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Underoos and Friends, August '13

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    Underoos and Friends, August '13

    :H Nicey.
    What if you let them go...they come back...but you've already realised they're an arsehole and changed the locks?

    Well I have gone like the clappers today, and plan on an afternoon of rest and regroup-age.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Underoos and Friends, August '13

      Every play group contains at least one of these mothers who just have to change the plans their own way.
      Control control control.....
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoos and Friends, August '13

        byebyebridgetjones;1546346 wrote: Every play group contains at least one of these mothers who just have to change the plans their own way.
        Control control control.....
        Last playgroup I was allowed into, I made all the kids vomit...who woulda thunk that the sweet angels would suck up the bubble mixture not bloody blow it?? From memory though, mine was the chief vomiter...

        Productive day and then some....


          Underoos and Friends, August '13

          myhappyplace;1546382 wrote: Last playgroup I was allowed into, I made all the kids vomit...who woulda thunk that the sweet angels would suck up the bubble mixture not bloody blow it?? From memory though, mine was the chief vomiter...

          Productive day and then some....
          I had some Darwinian type experiences with mine too.
          How most of them make it to adulthood is beyond me.
          Then I got us kicked out of the church playgroup because my scrapbooking activites started taking on a dark theme.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos and Friends, August '13

            byebyebridgetjones;1546396 wrote:
            Then I got us kicked out of the church playgroup because my scrapbooking activites started taking on a dark theme.
            Were you cutting and pasting pentacles again Bridge? :H

            Got to say that being productive is quite to bedski...night all...I have lamingtons for snacks...don't ask how I got them...well, I'll tell anyway...they were inadvertently stolen in know when you put something on the kid seat so it doesn't get squished? and walk away with it....accidental you understand


              Underoos and Friends, August '13

              I did that with an avocado on the weekend. Then I got home and it had got squashed in my bag :upset:

              I'm going to have one of those laming tons - I had planned a a steamed pork bun for dinner but I burned it. How hopeless is that ?
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                myhappyplace;1546407 wrote: Were you cutting and pasting pentacles again Bridge? :H
                She does love a bit of upside down cross action from time to time.

                I remember partaking in a seance at an old beach house as kids, and i put some cross style earrings on the board and the glass we used as yer communication vessel went the cross hard. It went orf, off i tells ya! We all slept with the light on. Don't mess with the ouija board kids.

                Bridge, my employer has 21 days to respond to my LWOP/reduced heures request, but i'm hoping i get an idea tomorrow. Ragssy, i'll be ok with reduced hours. I actually don't want to work there any more than i have to for a while. More interesting projects on the go, plus i need a break from the joint, but want to keep my hand in whilst i recharge me batteries and re-focus. Reduced hours might be a win win. Hope you're good.

                Noice yoga pic/philosophy earlier Happs.

                Hiya Noicey! Hope DH has pulled his head in, otherwise i'm going 'round!

                xpost. G'day Missy!

                L8tr, Yo!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Underoos and Friends, August '13

                  hi all
                  Ugh, Pouncer needs to lick her butt...well, I lost a grapefruit in my car somewhere...Happs, did they really drink the bubble juice??geez...Rags, I never iron anything except my kids band shirts before a concert..Nicey, closed shower curtains freak me out...Mr. G have fun at the conference..oh Rags, liked that guys funny songs....made a big smoothie this a.m with blueberries, cherries and a banana, oh and a pluot, drank the whole damn thing and now a bit sicky....will wait a bit to go to work...


                    Underoos and Friends, August '13

                    Morning all,

                    What is this thing called an iron? :scratchinhead:

                    This might give yis a laugh.

                    “Pastafarian” wins right to wear strainer on government ID -

                    Have a pearler!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Underoos and Friends, August '13

                      You smile sweetly through the gorgeous glass panels in the front double panel doors you've changed the locks to.

                      Hope you enjoyed your rest after going like the clappers.

                      byebyebridgetjones;1546345 wrote: :H Nicey.
                      What if you let them go...they come back...but you've already realised they're an arsehole and changed the locks?
                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        Underoos and Friends, August '13

                        I don't know Mr G. I don't partake in the ironing either. I'd hope that they sign off your leave sooner than that, one way or the other. I don't think I ever left anyone waiting that long.

                        Life sounds chaotic but fun there Bird,:H

                        I hope you've got something imminently pleasant lined up for yourselves today Undies.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Underoos and Friends, August '13

                          nicelife;1546600 wrote: You smile sweetly through the gorgeous glass panels in the front double panel doors you've changed the locks to.

                          Hope you enjoyed your rest after going like the clappers.
                          There's other things one could do through those glass panels....
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Underoos and Friends, August '13

                            myhappyplace;1546407 wrote: Were you cutting and pasting pentacles again Bridge? :H


                            The vomiting episode made me laugh... you have to wonder how so many of us make it to adulthood.


                              Underoos and Friends, August '13

                              Miss Behaving;1546416 wrote:
                              I'm going to have one of those laming tons - I had planned a a steamed pork bun for dinner but I burned it. How hopeless is that ?
                              I think Bridgey poo may have to start an accident list for you too.

                              1: July 2013: Set fire to rug.
                              2: July 2013: Set fire to rug.
                              3: August 2013: Burn pork bun while steaming it.
                              It wasn't near the dustbin was it.


                                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                                bird;1546432 wrote: hi all

                                Rags, liked that guys funny songs....made a big smoothie this a.m with blueberries, cherries and a banana, oh and a pluot, drank the whole damn thing and now a bit sicky....will wait a bit to go to work...
                                Next time we Skype I'll sing you "Train trip to Guildford" one of Dengate's earlier songs.
                                Will be really testing my memory to remember the words but. And it would help if you knew the different destination lines, but you'll get the drift.

                                He also did a bloody fantastic song "The sheetmetal worker" about the tough conditions at the steel plant at Wollongong near where I live. Strangely, not on youtube. he was like a lot of folk singers of his ilk a voice for social justice .
                                I had his stuff on tapes but never transferred them to newer media.

