Hot bones there Rags, HOT i tell's ya.
Hope it all comes good mate.
Hope y'all having a noice one. Waffle alert, so 'alf o yis go n 'ave a cuppa.
I sent an email to me managers cc'ing our deputy ceo, asking them to stop the harrassment. I used the word 'feel' mostly. i.e. this is how this action made me feel. I finished with we say no to bullying and harrassment at...........(insert organisation/company). I was measured, stated how i feel in a direct relaxed manner i thought. This will shake 'em up. Wonder how they'll respond? will be interesting weeks ahead. I only mentioned 2 recent documented issues, and i have more going back this time last year, so there are a few issues of harrassment and subtle bullying. I'm so happy to have this out in the open and off my chest. There is nothing sackable in my email because it is just how I feel, not attacking/disrespecting anyone. And they cannot question that. I have a great union and union organiser standing with me too, so if it gets ugly or silly, we can always go to fair work australia for a hearing into unfair dismissal. The other option is if i get the faintest wiff of harrassment again, i will go to worksafe and they can have a convo. It won't be a good look for my managers, especially since we are in the middle of a merger with 2 other orgs. The power in all of this for me, is that i actually don't care if my job is at risk. I will just become a public advocate against bullying and harrassment in the workplace. Anyhow, i suspect bullying and harassment has been part of a couple of managers work practice, so if i can contribute to a stronger anti bullying presence/culture in my workplace, i will. In fact, i might put it to my manager that i wish to become B&H officer for my team. hehe.

Hope your project kicks ass Frog.