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Underoos and Friends, August '13

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    Underoos and Friends, August '13

    Dear Corrie,
    This is Mr Rags here.
    Mrs Rags often bemoans that she can't have a (legal)medical consultation with a vet.

    She thinks they are much smarter than doctors as their patients can't tell them what is wrong, and only get sketchy information from the pet owners.


      Underoos and Friends, August '13

      Morning all you Busy and Impordant Undies,

      Yikes Raggsy - I really hope you can get all that stuff sorted but knowing you, your dogged determination will see you right.

      For the gardeners, here's a nice link:

      Keyhole Gardens

      Have a top day and don't forget to pull a POETS this arvo.


        Underoos and Friends, August '13

        Have I ever mentioned that it completely freaks me out that it's tomorrow where you are?
        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


          Underoos and Friends, August '13

          tawnyfrog;1541423 wrote: Morning all you Busy and Impordant Undies,

          Yikes Raggsy - I really hope you can get all that stuff sorted but knowing you, your dogged determination will see you right.

          For the gardeners, here's a nice link:

          Keyhole Gardens

          Have a top day and don't forget to pull a POETS this arvo.
          That's one of the designs I proposed in my Plan of Management for the retreat centre, particularly as we'll have people there who are a bit infirm or in wheelchairs.
          Was opposed by the volunteers who have just built a conventional veggie garden.


            Underoos and Friends, August '13

            Siren136;1541446 wrote: Have I ever mentioned that it completely freaks me out that it's tomorrow where you are?
            Now that's got me completely baffled...


              Underoos and Friends, August '13

              Morning all **waving to everyone** its bloody cold and windy and we've run out of wood and the dropsaw is rooted so have to get a part - off to Bunnings...

              Nice link Tawny...Eyes on the prize Rags but don't screw your shoulder up for life...hiya Siren yes, you're living in our yesterday...

              Zoom zoom....


                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                Dear Coriander,
                As you enjoy films, here are two more for your amusement.

                Yours sincerely
                Glenoid Smoth.


                  Underoos and Friends, August '13

                  Have a lovely time in the City to Surf.
                  Hope you have good weather.

                  Hello Happs,

                  Thankyou for the thoughts,
                  She'll be apples.

                  Glenoid Smoth.
                  A rather catchy name methinks.

                  Oh dear, I won't have time to do anything poetic.

                  Have to zoom and make Bridgey's cauli soup now as I offered to make dinner for Sat night for the people sharing the holiday cottage with us.
                  Soup (with some Mrs Dash... love that stuff) and crusty bread,
                  and lasagne (again, but different people).
                  But it is lovely, tasty winter soul food.
                  Leaving about 10 am so away in an hour or so.

                  Have a wonderful weekend Undies.
                  May all of you be well and happy.


                    Underoos and Friends, August '13

                    Thanks rags and Mr rags. Vets are very good liars so we baffle and bullshit our way thru most consults, but i have diagnosed plantar fasci itis on a human before!
                    Even if your supraspinatus is torn, rags, I'd never turn you into glue, you deserve paddock retirement!
                    What about strapping it up?
                    Is it cos of the shooting comp that there is a sense of urgency?

                    I actually rang my husband yesty , to reiterate my wish for a separation. He said he didn't (& i quote) " my state of mind" when i told him ing the bunbury apu. What a dick .
                    He did try to put some guilt onto me about just throwing away 20 yrs, but i did just as rags suggested and kept the convo on track.
                    Unfortunately he will be there Saturday, but i will have 2 friends there with me.

                    Ok,AF weekend coming up. Got to stay clean and sharp.
                    Happy POETS day today.


                      Underoos and Friends, August '13

                      Dear Glenoid Smoth,
                      You are beautiful.
                      The close up of your fine cartilaginous surface overlooking the intricate lace in your humeral head, well, sent me into a medullary spin.
                      I am smitten by your osteotic charms.
                      Love, your vet.


                        Underoos and Friends, August '13

                        Morning Underpantses,
                        Corri I see you've made a plan...good for you. Take those friends & get in & out as quickly as possible. Don't let him talk you out of it or try to lay any guilt on you...just another form of abuse really. Give him some time before you have any discussions on what went wrong etc etc. he'll need time to think & who knows? Maybe he'll be honest with himself & come to some correct conclusions & accept some of the responsibility himself. In my humble opinion & pls excuse if I'm over advising, but I know you've been dealing with this for years now :l
                        Tawny - have fun with the project...can you cook in it? Or eat what it produces? Or drink its syrupy goodness?
                        I'm off to see James.
                        Have a good one lovely Undies.
                        Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                          Underoos and Friends, August '13

                          Rags;1541259 wrote: Hottest bones in the Undies drawer!
                          Mr G. probably telling you how to suck eggs, but are you keeping a record of interviews,emails, etc . dates and times?

                          Dear Mrs. Smoth. Yes Mam, sure am. P.S. Do you ever get over to the Plantur fumur forum? :h

                          Glass Half Empty;1541167 wrote: That sound very tasteful G. Were you looking coyly over your shoulder?
                          You got it Glassy. I thought the pic with me and the wine glass partly filled with cranberry juice was very tasteful.

                          byebyebridgetjones;1541204 wrote:

                          Mr G I reckon you've taken just the right approach by persisting with this, otherwise it might be dismissed as belly-aching and passed over.

                          Sorry to hear about your clav there Raggs. It's dangerous being an Undie sometimes.

                          As with Happs and the Frog I am extremely impordant International Woman of Mystery at the moment.

                          Anyhoo better go lube up and get my rubber onesey on ready for Woollies.
                          Thanks Jonesy. Yes, you ARE an impordant International Woman of Mystery!

                          Morning Team Roto rooter.

                          Well i tells ya's. I'm pumped, pumped i say! Launch date of the new site will be Satdee August 31, which is International overdose awareness day. I lost a special friend on this day many years ago, so i thought....mmmm, let's bring launch date forward a touch, and get site up live on this day. Adds a whole lot more meaning and power to the whole thing for me. Noice. What strange timing eh?

                          Missy, are you running the city to surf? You bloody ripper mate! Fluids and stretching and a long recovery walk after the run i find essential.

                          Have a pearler out there. My thoughts are with you Cozza!

                          (Glassy, might pm you on that work matter if you're up for it?)

                          L8tr, Yo!

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Underoos and Friends, August '13

                            Good Morning everyboddeeee and Glenoid Smoth

                            Froglette, that is the best link. Some wonderful ideas on that site. Been thinking about the wattle edging for years. Collected the makings for it at one stage too and then..........

                            Good luck with the treatment Rags. SOunds like a right royal pain in the arse.

                            Well I'm trussed up with sinusitis which may well cause my head to explode before now and POETS. SO if I'm not in tonight you can look for my brains on the freshly painted wall behind the lounge.

                            That is all.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              Underoos and Friends, August '13

                              Yo Jones.

                              Take care of yourself buddy. I'm orf for a run in the wind and rain, then a swim of course. Noice.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                                All this physical activity exhausts me.
                                Thank good ness i just read about all running,swimming,jimming ,etc etc.

                                Thanks betterme for you advice...i am grateful for all i can get.

                                Won't be back on for a bit, as I'll be in the trenches until Sunday arvo.
                                Good idea about your website, g bloke, I'll have to take a peak when i can.
                                I didn't know there was an international overdose day. Might be a bit too much for me to think about.
                                Sorry to learn of your loss, Mr g.

