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Underoos and Friends, August '13
Underoos and Friends, August '13
Miss Behaving;1539849 wrote:
Glassy, I do love your sense of humor :H
:hThere's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues
I didn't come this far to only come this far.
Underoos and Friends, August '13
Reggies faster than a speeding bullet. He just put a post up about buying that house Happs, and I was just typing a post offering to bring the potato wrapped in devon to the housewarming and his post disappeared.
OK off to do dinner.
To-day my visitors included 4 kookaburras, 2 rosellas, 4 galahs, a bowerbird, numerous cockatoos and eastern spinebills.
Underoos and Friends, August '13
aspman;1539859 wrote: my wife was selling onesys at sexpo, had a dude with his 'woman' all trussed up inc muzzle and collar. he was asking about doggie onesie...scarey
tee pee looks cool,
It was good to meet your Missus. Me and Bridge had a ball up there.
Work weekend over. Noice.
Now nature's butter really is.............yer Avocado. Very noice.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends, August '13
Hi all
Happs, I've seen that vid. Seems we watch the same ones..Bridge, gonna try that sunflower fort next spring and the teepee as well.....Rags, we don't have any of those birds the feeder this morn, bluejays, cardinalsm brown-headed cowbirds, titmice and squirrels..had a nest of wrens in the shed, they finally flew yest, was hell keeping Pouncer away when they start hopping out, and she did catch one but didnt kill it..
Underoos and Friends, August '13
Guitarista;1539877 wrote: Hey Aspy,
It was good to meet your Missus. Me and Bridge had a ball up there.
Work weekend over. Noice.
Now nature's butter really is.............yer Avocado. Very noice.itll be our secret
AF since 10/26/2009
It will be five years sober 10/26/2014
Underoos and Friends, August '13
myhappyplace;1539860 wrote: Wasn't that one that she-who-doesn't-love-Lurpak was talking about? :H
Have a fantastic Monday and a simply stupendous week my lovely Undies. :hThere's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues
I didn't come this far to only come this far.
Underoos and Friends, August '13
aspman;1540054 wrote: wow, that explains a bit too G man. she sold ya his and hers extra size but plug set to ya also she recalls. dont worrieitll be our secret
Hope alll's well there Aspy.
Morning She who dunnae like yer lurpak and y'all. What the bloody hell is that stuff? Where's the duck fat? But it's also only a small step away really from pulling yer Castrol GTX motor oil, to it ending up in the pan frying some roo, non? That'd work wouldn't it?
Enjoying a couple of threads currently. Light entertainment on the Evolution thread (thanks Nefer) and some great posts on Reggie's thread. thanks Reg for sharing your thoughts and starting the conversation. Hope you're getting some inspiration from the great insights over there. Heaps of folk would be, as am i.
Well Undies. Any thoughts/reflections on the following are very welcome.
I've just written out all of what's been held inside me and pissing me orf around my work situation these past months. I'm feeling harassed and misunderstood (no, me manflu's gone), but the harassment is subtle, and i think it's more down to incompetence by my management than intentional (mostly), however, either way, i feel bloody great now i've written out my feelings. I haven't been sure how to word it as i've been pretty angry underneath for many months which is no good. Now, i feel i've reached a more reflective, relaxed position in me head, so have put my thoughts down on certain events in what i hope is a constructive feedback sort of way, also expressing how this action/that action/inaction caused me to feel. I have resisted giving my opinion on their action/inactions, work ethic/practice etc. I will just present the facts, and my response to events. I will also add that i love and embrace our organisations values, love and appreciate my team, and look forward to a more collaborative relationship with my leadership, built on mutual respect and trust, which i genuinely do want to see. These issues go back to july-august last year.
Anyway, pardon my waffle. Move on now. There's nothing to see here.
Have a corker!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends, August '13
Rainbow Mountains In China's Danxia Landform Geological Park Are Very, Very Real (PHOTOS)
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends, August '13
Lovely photos G Bloke...I like the Flickr one...
And good to hear your feeling better about the work situation...I have no doubt that with your calm, measured approach things will improve. Go the mutual respect & trust!!!
On that note I'm back to the stoodio...a waistcoat is waiting to be finished.Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.
Underoos and Friends, August '13
[QUOTE=bird;1539921]Hi all
Happs, I've seen that vid. Seems we watch the same ones.. QUOTE]
Maybe coz our kids are around the same age?
Waffle is great Mr G. Writing down your thoughts and laying it out so you can make sense of it is good too, it gives you the luxury of having a planned strategy to move that crap on...and its funny how time gets away and you realise you've been "in it" for over a year.
Woke up this morning after having a crushing dream about drinkingit was so real, the feeling of disappointment and how did that happen thoughts. Also thinking how the hell am I going to tell the Undies and I'll have to change my signature. I don't know when that started to mean so much to me. It took a bit to get around that it wasn't true. Anyway, I then did something I don't normally do and chucked a bit of a sickie and went to yoga. Running away? yes. Necessary? yes too.
Underoos and Friends, August '13
Hi Honey/s I'm Home!!!
Well, I'm at the command desk. A week at the cabin in the woods now but a memory. I saw one shooting star. I said happy birthday to he horse across the way and they came and had cake after dinner and we did some prancercising in the yard under the stars. (Just made that bit up. About the cake and prancercising, not saying hb.)
Missed you all. Good to see life carried on.
So Mr G is almost shacked up.....interesting!
Oh Missy - how stressful for you. Eat all the ice-cream you feel like!
First day back and I've only just had a moment to realise I need to powder my nose....crazy times here.
My daughter fell down her stairs last night a dislocated her shoulder. Mad dash to hospital in am.bu.lance. I met her there. Her shoulder popped back in as they tried to move her from said am.bu.lance. Still had to wait for hours to been seen. XRays and ultrasounds for her today. V.Tired today. What's with shoulder injuries in my world.....must be wery wery careful......
Go well Cori.
Anyway and anyhow, just wanted to let you know I'm back. Was peeking at yas all the while.
FH's parents are coming AGAIN this Thursday for TWO FREAKIN' WEEKS!!!!! I've told them I have to go help Tawny instal our automatic fence setter, but I've left snacks......
Big long sigh...............It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
Mother Theresa
Underoos and Friends, August '13
Speaking of shoulder injuries, I've just returned from seeing doctor then xrays and ultrasound. Have a torn supraspinatus which accounts for the nasty pain I've been experiencing the last 18 years. Wish I'd insisted then to have ultrasound done back then. Puts a bit of a spanner in the works for me. Having a cortisone injection Wednesday, then going back to doctor on Thursday to see if anything can be done.
Mr G, those mountains a re pretty speccy.
I'm glad you have worked through some of your work problems and have found such great resolutions to present to management.