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Underoos and Friends, August '13

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    Underoos and Friends, August '13

    Hot bones there Rags, HOT i tell's ya.

    Hope it all comes good mate.

    Hope y'all having a noice one. Waffle alert, so 'alf o yis go n 'ave a cuppa.

    I sent an email to me managers cc'ing our deputy ceo, asking them to stop the harrassment. I used the word 'feel' mostly. i.e. this is how this action made me feel. I finished with we say no to bullying and harrassment at...........(insert organisation/company). I was measured, stated how i feel in a direct relaxed manner i thought. This will shake 'em up. Wonder how they'll respond? will be interesting weeks ahead. I only mentioned 2 recent documented issues, and i have more going back this time last year, so there are a few issues of harrassment and subtle bullying. I'm so happy to have this out in the open and off my chest. There is nothing sackable in my email because it is just how I feel, not attacking/disrespecting anyone. And they cannot question that. I have a great union and union organiser standing with me too, so if it gets ugly or silly, we can always go to fair work australia for a hearing into unfair dismissal. The other option is if i get the faintest wiff of harrassment again, i will go to worksafe and they can have a convo. It won't be a good look for my managers, especially since we are in the middle of a merger with 2 other orgs. The power in all of this for me, is that i actually don't care if my job is at risk. I will just become a public advocate against bullying and harrassment in the workplace. Anyhow, i suspect bullying and harassment has been part of a couple of managers work practice, so if i can contribute to a stronger anti bullying presence/culture in my workplace, i will. In fact, i might put it to my manager that i wish to become B&H officer for my team. hehe.

    Hope your project kicks ass Frog.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Underoos and Friends, August '13

      Thanks ragsy but you look nothing like a dog or cat so im lost. nice glenoid though. lovely smoth humeral head so no arthritis present atm. I meant smooth not smoth. I'll go back and study you clavicle shortly.
      Unfortunately, I've blown day 19, bugger.
      So back to square 1 soon.
      My counselling this arvo.....well,it's so fucking RAW. So stupidly drawing on emotions. And friend dropped around with champagne,bugger it. But,trying to self praise here, i did go 18 days,which is good.....bought 3 stacking small tables, costing $120, so guilt was strong. There is such a long way to go, a hard road to hoe,but in the meantime....(guess song and artist,I'll send ya some truffle salt).
      Good work g bloke, on your approach to your workplace situation. By using the town"i feel" lingo, it holds up so well,as no one can dispute feelings.

      Question time for those innerested ....
      A)return to farm this weekend, to collect mares,more clothing,important papers, but prolly facing husband, albeit with a friend present
      B) wait until next week,when he is away at a sheep show, and I'll do a quick trip, not seeing him.
      Don't want to face him, but i know I'll have to. Do i lance the boil now, and risk more mental damage, or wit for a clean get away?


        Underoos and Friends, August '13

        Guitarista;1540942 wrote:
        Hope y'all having a noice one. Waffle alert, so 'alf o yis go n 'ave a cuppa.

        I sent an email to me managers cc'ing our deputy ceo, asking them to stop the harrassment. I used the word 'feel' mostly. i.e. this is how this action made me feel. I finished with we say no to bullying and harrassment at...........(insert organisation/company). I was measured, stated how i feel in a direct relaxed manner i thought. This will shake 'em up. Wonder how they'll respond? will be interesting weeks ahead. I only mentioned 2 recent documented issues, and i have more going back this time last year, so there are a few issues of harrassment and subtle bullying. I'm so happy to have this out in the open and off my chest. There is nothing sackable in my email because it is just how I feel, not attacking/disrespecting anyone. And they cannot question that. I have a great union and union organiser standing with me too, so if it gets ugly or silly, we can always go to fair work australia for a hearing into unfair dismissal. The other option is if i get the faintest wiff of harrassment again, i will go to worksafe and they can have a convo. It won't be a good look for my managers, especially since we are in the middle of a merger with 2 other orgs. The power in all of this for me, is that i actually don't care if my job is at risk. I will just become a public advocate against bullying and harrassment in the workplace. Anyhow, i suspect bullying and harassment has been part of a couple of managers work practice, so if i can contribute to a stronger anti bullying presence/culture in my workplace, i will. In fact, i might put it to my manager that i wish to become B&H officer for my team. hehe.
        Hi Mr G
        I?m sure your email was very professional, and It?s really good that you were calm and relaxed , but if this goes any further, do you mind if I give you some advice? If you do, please don?t read on.

        So....It?s usually good practice to make ?I? statements if you?re dealing with an issue of interpersonal conflict, but if you?re making allegations of bullying, it?s better to make sure the focus is on the bully and his/her actions, rather than you and your perceptions. Otherwise you run the risk of looking like the problem is your sensitivity, rather than the actions of the bully.

        I?m happy to help if you ever want to send me a de-identified copy of whatever you want to send.

        Good luck!
        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


          Underoos and Friends, August '13

          Ragsy,the tear drop shapes in your vertebrae are the corital structures of your vertebrae - white densities are bone & th denser the bone, the whiter the xray image, as im sure you know. So each vert shows a central cortical core. I love xrays.

          In ref to me earlier query,please understand that over the past yrs, my abilit to know what is best for me has beenerrode quite severely.So what seems like a frivolous question is a genuine asking for advice.
          SOrry if it seems trivial.

          MY counselling today was one-to-one drug & alcohol base, but Paul seems to think i will not benefit from group stuff now as I'm a bit fragile. Its very AA based, so not sure how i would go.
          sory tawny my lack of capitals must be driving you bugshit. i just find the tablet auto sugest quite hard to negotiate, and correct .

          Thanks bird,bridge,tawny for your praise. This is a new thing i am try g to accept in its essence.....simple praise.
          Without complications or conditions.


            Underoos and Friends, August '13

            One thing i have to have a man speak to me so gently, is almost in itself, confronting.
            And foreign.


              Underoos and Friends, August '13

              Rags;1540920 wrote:
              Hope everything goes well with your move. Any move can be a bit traumatic.
              Are you able to start looking for work while you're still at the current job?

              Take care.
              Therein lies the rub, as they say. If I move and take the relocation package then I owe them 3 years or they make me pay all or some of it back. I really don't want to buy a house in the new location. So I have some decisions to make.

              It's not just strange women you meet online - men aren't all that sane either. I was chatting with a guy I met online recently. He was all into me then poof - disappeared. He sent me, um, pictures. Of himself. Down there. :new:
              Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                Morning chookies! Busy on special ops in the 3D world, so back for a real check in soon.

                Corri, everyone deserves to be spoken to with civility. Raise your expectations for what you deserve. And don't tackle anything head on until your stronger. Time to re group matey. My advice, make of it what you will.

                People to see, things to do...hugs to all...


                  Underoos and Friends, August '13

                  coriander;1540949 wrote:
                  Question time for those innerested ....
                  A)return to farm this weekend, to collect mares,more clothing,important papers, but prolly facing husband, albeit with a friend present
                  B) wait until next week,when he is away at a sheep show, and I'll do a quick trip, not seeing him.
                  Don't want to face him, but i know I'll have to. Do i lance the boil now, and risk more mental damage, or wit for a clean get away?
                  G'day Cozza. Top job on 18 days orf the turps! That is a huge accomplishment mate. Back on the horse, pun intended! (such wit from the young fella from the south). This is a curly one. If i was still feeling very fragile, i would take option B. The face to face can happen when YOU are ready, and maybe in a supported environment. As long as he knows your reasons why you have left, or at least has some sort of explanation (via a letter? email?). It's your call of course Cozz. Best wishes with it all.

                  Glass Half Empty;1540954 wrote:

                  So....It?s usually good practice to make ?I? statements if you?re dealing with an issue of interpersonal conflict, but if you?re making allegations of bullying, it?s better to make sure the focus is on the bully and his/her actions, rather than you and your perceptions. Otherwise you run the risk of looking like the problem is your sensitivity, rather than the actions of the bully.

                  I?m happy to help if you ever want to send me a de-identified copy of whatever you want to send.

                  Good luck!
                  You're a bloody beeewdy Glassy. I might just do that. I take on board your advice. Thanks heaps, and i appreciate your support on this.

                  coriander;1540958 wrote:

                  MY counselling today was one-to-one drug & alcohol base, but Paul seems to think i will not benefit from group stuff now as I'm a bit fragile. Its very AA based, so not sure how i would go.
                  AA based sounds like you mean a '12 step program'. Nothing wrong with this approach Cozza. It's a strong one. Take what you need from it, and leave the rest. You don't have to buy into or run from the God stuff. Your God can be your favourite horse, or mother nature, the eternal energy of our Universe is my higher power. No wonder i'm high half the time!...give it a go.

                  Siren136;1540965 wrote:

                  It's not just strange women you meet online - men aren't all that sane either. I was chatting with a guy I met online recently. He was all into me then poof - disappeared. He sent me, um, pictures. Of himself. Down there. :new:
                  Look Siren. Everyone knows i send these sorts of pics ALL the time. It's all in the way you present yourself. I did a photo shoot at Tawny's once. I was draped over the ride on mower with a little grass sprinkled over meself. The gals online loved it. Some blokes just have no idea.

                  Orf to work today. I await my leadership groups response.

                  Take care y'all. Have a pearler!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Underoos and Friends, August '13

                    Cozza. Option D might be get someone else to pack up your stuff/horses? and send it?

                    L8tr. Yo!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Underoos and Friends, August '13

                      coriander;1540949 wrote: Thanks ragsy but you look nothing like a dog or cat so im lost. nice glenoid though. lovely smoth humeral head so no arthritis present atm. I meant smooth not smoth. I'll go back and study you clavicle shortly.
                      Unfortunately, I've blown day 19, bugger.
                      So back to square 1 soon.
                      My counselling this arvo.....well,it's so fucking RAW. So stupidly drawing on emotions. And friend dropped around with champagne,bugger it. But,trying to self praise here, i did go 18 days,which is good.....bought 3 stacking small tables, costing $120, so guilt was strong. There is such a long way to go, a hard road to hoe,but in the meantime....(guess song and artist,I'll send ya some truffle salt).
                      Good work g bloke, on your approach to your workplace situation. By using the town"i feel" lingo, it holds up so well,as no one can dispute feelings.

                      Question time for those innerested ....
                      A)return to farm this weekend, to collect mares,more clothing,important papers, but prolly facing husband, albeit with a friend present
                      B) wait until next week,when he is away at a sheep show, and I'll do a quick trip, not seeing him.
                      Don't want to face him, but i know I'll have to. Do i lance the boil now, and risk more mental damage, or wit for a clean get away?
                      I think 18 days is fantastic under the circumstances. A lot of people can't even manage that when everything is going smoothly. Be kind to yourself.

                      Only you know whether you're able to face your hubby at present. If he's going to be angry and aggressive, or try and guilt trip you it's probably better not to face him at the moment, even with a friend present. But if you feel you have to go to make sure your horses are OK, and to get the other stuff you need then make sure you don't engage in any personal conversation and try to get your friend to keep him talking while you get your stuff. Good luck - and remember - when you're going through hell, just keep going! :h
                      There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                      You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                      I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                        Underoos and Friends, August '13

                        Guitarista;1541111 wrote:

                        Look Siren. Everyone knows i send these sorts of pics ALL the time. It's all in the way you present yourself. I did a photo shoot at Tawny's once. I was draped over the ride on mower with a little grass sprinkled over meself. The gals online loved it. Some blokes just have no idea.
                        That sound very tasteful G. Were you looking coyly over your shoulder?

                        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                          Underoos and Friends, August '13

                          Morning Gentle Undies, I guess the Queensland polly who sent unsavoury snaps of his dangly bits marinating in a glass of red didn't think things through properly ... Hell hath no fury like a disgruntled ex-mistress.

                          Cori - I know I'd go for Option B at this stage.

                          Kick some goal today, lovelies.

                          I got message from my Proctologist yesterday telling me they've found my head.

                          Into it. ***vroom***


                            Underoos and Friends, August '13

                            Morning all.
                            So nice to log on and read the fun banter.....
                            Thanks for the advice. Option b does feel better, although i am wanting my mares outta there quick smart. I could get a friend to go and grab them, but i hate to put people out.
                            I'll ring my friends.

                            Hopefully today stops raining,its been wet for the3 days and I'm over it! Wanting to get some washing dry, everything is so damp.

                            Wishing all a good day.


                              Underoos and Friends, August '13

                              Are you worried about your mares' welfare Corri?

                              Mr G I reckon you've taken just the right approach by persisting with this, otherwise it might be dismissed as belly-aching and passed over.

                              Sorry to hear about your clav there Raggs. It's dangerous being an Undie sometimes.

                              As with Happs and the Frog I am extremely impordant International Woman of Mystery at the moment. Will have a big read back when I can

                              Anyhoo better go lube up and get my rubber onesey on ready for Woollies.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                                Guitarista;1540942 wrote: Hot bones there Rags, HOT i tell's ya.

                                Hope it all comes good mate.

                                I sent an email to me managers cc'ing our deputy ceo, asking them to stop the harrassment.

                                Hottest bones in the Undies drawer!
                                Mr G. probably telling you how to suck eggs, but are you keeping a record of interviews,emails, etc . dates and times?

                                coriander;1540949 wrote: Thanks ragsy but you look nothing like a dog or cat so im lost. nice glenoid though. lovely smoth humeral head so no arthritis present atm. I meant smooth not smoth. I'll go back and study you clavicle shortly.
                                Unfortunately, I've blown day 19, bugger.

                                Question time for those innerested ....
                                A)return to farm this weekend, to collect mares,more clothing,important papers, but prolly facing husband, albeit with a friend present
                                B) wait until next week,when he is away at a sheep show, and I'll do a quick trip, not seeing him.
                                Don't want to face him, but i know I'll have to. Do i lance the boil now, and risk more mental damage, or wit for a clean get away?
                                Hello Corrie,
                                Thanks for the thumbs up on the glenoid. I like smoth. Sounds exotic
                                Gee, that's a hard call Corrie.
                                I'm leaning towards get the meeting over and done with, but have someone supportive with you. Try not to have it confrontational if possible. Work out in advance what you want to say and maybe rehearse responses like "no, lets not get into that, this is strictly about XXX. Keep him on track to what you want to say.
                                I don't know all the background so it really is hard to advise.

                                coriander;1540958 wrote: Ragsy,the tear drop shapes in your vertebrae are the corital structures of your vertebrae - white densities are bone & th denser the bone, the whiter the xray image, as im sure you know. So each vert shows a central cortical core. I love xrays.

                                SOrry if it seems trivial.

                                MY counselling today was one-to-one drug & alcohol base, but Paul seems to think i will not benefit from group stuff now as I'm a bit fragile.

                                Thanks bird,bridge,tawny for your praise. This is a new thing i am try g to accept in its essence.....simple praise.
                                Without complications or conditions.

                                Thanks Corrie, I knew you'd know.

                                No, it certainly is not trivial. You are going through not just one, but several very high stress situations all at once.
                                Paul is probably right.
                                Give yourself some TLC darling.
                                Give yourself time to chill.
                                And do not berate yourself for having some bubbles.
                                Hell, 18 days is bloody fantastic given the stress you're under at the moment.
                                Sending calming thoughts your way. :l

                                myhappyplace;1541109 wrote:
                                Corri, everyone deserves to be spoken to with civility. Raise your expectations for what you deserve. And don't tackle anything head on until your stronger. Time to re group matey. My advice, make of it what you will.

                                What Happs said too.

                                byebyebridgetjones;1541204 wrote:

                                Sorry to hear about your clav there Raggs. It's dangerous being an Undie sometimes.


                                Act 11 Scene 1

                                It's not so much the clavvy; rather it is a complete oblique tear of the supraspinatus.... which if I was a horse it would probably be the equivalent of Sweeney shoulder and I would be glue by now.

                                Act 11 Scene 2

                                So I was back at the doctor this morning, got referrals to two different shoulder surgeons.
                                Doc said bad news is, yes they can sew it back together, but it often tears apart again. I asked if it can be super glued back together.
                                Nup. The surgeons fingers would probably get stuck to my Mikado like clavicle.

                                Act 11 Scene 3

                                My BIL who is a physio at a local hospital has given me the name of a shoulder physio.
                                Have a swag of voltaren and nurofen which I'll start scoffing tonight, so I'm
                                hoping I won't be subconsciously thinking "this is gonna hurt"...
                                rather thinking " this will be effortless and pain free so I will shoot well".

                                Act 11 Scene 4

                                Treated myself to a haircut and a neck and shoulder massage this arvo.

