for dinner. Merci buckets.
              I'm having a bit of boeuf ce soir as well... New York Strips on Le Barbeekyoo... oo la la...

              anon;1537912 wrote:
              Oh yes.:goodjob: Was so depressed but feel ok now. Bloody families hey-- hard whatever direction they come from.
              House to myself is lovely
              I'm glad peace has returned "Chez Whizzy"... :l Perhaps you should look at downsizing so they can't all fit in. You could be, like, "sorry... no room..." :huh:


                Army Thread Monday 29th July

                There's room in the tent with me and Reccy, Mrs A.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Monday 29th July

                  JackieClaire;1537926 wrote: There's room in the tent with me and Reccy, Mrs A.
                  Budge over ya tent hog...


                    Army Thread Monday 29th July

                    Zenstyle;1537875 wrote: Ah jingos Arsey? I?m so sorry to hear about your job. ( That truly sucks. But you?ve got to rise above it my friend? you can?t let this get the better of you. You?ll need to get your Scottish dander up and walk tall and proud when you go in there tomorrow. Don?t let ANYONE see that it?s got to you. The attitude is one of ?unbelievable how the system can fuck with you?? not one of ?I?m a fuck up?. If you think about it logically, you know you?ve done a good job and this is unwarranted. You said that they?ve been creating new ?managerial? posts and eliminating old ones since you?ve been there? it?s a shite way for them to behave quite frankly. I?m a realist though, and here?s what I reckon. Apply for the managerial post but immediately start looking for another position. Go to the staffing agencies, tell them you?re pissed off with the politics at your place? let them know you?re ?first in line? for the new position but that you don?t want it. Get in there now and strike while the iron is hot. You never know? you may be the person the Director wants for the new position but don?t rely on it. And, hell, maybe you don?t even want it, right? In any event, don?t let this get on top of you? you get on top of IT. OK? It will be fine and you will be fine? just don?t take any crap. Remember? walk tall and proud as if you?re the one in charge. Attitude can be a powerful thing and I know for a fact that you have it in you to strut your stuff? and now is the time for you to pool your resources and get that game of yours ON. Like Reccy said, not many people are indispensible in this day and age? it?s not like the old days when people actually held value as employees? it?s a cut-throat world. But you?re young (believe me, 34 is FECKIN young) and you can do this. Patrice said she ?hit the deck running? and that is what you?ve got to do now. Don?t slow down and don?t look over your shoulder? this is the marathon you?ve been training for? :l
                    Thanks for the bump Zennyrooney. :l

                    I will get running... I just need to know what I am running towards first. Meanwhile, here's a photo of me down by the river side... :H

