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Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

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    Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

    Done the reading back, then went for wander round the boards.

    Isn't it funny how you view people, would never have put you down as a hoarder, Mrs A. Just as well you're not married to Sir Pee. You'd end up on one of those TV progs being dug out by the council.

    Saw you there, Questy. A big yooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo to ya.

    What time to want us there, Satz. I'll bring cake.

    Deepest sympathies on the auld smear, Piddlepants. If I've just had a mammygrab mine must be just around the corner.:upset:

    I have to have me foot x-rayed tomorrow. It could just be soft tissue injury and I've got to keep my foot up but I could have a wee fracture between my toe (the one that went to market) and my little toe (the one that went weeeeeeee weeeeeee all the way home). If so after said x-ray it'll just be strapped up for a while.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

      Just found out what Satz gets up to at the office.[/video]]Penguin being tickled - YouTube
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

        JackieClaire;1538243 wrote: Just found out what Satz gets up to at the office.[/video]]Penguin being tickled - YouTube
        Awwwhhhhhhhh........................... :h

        Arvo folksies!

        Been running around like a blue arsed one all day... just got in and now I have to start dinner. Making an organic beef & turkey meatloaf. I've made a bit of a life decision... I'm going to start buying pretty much all organic fruit, veg, eggs and grass fed meat. I've been pondering over it for a month and after talking to some people the last few days I've decided this is it. It's going to be a pain in the arse as I'll have to travel further to shops and probably once a week to a farm for fruit & veg... and it'll be more expensive also... but I'm going to give it a crack and see how I feel in 6 months time. If I feel more energetic and healthier then I'll stick with it. The GMO nonsense over here is out of control and I really don't feel like getting a major disease from their genetically botched-up shite and pesticides. :upset: Would be just my luck... get away with the boozing only to be tripped up by feckin veggies and Frankenwheat.

        I took all the mangoes off my tree yesterday because of those bloody racoons. Now I'm looking for people to give them to! LOL That tree is more hassle than it's worth...


          Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

          Just back from a fab hill session with my new running club. What a way to spend previous drinking time:goodjob:

          Sorry if this sounds self satisfied and boasting but after the last few weeks I am so pleased to come through sober


            Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

            Hello Army BTW!


              Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

              mollyka;1538265 wrote: Nothing boastful Mrsa --- I shared something similar at AA tonight --- I feel so much stronger having been through the week from hell and just so pleased that alcohol never once entered my head..... well done you!!!!!
              Icing on the cake Molly. Thank you:thanks:

              How are things at home?


                Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

                Ah a bit of life at last :yay:


                  Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

                  JackieClaire;1538234 wrote: :hallo:

                  Orff to read back.
                  :hiya: JC , Molls & Ms A


                    Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

                    JackieClaire;1538241 wrote:

                    I have to have me foot x-rayed tomorrow. It could just be soft tissue injury and I've got to keep my foot up but I could have a wee fracture between my toe (the one that went to market) and my little toe (the one that went weeeeeeee weeeeeee all the way home). If so after said x-ray it'll just be strapped up for a while.
                    Told yer JC - bet it broken - just sayin' ( so speaks the voice of doooooooooom )
                    happened to DD . She walked around for 3 weeks with it - ended up in a boot yoke - very fetching !

                    Yours faithfully
                    Army Doc


                      Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

                      Broken bones heal well once diagnosed! JC you will be fine

                      Hiya Satz going to turn up on my family later this week and eat them out of house and home:H

                      Need my bed now got 17 miles to run tomorrow:new:


                        Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

                        Think it's :bedtime:
                        Nighters Molls & anyone lurking


                          Army Thread Tuesday 30th July

                          anon;1538277 wrote: Broken bones heal well once diagnosed! JC you will be fine

                          Hiya Satz going to turn up on my family later this week and eat them out of house and home:H

                          Need my bed now got 17 miles to run tomorrow:new:
                          Night Ms A

