I hope everyone is ramping up for a good Sunday. I'm planning on visiting the farm I mentioned Thursday... in desperate need of veggies and yer wan indoors and myself are both balking at spending squillions at Whole Foods. (I'm back juicing... so buying organic ain't cheap when you juice the equivalent of a large families daily veggie intake.)
My national bum day went to hell in a handbasket and I haven't stopped since. Going to have an easy one tomorrow though and can't wait for that farm.

I made crab cakes (no breadcrumbs) and 100 (precisely more or less lol) steamed clams tonight... last night... whatevs... for tea. And we painted the outside windows yesterday. And I trimmed the mango tree within an inch of its life. I pootled and did a few other things too and tomorrow is, FOR SURE, National Bum Day.
Oh, and I bought two nice dresses on sale. They're a bit short but comfy and if nobody else minds a woman of a certain age wearing them I sure as feck don't give a rats...

What else? Tipps... yeah, fore I forget... kudos to you for all you do for your family... you are a good egg. :l
Orf for a squizz afore I hit the hay. One of those to yiz all.... :l X