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Underoos and Friends, August '13

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    Underoos and Friends, August '13


    I am posting this all most are hori there but am hoping BBBJ and TF read this. Quite sure you will ignore me anyway but feel strongly that you both truly should get checked out.

    Bridge, you know what ignoring HBP can lead to. (ending sentence with a preposition simply to irritate you.) The alternative of taking a med daily is truly much better.

    TF, Lots of stress, I have a mom with dementia, too, so I know plus the whole darned aging thing. I do recall, however, every year mentioning Melatonin to you as winter approaches, perhaps as winter recedes? Not a doctor, btw.

    Lastely, Mom's home allows some residents to keep pets. There are some cats and some lap dogs. The owner and the onsite therapists feel the pets are integral to helping their residents feel better. Just petting an animal can reduce blood pressure in people.

    Off to work on LinkedIn so I can become gainfully employed again as required by finances. I hate social media but it is such a huge part of our world now.

    Bird, I pm'd you back. B'Ham is just a bit too far for a jaunt. If you find yourself further north, let me know. I would be thrilled to meet you face-to-face.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Underoos and Friends, August '13

      Bridge - I went on blood pressure pills about a year ago and it has been a good option for me over a fairly stessful time. My GP has promised to let me off them when I have permanent housing and have lost 10 kgs .

      Rags - hope you and mr rags had a lovely anniversary evening together :l

      Hi Cindi and bird!
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Underoos and Friends, August '13

        I hear ya girls.
        I've been on BP meds for months now after this was first diagnosed. I wasn't allowed to leave the medical centre until I filled the script and my BP came down.
        It controlled everything very well for a long time but suddenly I'm getting another spike which I don't entirely understand. There's been some embuggerance and it's obviously gotten further up my nose than I consciously realised.

        Maybe I just need to smoke the green stuff?:H

        Hope everyone feels much better today if they need to.
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos and Friends, August '13

          byebyebridgetjones;1549939 wrote: I hear ya girls.
          I've been on BP meds for months now after this was first diagnosed. I wasn't allowed to leave the medical centre until I filled the script and my BP came down.
          It controlled everything very well for a long time but suddenly I'm getting another spike which I don't entirely understand. There's been some embuggerance and it's obviously gotten further up my nose than I consciously realised.

          Maybe I just need to smoke the green stuff?:H

          Hope everyone feels much better today if they need to.
          Feel better beautiful. Keep in mind kale is very very difficult to roll. More on my thigh...I mean eye later. Love ya all.
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Underoos and Friends, August '13


            I do find that some CBT helps bring my BP down when it is spiking from external stress.

            I hate that kind of thing. Not a yoga, mindfulness kind of person.

            My counselor taught me a simply one for someone with ADD like me who can't meditate. Just close your eyes and think of your favorite spot to be in in the world. (In my case on a boat in the ocean.)

            Go there, see it, hear it, smell it, feel it.

            Once you have gone through all the senses to "be there," I am typically quite relaxed and no longer ready to throttle my husband, who is mostly the cause of my external stress.

            It only takes a few seconds after a while and really does work.

            It also helps me with the odd "I'd love a drink right now cravings."

            Unfortunately for me, my BP varies from high to ultra low. Doc told me it is my autonomous nervous system aging. I am starting to hear the "aging" word frequently when I speak to doctors. Are we allowed to throttle doctors, too?

            AF April 9, 2016


              Underoos and Friends, August '13

              btw, TF, if you truly are preggers and that is causing all this exhaustion, would you add the little one to your Avatar with mama TF?

              AF April 9, 2016


                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                Morning all and yup, I'm hearing you also. Went to bed thinking the last time I went to the docs was nearly four years ago for my first ever complete check-up. Well, apart from being four years older, a hell of a lot has happened to change my circumstances quite drastically so I will make an appointment today. Thanks for the rocket up the great unbleached.

                Cindi - melatonin didn't do much for me so the pharmacist recommended St. John's Wort instead. The jury is still out on that one ...

                Thanks everybody. Appreciate your input.


                  Underoos and Friends, August '13

                  Cinders;1549957 wrote: btw, TF, if you truly are preggers and that is causing all this exhaustion, would you add the little one to your Avatar with mama TF?
                  :H :H :H

                  Of course!


                    Underoos and Friends, August '13

                    Now, before I post my Happy Friday ditty I have TWO things to do.

                    1. Bridge and Tawny are not permitted to play at little lunch OR big lunch. They MUST stand on the verandah, just outside the Principal's office window. This WILL continue until both have been to see a PROFESSIONAL about the state of their bits and pieces. The reason I posted all those words about suspected ailments was to make a very impordant point. How the fusk would an untrained eye know tonnes about any of that stuff - really? Don't get me wrong, Mrs Google is fabulously gorgeous in every way, but..... GO.TO.A.DOCTOR. Bridge - you're kinda not in so much troubles, but.....

                    2. Answer Mr G's question about what I was wearing last night. Well, as it turns out we went to the Cluv (Club really but my wee grandson says Cluv) for dinner. (I had fish and salad and a choc mousse -or two). So, I got all tarted up, jeans (which give my legs the appearance of being longer, my fake fur vest and a skivvy type top without the skivvy bit. AND my gorgie new shoes!! We're eating our dinner and FH says, "maybe you shouldn't wear that outfit to the Cluv." I say "Oh??? Why's that?? Does it look bad???" He says, "no it looks pretty good, but a lot of blokes are watching you - a lot!" I continued to eat my cluv dinner.

                    More later peeps!
                    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                    Mother Theresa


                      Underoos and Friends, August '13

                      Sorry - xpost. Now, Tawny if you can confirm date, time and name of practitioner you may be excused from detention.
                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        Underoos and Friends, August '13

                        Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Rags!
                        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                        Mother Theresa


                          Underoos and Friends, August '13

                          Morning all! nice to see you all in your places with bright shiny faces...

                          Cindi, I love that meditation. Brilliant. Can I suggest candle gazing meditation too?

                          Happy anniversary Rags and Mr Rags and hope you left us some tiramisu?

                          Nicey, tell FH to stick his jealous thought in one nostril and out the opposite ear...yes...that'll work nicely...

                          Techie :l eye reportage

                          Hi to Missy, Mr G, Birdy, Glassy and everyone...lots of waving...


                            Underoos and Friends, August '13

                            Question without notice follows.

                            How can one not be fabulously delighted and therefore delightful on a day like today?

                            Happy Friday to you all.

                            Howdy Happs!

                            Salute to Mr G. I reckon I could manage a dip in the bay today! Hope you manage to.

                            Final year students got their exam results overnight. We (well, they) did SO well. I'm organising a party for them for this arvo. We only had 3 out of 62 get a resit result. Bloody good - best in my time here. The three who will have to redo were expected. Hair yank boy should be pleased - but I guess he won't be.

                            I hope you all do something today to make your heart and soul feel wonderful.

                            Love yous orl - truly.
                            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                            Mother Theresa


                              Underoos and Friends, August '13

                              I agree with nicey about the health concerns....Nicey, glad you had fun at the cluv.....Glassy, I forgot to say that little boat is very little.....hope your anniv. was fun Rags....well, the band director says we won't be home until sunrise, cuz the ball game is gonna be on ESPN...yay...but I guess they stop the game all the time....Mr. G is your site up yet??....well, I'm goin to Alabama with a drumpad on my is a long long bus ride there, I hope they stop to pee...


                                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                                bird;1550001 wrote: well, I'm goin to Alabama with a drumpad on my is a long long bus ride there, I hope they stop to pee...
                                :H:H have a great time Bird

