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Underoos and Friends, August '13

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    Underoos and Friends, August '13

    Hi my fav folk!

    You ok today Bridge?

    I dream of a world where apple tree blossoms, and fairy swings are a part of every day life and no-one questions why this is so.

    Throb you lots Tawny.

    Glassy - that suit is just purrrrfect. Although, I can't possibly do the tail.

    Howdy do Happs.

    Cinders!!!! XXXX

    Salute to Mr G.

    Good luck today Techie.

    I think I need a new handbag.

    Missy - how's the house hunting going?

    An update of Muscle Meal situ - had chicken last night and it was quite delish. Note to self - avoid all products labelled meat as said product is def NOT beef.

    Ain't (I know this isn't a real word) this weather good for the soul?! Noice......

    Have a beautiful day - spread warm and fuzzies everywhere you be!!

    Your BFF, Nicey.
    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
    Mother Theresa


      Underoos and Friends, August '13

      byebyebridgetjones;1549480 wrote:
      Well the good news is that I did not explode overnight.
      That is all.
      This is good news Bridge. Hope life is settling down for you. Need any earrings?
      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
      Mother Theresa


        Underoos and Friends, August '13

        Hi all
        Been busy with marching band and band and band band all the time except Wednesdays and Sundays and then too tired to move...where are your self portraits?. Cindi..Traveling to Alabama Friday for our football game...going to try and have a nice evening off and watch TV and draw....Nicey, I love those kind of dreams. I have been single for a very long time:H...Techie, hope your eyes get better...ate too much pizza, might be back later..:h


          Underoos and Friends, August '13

          Hey Bird - love the dreams too and I'm not single....says it all I guess :upset::H
          It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
          Mother Theresa


            Underoos and Friends, August '13

            myhappyplace;1549280 wrote: Quick pop in...Hi G, Missy and heeeello Cindi! was thinking of you today. Made some salads and while I was looking around for my Vietnamese dressing recipe I saw this in my Nigella Forever Summer book and instantly thought of you and Mr Cindi...

            Recipe Reviews of Your Favourite Celebrity TV Chef

            I've made this curry with fish too, it is delicious...
            Thank you, Happs. My husband has learned to love curry sauces. I will try this on him.
            AF April 9, 2016


              Underoos and Friends, August '13

              Arvo Undies and Esteemed Visitors,

              Glassy - I keep thinking about your proposed trip and without a shadow of doubt, I know I would not be able to stay sane whilst being trapped in a very small space with eight other people for a month. I can't decide whether you're the ultimate adventurer, a saint or plain fusking mad. (I guess being claustrophobic might have something to do with my horror) BUT - the scenery would be a-mazing. Hope you can pull it off.

              It seems a lot of us are a bit under the weather in one way or another. I've been feeling "off" for a while now but just put it down to the SADs. I've been feeling uber-lethargic, tired, with complete loss of appetite. Yesterday was weird. I did a really tiny half-hour weeding session, some boring light housework and just had to have a little lie-down at 12.30. Slept until I heard Nige come back at 4.30, talked to him for a while, went back to bed at 5.00 and slept through until nearly 5 this morning. WTF is that all about? Sleeping for 16+ hrs? Talked to old Mrs. Google's Symptom Checker and I have options:

              Brucellosis (WTF is that)
              Vitamin B12 Deficiency
              Chronic FAtigue Syndrome
              Addison's Disease (WTF is that)
              Hyperparathyroidism (WTF is that)
              Iron Deficiency Anaemia
              Pancreatic Cancer
              Post Natal Depression (LOL)

              It's so nice to have choices, don't ya think? Bought some Iron and B12 and have convinced myself that all will return to normal once I get some consistent rays onto the old bod.

              Much throbbage to you all.


                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                Tawny - I was uber-tired whilst pregers.....praps???

                All jokes aside, hope the B12 fixes things. If not, you must get another opinion. Mrs Google is fab, but....

                Hope you feel uber-good real soon!
                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                Mother Theresa


                  Underoos and Friends, August '13

                  Tawny - further unnecessary info below.....

                  I reckon you're on track re the rays on the bod scenario!

                  Brucellosis, also called Bang's disease, Crimean fever, Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Maltese fever, Mediterranean fever, rock fever, or undulant fever,[1][2] is a highly contagious zoonosis caused by ingestion of unsterilized milk or meat from infected animals or close contact with their secretions. Transmission from human to human, through sexual contact or from mother to child, is rare but possible.[3]

                  Brucella are small, Gram-negative, non-motile, non-spore-forming, rod shaped (coccobacilli) bacteria. They function as facultative intracellular parasites causing chronic disease, which usually persists for life. Symptoms include profuse sweating and joint and muscle pain. Brucellosis has been recognized in animals including humans since the 20th century.

                  Addison’s disease (also chronic adrenal insufficiency, hypocortisolism, and hypoadrenalism) is a rare, chronic endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce sufficient steroid hormones (glucocorticoids and often mineralocorticoids). It is characterized by a number of relatively nonspecific symptoms, such as abdominal pain and weakness, but under certain circumstances, these may progress to Addisonian crisis, a severe illness which may include very low blood pressure and coma.

                  The condition arises from problems with the adrenal gland, "primary adrenal insufficiency", and can be caused by damage by the body's own immune system, certain infections, or various rarer causes. Addison's disease is also known as chronic primary adrenocortical insufficiency, to distinguish it from acute primary adrenocortical insufficiency, most often caused by Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. Addison's disease should also be distinguished from secondary and tertiary adrenal insufficiency, which are caused by deficiency of ACTH (produced by the pituitary gland) and CRH (produced by the hypothalamus), respectively. Despite this distinction, Addisonian crises can happen in all forms of adrenal insufficiency.
                  Addison's disease and other forms of hypoadrenalism are generally diagnosed via blood tests and medical imaging.[1] Treatment involves replacing the absent hormones (oral hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone).[2] Lifelong, continuous steroid replacement therapy is required, with regular follow-up treatment and monitoring for other health problems.[1]

                  Addison’s disease is named after Dr. Thomas Addison, the British physician who first described the condition in 1849. The adjective "Addisonian" is used to describe features of the condition, as well as patients suffering from Addison’s disease.[1]

                  is overactivity of the parathyroid glands resulting in excess production of parathyroid hormone (PTH). The parathyroid hormone regulates calcium and phosphate levels and helps to maintain these levels. Excessive PTH secretion may be due to problems in the glands themselves, in which case it is referred to as primary hyperparathyroidism and which leads to hypercalcaemia (raised calcium levels). It may also occur in response to low calcium levels, as encountered in various situations such as vitamin D deficiency or chronic kidney disease; this is referred to as secondary hyperparathyroidism. In all cases, the raised PTH levels are harmful to bone, and treatment is often needed.[1]
                  It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                  Mother Theresa


                    Underoos and Friends, August '13

                    nicelife;1549525 wrote: Tawny - I was uber-tired whilst pregers.....praps???
                    OMG! How wonderful!!!! I am so excited that that might be a possibility!!!!! I'd make it into the record books.

                    (See!! how!! excited!!I!!am?!!)

                    Thank you for all the other info which I don't understand - I should have known to come to you first.


                      Underoos and Friends, August '13

                      bird;1549495 wrote: Hi all
                      Been busy with marching band and band and band band all the time except Wednesdays and Sundays and then too tired to move...where are your self portraits?. Cindi..Traveling to Alabama Friday for our football game...going to try and have a nice evening off and watch TV and draw....Nicey, I love those kind of dreams. I have been single for a very long time:H...Techie, hope your eyes get better...ate too much pizza, might be back later..:h

                      Where in Alabama?

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Underoos and Friends, August '13

                        tawnyfrog;1549529 wrote: OMG! How wonderful!!!! I am so excited that that might be a possibility!!!!! I'd make it into the record books.

                        (See!! how!! excited!!I!!am?!!)

                        Thank you for all the other info which I don't understand - I should have known to come to you first.
                        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                        Mother Theresa


                          Underoos and Friends, August '13


                          I have been having the same issue. Unable to get as much done as I would like during the day, taking naps, etc. Often dizzy.

                          Sleeping a lot for me.

                          I am having an MRI and EEG done but I figure it really is just old age and I might as well get used to it. sigh.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Underoos and Friends, August '13


                            I forgot to say, I hope this passes for you and you feel better soon.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              Underoos and Friends, August '13

                              Hiya Cinders - I hear you on the old age thing but it's been a super rapid onset and I must fight it with a power hitherto unheard of ... or something ... anything ...


                                Underoos and Friends, August '13

                                Good evening Undies.
                                Please forgive me, it has been a week since I was last on here.

                                Super rush again, sorry.
                                No time to read back.
                                Lots happening including hitting a kanga last night which sort of buggered up the Getz and having my computer chuck a conniption which needed the repair man again plus a reduction burn tomorrow and Sat..
                                It is Mr Rags wedding anniversary today, and mine too ,
                                so I have made a tiramisu for you all. Hope you enjoy it.

                                (At least I remembered it this year.)
                                I will be off air till Friday evening when I hope to catch up on at least the last couple of days.
                                The last thing I remember reading about was anal bleaching. Crap.

                                May you be well,
                                may you be happy .

                                Love to you all

