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Underoos and Friends, August '13

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    Underoos and Friends, August '13

    Hi Ho my loveliest ones....

    Here I am!

    Had the in-laws for a week or so. Now, I gotta tell you all v.secretly that I do believe the 'honeymoon period' with the MIL is ended. She was a completely different person this visit. I hardly went home at all - usually when the lights were out at night. Talk about being uncomfortable in your own home. I worked the first weekend they were 'in-house' so on the Saturday afternoon I thought I'd go home earlier than I had said and see if MIL wanted to go for a long walk with Oscar. I walked up the back garden stairs - got abused about some stinking daisies I wanted to put in around the pool - walked inside and straight out the front door, hopped in my car and came back to work. I didn't even put my bags down. I went home after the lights were out..... Don't know what's happened and quite frankly after I've reflected until I'm sucked dry to the bone, I don't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut!!!! Unbelievable......and really hurtful. The FIL is not long for this world and I think he knows it. Poor old bloke....death warmed over.

    I'm also hosting major exams here at the Command Post so it has been a full on couple of weeks. More exams tomorrow and Wed then I hope to take a few days off to contemplate my navel.

    I kept a quick eye on you all and was pleased to see that the world continues to turn even if I'm not around. Weird innit???

    In the middle of everything my dear old Uncle Jack popped his clogs. Well, he slipped the pin rather popped his clogs on account he had both clog holders chopped off a while back. Funeral was in Orange on Friday so I did a mad dash there and back and took my good old dad for the event. I notice that funerals are viewed by the oldies attending them as we youngens would view a wedding. I avoided the piss up afterwards.

    Well Undies, I gotta let you know I'm contemplating a lot of things at the moment. I don't think I'm very happy at home any more.......which is a shame really. I tried my guts out......

    So, there you go. A little bit of info for you about moi.

    Love you all, and hope life is bringing a smile to your dial every single day!!!!

    MWAH - your girl Nicey.
    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
    Mother Theresa


      Underoos and Friends, August '13

      Oh Puhlease!!! Do you two mind???

      I haven't seen my fulcrum since some time in the mid nineties.

      And I'm having a bad day so I'm going away now to sulk.

      edit: sorry Nicey - not you. Those other two bendy straws that can do contortions.
      There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
      You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

      I didn't come this far to only come this far.


        Underoos and Friends, August '13

        I had Parsva Bakasana on my wrap for lunch today, as my fulcrum is always food

        How is our day coming on Undies?
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos and Friends, August '13

          Nicey, love!!!!

          How incredibly rude of the MIL. Imagine coming into your home and being so vile.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos and Friends, August '13

            My fulcrum was bloody itchy last night - kept me wide awake for hours!!!!

            Hey my Bridgey, my love!!!
            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
            Mother Theresa


              Underoos and Friends, August '13

              Hey Glasssssssy!!!! I do contortions of the mind - v.well indeed......
              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
              Mother Theresa


                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                Nicey, does FH not step in and tell MIL to pull her head in?


                  Underoos and Friends, August '13

                  Ummmmmm......nope - he was right there beside her eggin' 'er on or throwing in his 22cents worth...... I now call them (in my head) the Bully Buddies. Un-fusking-real to be honest! I was totally gobsmacked - like really, like..... It was the FH and Mummy show the whole time. It was such a weird visit I keep punching myself in the face to see if it was real. The old bloke just stared off into space most of the time. I reckon he was trying to remember to breathe.
                  It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                  Mother Theresa


                    Underoos and Friends, August '13

                    Oh - meant to say I'm chuffed you had such a fab time with your musos. Good for the soul me thinks!
                    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                    Mother Theresa


                      Underoos and Friends, August '13

                      nicelife;1545482 wrote: Ummmmmm......nope - he was right there beside her eggin' 'er on or throwing in his 22cents worth...... I now call them (in my head) the Bully Buddies. Un-fusking-real to be honest! I was totally gobsmacked - like really, like..... It was the FH and Mummy show the whole time. It was such a weird visit I keep punching myself in the face to see if it was real. The old bloke just stared off into space most of the time. I reckon he was trying to remember to breathe.
                      'FH' would stand for something completely different by now in my house.
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Underoos and Friends, August '13

                        nicelife;1545482 wrote: Ummmmmm......nope - he was right there beside her eggin' 'er on or throwing in his 22cents worth...... I now call them (in my head) the Bully Buddies. Un-fusking-real to be honest! I was totally gobsmacked - like really, like..... It was the FH and Mummy show the whole time. It was such a weird visit I keep punching myself in the face to see if it was real. The old bloke just stared off into space most of the time. I reckon he was trying to remember to breathe.
                        Gee that's not good Nicey.
                        You're welcome to stay the night at my place whenever you want, not that
                        I'm trying to promote discord with you and FH and MIL.


                          Underoos and Friends, August '13

                          Hmmm .... this isn't sounding too good Nicey and I hope it was just a temporary aberration on his part and he'll see the error of his ways. Otherwise I'm afraid I'd have to put him in the 'Spineless Tool' drawer. A bloke doesn't join forces with his mother to gang up on his woman, surely?

                          Raggsy - how delish was that mascarpone/berry stunner?

                          Glassy - have you eaten today?


                            Underoos and Friends, August '13

                            tawnyfrog;1545507 wrote: A bloke doesn't join forces with his mother to gang up on his woman, surely?
                            Sorry to butt in but nope, any man that does he needs a hard poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

                            Hello lovely Undies, its been a while.
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              Underoos and Friends, August '13

                              Hiya Ktabbers - always wonderful to see you in the drawer. Did you have a lovely summer garden?


                                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                                I'm green with envy at anyone bendy.

                                Nicey I'd be having some pretty strong words with FH - that is a crap position for you to be in :l
                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

