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One Step at a Time - August 2013

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    One Step at a Time - August 2013

    Poor Clay - poor thing.

    Really sad about the death. I thought it was suicide. How awful that it was an accident.

    I'm heading to bed to read & relax. Tomorrow is gym night.

    I had to take a Supervisory training on employees drug or alcohol impairment this morning for the FAA. Really, really interesting. Really hit home when they were talking about the 12 pack a night person. 'Functioning alcoholic'. eeky: Anyway - a lot of things hit home.

    Catch you all tomorrow. So happy to see you JDG. I have been thinking about you and your new job. :l
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      One Step at a Time - August 2013

      Wow! This thread moves soooo fast. There's no way my menopausal brain is goin to keep up on all the steps.!

      I've been trying to read and retain everyones adventures but I must be hoenst... I simply can not. I feel so...umhelpful so I apologise. Really.
      I did read the aftermath Mama of your awful experience. I didn't read the details... I just can't right now but My heart is with you. You are pillar; you really are.

      K9 I was reading your exchange with Scotty on the other thread. You 2 are simply awesome. I love watching your tennis matches. More compelling than Wimbleton in my Opinion and certainly a hell of a lot more clever and :H

      Pauly- I think you are struggling my dear one. :l The familial situation you are coping with sounds as thick as Pea Soup. I am in awe that you are trying to regain yourself amidst the wreckage you have spoken of. :huggy Proud of you. sister in Paternal Punative bullshit.. I think of you often.

      JDG with you job so tough, you still post That's juggling at warp speed and you sound good!

      And of course dear sweet Nora. You are motivating me to get my butt back into the exceise mode. A life time ago I lived at the gym...I had quite the 3 pack! Now, I can barely walk around the dog park with Luna. Don't understand myself in this. I have been fit all my adult life despite all the AL I put away....just don't get it so I am in awe of your determination...your ichinen as we say in the Buddhist circles:l

      In bed now with cocao and all must be sick to death of my nightly routine. I guess the crew of my star ship are constant, and having lost everyone else pretty much, it's comforting...

      Girls are off at Choir camp. Miss them...the little munchkins..
      Matt....well...too much drama going on there. Same script just different characters. He has a performance this Saturday at a big theatre in Tacoma...lots of bands playing. Wish to hell I coulf happy but...i'm not. Th edrummer threatened to beat the shit out of him at rehearsal today...sigh:upset:

      Sleep tight everyone. Stay close. Stay sober..
      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        One Step at a Time - August 2013

        Good Morning Everyone,

        Had a good day off yesterday, back to work today.
        Mama sorry about clay, strep has been all over here the last few weeks.
        k-9 if you find a way to bottle snuggles, put me down for a case.
        Kradle sorry about the issues with matt. enjoy this time while the girls are away to pamper yourself.
        Nora - yes I am having to move at warp speed, but I don't want to lose sight of posting on this site, and what it means to my recovery. Once I get the routine down it will be fine.

        Have a great sober Thursday
        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


          One Step at a Time - August 2013

          happy thursday everyone! kradle,your nightly routine sounds relaxing,mine involves house or law and order svu reruns,i love it! mama,your poor son i had strep throat once,talk about being sick as a dog,hope he recovers super quick that shits not fun at all,jdgirl,congrats on the new job,i need to find something else to do,im sooo sick of cutting hair! i mean i do have regulars who i love as people,but im just not feeling that passion anymore,when i get somebody who wants to try something new and they ask my opinion,i feel like telling them"i really could give a shit less what your hair looks like" its horrible that i feel like that but i just cut and figure if its all even i did my job well i hope everybody has a great day,hello to nora,k9,juja,ft,all my peeps
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            One Step at a Time - August 2013

            So glad to see you here Kradle! LOL @ the 3 pack you had...I had the beginnings of a 2 pack before I broke my foot...but it's a hell of a lot better than the Keg I had when I was drinking! LOL

            Pauly - I loved your letter to yourself in your other thread. So true. Sometimes we romanticize our drinking instead of admitting what it was REALLY like. Walking my dogs in the rain and losing one of them, then picking up a random neighbor and making out with him (while his girlfriend called the cops because he went "missing") is one of my many drunken realities...not too pretty when you drop the denial and see it for what it is! UGH

            All this talk of the gym is making me want to rush my foot and maybe "try" to go back...I sure do miss it! I could just swim and then sit in the may be a while before I'm back to doing the eliptical for an hour at a time! I miss all my netflix documentaries that I used to watch. lol

            Mama - I hope your day at work is better. I know the feeling of being less than thrilled with your's miserable...that's the point I'm at now...

            Will check in y'all!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              One Step at a Time - August 2013

              thanks k9,it really is me just rambling on in that thread but thats o.k,its mine ugh,unproductive day at work,and its heading into the weekend and all i heard was drinking stories,from customers,the girls i work with,everybody,lets face it its a drinking world and we live in it,its like being on a diet and everybody keeps talking about food,unfortuntely this"diet"never ends,oh well at least hubs has cut back big time on drinking,i just worry about the weekend when he gets paid hell go hog wild,better not!
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                One Step at a Time - August 2013

                Hey all.....

                Kradle - just love having you here. :l I'm really sorry about the issues with Matt. I thought that I read somewhere that maybe he would go to camp for a month???? Did I make that up??

                K9 - I hope your foot feels better SOON!!!!

                Pauly - it is a drinking really hit home in that drug & alcohol class yesterday. They call the drugs 'Drug Abuse' but they call the alcoohol 'Alcohol Misuse'!! Because alchol is legal, you are misusing it, not abusing it. I beg to differ.

                Mama - how you holding up today, friend?? :h

                I came home early with a sore throat/ears hurting. I'm really hoping that it's just allergies and not a cold. I am not propped up in bed. This was my gym night and I hate to miss but I just feel like crap.

                Great big hugs to everyone - how are you all?? Glass, Juja, JDG and everyone else......:h
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  One Step at a Time - August 2013

                  Hey all.....

                  Kradle - just love having you here. :l I'm really sorry about the issues with Matt. I thought that I read somewhere that maybe he would go to camp for a month???? Did I make that up??

                  K9 - I hope your foot feels better SOON!!!!

                  Pauly - it is a drinking really hit home in that drug & alcohol class yesterday. They call the drugs 'Drug Abuse' but they call the alcoohol 'Alcohol Misuse'!! Because alchol is legal, you are misusing it, not abusing it. I beg to differ.

                  Mama - how you holding up today, friend?? :h

                  I came home early with a sore throat/ears hurting. I'm really hoping that it's just allergies and not a cold. I am not propped up in bed. This was my gym night and I hate to miss but I just feel like crap.

                  Great big hugs to everyone - how are you all?? Glass, Juja, JDG and everyone else......:h
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    One Step at a Time - August 2013

                    Hello loves
                    I am fine...just dealing with the aftermath of the death. My boss keeps telling me how strong I am and it makes me laugh...I don't "feel" strong ....I just do what needs to be done and go home and "turtle" with a book or Netflix. Don't get me wrong. It was very upsetting and sad, but other managers have told me they would have freaked out....I appreciated her kind words, though.
                    Kradle- it is always good to see you. I love to read anything you write. Hope Matt stays safe from the asshats in the band...
                    Nora- I hope it's not strept? Clay is much better, but I think being home did most of that. He really just seems to have a bad head cold.
                    Is Niner flirting again?? She is really good at it!! I miss being able to check at work and read the other threads, but I am too darn busy right now.
                    Pauly, Juja, Glass - HI!! kiss kiss
                    where is FT??
                    and Nurdl?
                    Nora will remember when we came here over two years ago....she and I are the only original members of this thread...kind of sad....
                    and YES....AL class is mind blowing isn't it?? I had to go to a weekend thingy for my DUI and was amazed and thankful to be alive, to be honest
                    off to eat and I am feeling frisk later I will go check on what is going on between K9 and Scotty...they have had a "thing" for awhile!!
                    Love ya'll
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - August 2013

                      and yes...AL is freaking everywhere. My entire team went drinking after the stress of the drowning.....I just couldn't do it.....
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        One Step at a Time - August 2013

                        good for you on not drinking mama btw,you didnt tell us what dinner was,im always curious
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          One Step at a Time - August 2013

                          I hope you and Clay are both OK Mama. I bet being looked after by his mom is doing him the world of good. Look after yourself too. You?ve been through a lot lately and you can only be ?strong? for so long before your body finds a way to make you relax.

                          Nora ? I hope you?re OK too and you don?t have anything too serious.

                          Hi Pauly, JDG, K9, Kradle and Juja.

                          There?s an issue with someone at work who has a drinking problem and yesterday they came to me for advice about how to manage it. Unfortunately they?ve already done everything they can to try and help him but he?s still turning up drunk so they?re about to sack him.

                          There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                          You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                          I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                            One Step at a Time - August 2013

                            I have told a few people about MWO and how it has helped me.
                            Sadly, none of them have listened
                            Show up at work drunk?? That's pretty bad..and sad.
                            Pauly, you silly...dinner was grilled steak, baked potatoes and homemade chocolate cake (hubs made it!!!)
                            It's Friday peeps...let's make it a good one
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              One Step at a Time - August 2013

                              Hi Everyone,

                              Mama- that dinner sounds delicious...I should really start cooking again but I am still struggling with my foot. I stayed home after lunch yesterday because it hurt so bad and I figured I should stay off of it. Funny how the doctor said it's "healed" but it feels like a knife is twisting in there every time I take a step. I really do think my doctor was just trying to get rid of me...

                              I probably showed up to work slightly drunk in the past, the leftovers from the night before...I shudder to think of all the times I drove Sierra to school and probably could have gotten a DUI. Maybe this foot thing is my punishment for all the wrongs I did in the past. LOL

                              It's Friday! I may ask if I can leave at 12 again today...
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                One Step at a Time - August 2013

                                woo-hoo its friday! i love fridays cuz 1)im off 2)im off and 3)you guessed it,haha,glass,i feel kinda bad for that guy,just because i know what a struggle al is,but if we drink losing jobs is a reality,mama,dinner sounds like it was amazing! k9,yeah pretty scary to realize how many times ive woken up still drunk,gross! i had a drinking dream last nite,i was being pressured to party,but i refused,i woke up without that nasty taste in my mouth and thought"see thats why i dont drink" what a relief,i hope everyone has a great day
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

