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Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

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    Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

    Marnin' yiz wee huggy things!

    I hope everyone is ramping up for a good Sunday. I'm planning on visiting the farm I mentioned Thursday... in desperate need of veggies and yer wan indoors and myself are both balking at spending squillions at Whole Foods. (I'm back juicing... so buying organic ain't cheap when you juice the equivalent of a large families daily veggie intake.)

    My national bum day went to hell in a handbasket and I haven't stopped since. Going to have an easy one tomorrow though and can't wait for that farm. ) Thank you for the chair Jacks... :l Can I borrow it tomorrow arvo? Reckon me bum ain't gonna be leaving it's seat after 3pm.

    I made crab cakes (no breadcrumbs) and 100 (precisely more or less lol) steamed clams tonight... last night... whatevs... for tea. And we painted the outside windows yesterday. And I trimmed the mango tree within an inch of its life. I pootled and did a few other things too and tomorrow is, FOR SURE, National Bum Day.

    Oh, and I bought two nice dresses on sale. They're a bit short but comfy and if nobody else minds a woman of a certain age wearing them I sure as feck don't give a rats...

    What else? Tipps... yeah, fore I forget... kudos to you for all you do for your family... you are a good egg. :l

    Orf for a squizz afore I hit the hay. One of those to yiz all.... :l X

    Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

    Morning - and a g'night to you Zenee. Crab cakes.... I tried to make bean burgers last night, folllwoed recipe to the t and they just turned out like ... well squashed beans all over the frying pan. Didn't stick together at all... crap recipe. And when i lived in Sri Lanka they often misspelled "Crab" with "crap" so menu's would say Crap Cakes and Crap Sandwiches.

    Doc - sorry i didn't reply last night - had already gone to me pit.

    Race day here...and then i gotta go to Glasgow where there are rehearsals for this performance poetry gig... I'm in 2 minds about it. Mind 1: I think the pieces are polemical, naive and frankly cringe worthy. I don't enjoy them, it's not "me", I'm wasting my time and if people i know saw me they'd likely think "WTF is he doing, doing that?"and I should just reclaim my Sunday arvo's this August and give my excuses and go... Mind 2: I've said I'd do it, so I ought to just do it... and being part of a group at a performance gig will make it easier to meet others at it... and you never know... maybe from it you might meet someone else who will take you down an interesting trajectory... you never know... MInd 3 I back out, but still attend the gig... but then that's not definite, cos I DONT HAVE TO... where as if i've to perform then I have to g and would go...

    Sunday musings.... right now through, it's shower, food and an hour drive to the race....

    Happy Sunday all...


      Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

      Hewwo there my favourite Scottish bloke on the thread. I say... do what you want. If it's too much of a travel, can the whole gig. If you're enjoying it, keep on at it. No need to overthink this one me luv... you can do whatever you feel like doing. Pretty much what you can do now with your life and career... YOU are in the driving seat. ;o)

      I'm not sure about the bean cakes. I would think you need a couple of eggs to bind them. I used an extra egg with the crab cakes instead of breadcrumbs. And two feckin fish slices to turn them. I used to be a Chef and know what prolly happened... bean cake oozing in the pan... but I've never made bean cakes so no real input... soz. Processed beans on their own won't bind though. They will however make you fart so I hope you at least got a toot out of it! :H :new:


        Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

        Morning Zen or goodnight lol and morning to Rc and all to come. Well I hope you make good decesions regarding your sunday rc. I did some retail therapy yesterday. I bought a maxi dress in the sales and a beach towel for the holiday. Then in to Lidl for few items. Not sure what i'll do this afternoon depends on the weather. Heavy showers for cast and I got caught in the rain yesterday while. I might go to Dundrum Shopping mall for more holiday wear in the sales or else stay home and watch tv/dvd. The buses are on strike indefinite from today and the Luas and Dart are about 25 min walk away so I hope it doesn't drag on too long. You have been busy Zen. A lot of gardening to catch up on here. Have a super sunday.:handbag:out::cents


          Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

          That's a good kind of shopping Foxy... nice things for yer hols. Good on you and you go girl. Enjoy every minute of it! Life's feckin shorter than we realize so get the most out of it and spoil yourself rotten in them shops... :l

          I was thinking about d'Arseys bean burgers... I have cooked qinoa in the fridge and my mind put the two together and then I googled and found this recipe. Quinoa Black Bean Burgers Recipe -

          It's official... at 2.06 a.m. I have too much time on my hands! But I am getting sleepeeey...


            Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

            Good morning Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzennie, D'Arsey and Foxy

            Slept in today. Need to make my 2nd attempt at the weekly shop, though. Not sure what'll be on the menu today. Probably a curry.

            Have to make a start on a presentation that I have to do next week. It's to a so-called SIG (special interest group) for the part of the IT industry I mostly operate in. Better make it good - who knows what may come out of it further down the line if I need to start looking for a job.

            Have a lekker day, folksies!
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

              tiptronic_ct;1539798 wrote: Good morning Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzennie, D'Arsey and Foxy

              Slept in today. Need to make my 2nd attempt at the weekly shop, though. Not sure what'll be on the menu today. Probably a curry.

              Have to make a start on a presentation that I have to do next week. It's to a so-called SIG (special interest group) for the part of the IT industry I mostly operate in. Better make it good - who knows what may come out of it further down the line if I need to start looking for a job.

              Have a lekker day, folksies!
              Marnin' again T-t-t-tipps (feckin st-t-t-utter...)

              What I know about presentations can be summed up very quickly... Powerpoint and knowing yer subject inside out. I hope it goes well. When will you know if they're making staff changes?

              It's amazing how companies demand employee loyalty but don't return the favour. Highly suckfull. I'm hoping you will be OK though and I have my fingers crossed for you... X


                Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

                Mornin' all !
                Zenners if you are still there - throw over the receipe for crab cakes.
                Can I sub a different fish. Have some salmon & hake
                Ta Mrs.

                Foxy - go to Dundrum :happy:
                Summer clothes are an investment - do not really change a lot form year to year . So this could be a yearly thing for you - with all the muzz you are saving from not buying grog
                Maybe Mr Loxey is waiting in the wings - who knows


                  Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

                  Marnin Satzy! I don't follow recipes so have no quantities for you but the ingredients are lump crab, finely chopped onion, spring onions, red bell pepper, garlic, fresh dill and cilantro, eggs and Creole seasoning. Basically fry the onions, red pepper and garlic... beat the eggs in a big bowl, add the fresh herbs, spring onions and crab to the eggs then mix in the fried onions/red pepper and Creole seasoning and some black pepper... form into balls and fry. I know how you like to fry balls... you will have a blast! :H Yeah... salmon would work very well. I would cook it first, very lightly. It's hard to do fish/crab cakes without breadcrumbs but it can be done. I use two fish slices to turn them.


                    Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

                    Oh, forgot to mention... chop the dill and cilantro and spring onions. Reckon you'd have sussed that though... lol


                      Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

                      LOVE it . Sounds yummy - even if they fell apart.
                      Do you use coconut oil for frying ?

                      What is cilantro known as here Zenners ?


                        Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

                        Shite... is it corriander over there?

                        I absolutely cheat on this recipe Satz and I fry the onions, garlic and bell pepper in butter. :wow: I reckon lump crab deserves the Kerrygold! But I fry the cakes themselves in olive oil. I'll bet coconut oil would work good. I have another tin of crab meat and I'll do the next lot in coconut oil and see how that turns out.


                          Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

                          Morning, busy ere this A.M, orf for a read back
                          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                          Audrey Hepburn


                            Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

                            Hiya Pinky! Busy here for moi at this time of the wee small hours. I should try and get some sleep. How are things with thou? )


                              Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August

                              Hiya zen, I bet ur tired, im good, had a massive family issue been sorting out, families, who would have them, LOL
                              I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                              Audrey Hepburn

