Done the reading back, then went for wander round the boards.
Isn't it funny how you view people, would never have put you down as a hoarder, Mrs A. Just as well you're not married to Sir Pee. You'd end up on one of those TV progs being dug out by the council.
Saw you there, Questy. A big yooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo to ya.
What time to want us there, Satz. I'll bring cake.
Deepest sympathies on the auld smear, Piddlepants. If I've just had a mammygrab mine must be just around the corner.:upset:
I have to have me foot x-rayed tomorrow. It could just be soft tissue injury and I've got to keep my foot up but I could have a wee fracture between my toe (the one that went to market) and my little toe (the one that went weeeeeeee weeeeeee all the way home). If so after said x-ray it'll just be strapped up for a while.