Thank you 3 for reminding me why I am here :l
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Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August
Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August
tiptronic_ct;1539898 wrote: I was in hell. The only way to not go back is to remember how I got there in the 1st instance
I can understand that. Don't think I've been that low, although last winter was pretty bad and I lost the ability to look after myself at times.
satz123;1539899 wrote: But I overdo everything
Same here satzy. It's the old OCD at work, I think.
JackieClaire;1539901 wrote: For the first time in my life I'm at peace with myself.
tiptronic_ct;1539903 wrote: It's the "little" details: having difficulty putting toothpaste on the brush, cutting yourself shaving, seeing how you bruise easily and hiding them, trying to recollect last night's conversation, visiting three or four liquor stores on a Saturday to stock up, hiding the bottles, driving drunk, puking your guts out, having your wife turn her back to you, your kids avoid you...
Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August
satz123;1539907 wrote: This little interlude this morning has been better than any AA.
Thank you 3 for reminding me why I am here :l
Bugger I've gone a bit teary eyed.
I'm so fecking grateful I found you lot.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August
JackieClaire;1539913 wrote: My Pa was an alcoholic and I adored him. Mind I adored him even more when he stopped drinking.
Right must stick couple of pies in the oven.
Not be long.
Told yiz - it's ALL ABOUT ME !
Orf to get a dye for MY hair so I look good at the 60th birthday meal one of the dodgy side of the Satz family......:H
At least one of them is civilized - it's at 4pm in a restaurant - not a booze-up as a lot of the caln get togethers seem to be
Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August
Sorry for the late show here:new:
Just caught up with the chatty thread.
Some of the family 2 adults 2 children have arrived with 3 bags of washing.
However,I am off to Settle tomorrow for 3 nights (kids bought us a holiday)
Been out for a lovely long run with the Chester marathon group. :goodjob:
Back after a big dinner cooked by moi!
Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August
Zenstyle;1539793 wrote: Hewwo there my favourite Scottish bloke on the thread.I say... do what you want. If it's too much of a travel, can the whole gig. If you're enjoying it, keep on at it. No need to overthink this one me luv... you can do whatever you feel like doing. Pretty much what you can do now with your life and career... YOU are in the driving seat. ;o)
So Zenee... I did me race, drove to Glasgow...parked right beside where the rehearsal was to take place and because I was early went for a wander down Kelvinside, getting into the Kevingroove of a Sunday afternoon... and I thought and I thought and I realised I wasn;t going into the rehearsal... 1pm passed...1.30pm...nope, i was late and i wasn't going in.
Is that so bad of me?
The gig's in a month or so. They can re-work it. It's not a contracted thing or anything like that... and as much as I AM interested in different types of live spoken word performance and would like to attend the gig... the writer, the poems were just... i just thought they weren't anything wonderful. Indeed some felt a bit cringey. So i need to email them to say sorry.
It's a hard one to know when you need to do something for yourself (I don;t want to do THIS particular stuff/poetry performance) and that takes priority... or when you should do something because it is the right thing to do despite how it makes you feel. And also (and this was what i was toying with) whether we need to do things as a "way in" ... but then I thought I could still go to the gig and there;s nothing ever stopping me from applying to do an open mic session slot... so, what's this issue there?
Still feel a bit guilty all the same...
tiptronic_ct;1539798 wrote:
Have to make a start on a presentation that I have to do next week. It's to a so-called SIG (special interest group) for the part of the IT industry I mostly operate in. Better make it good - who knows what may come out of it further down the line if I need to start looking for a job.
Well, youse were all jumping 'nana's this morning weren't you? :banana:
Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August
RunningCourage;1539947 wrote: So Zenee... I did me race, drove to Glasgow...parked right beside where the rehearsal was to take place and because I was early went for a wander down Kelvinside, getting into the Kevingroove of a Sunday afternoon... and I thought and I thought and I realised I wasn;t going into the rehearsal... 1pm passed...1.30pm...nope, i was late and i wasn't going in.
Is that so bad of me?
The gig's in a month or so. They can re-work it. It's not a contracted thing or anything like that... and as much as I AM interested in different types of live spoken word performance and would like to attend the gig... the writer, the poems were just... i just thought they weren't anything wonderful. Indeed some felt a bit cringey. So i need to email them to say sorry.
It's a hard one to know when you need to do something for yourself (I don;t want to do THIS particular stuff/poetry performance) and that takes priority... or when you should do something because it is the right thing to do despite how it makes you feel. And also (and this was what i was toying with) whether we need to do things as a "way in" ... but then I thought I could still go to the gig and there;s nothing ever stopping me from applying to do an open mic session slot... so, what's this issue there?
Still feel a bit guilty all the same...
Yo Mr T - you tried prezi instead of powerpoint? Have a look... PREZI
Well, youse were all jumping 'nana's this morning weren't you? :banana:
Forget the guilt and think of number 1.
Ze Armee Thread... Sunday 4th August
hello ebberybuddy...jist in from me wanderings so thot I would nip in and see what all the yakking was aboot.So Rabsy ..yuo bottled it going into the Kelvin Has late did you? city ov Culshur an awrat!!!..been busy decorating ..well madam puts the paper up I do things like chasing n plastering walls and putting lights in taking fireplaces out know the real finicky have hands that are on the wrong way round!!!So whats everyone up to? that is apart from Satzy getting her heed dyed!!!Hiya JC hoos it gannin?or sumthing along those lines..right they say in fings to do good if you cant then be careful..if you cant do that speak to JC...she knows a brief that will help you outaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12