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Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

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    Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

    Good morning, folksies

    A cold front is making its way towards us. Three days of rain and cold expected. Better dress warmly before we leave the house. But there are signs of spring already - the wild peach tree next to the pool is in blossom. The plum tree is usually next.

    Have a lekker day, everyone. And good luck to those who are heading back to work after the bank holiday. Must say that I'm grateful that it's a short week for me - only working until Wednesday and then have a long weekend to enjoy.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

    Morning Mr T :hallo:

    Inchy - sorry dissappeared last night but you had the best advice from Brig and PP-the-Nurse. Look after yerself hun.

    Right... orifice today and the morrow... and Thursday am - for a "consultancy meeting" re the job... then OFF!!!

    Morning a'body else :wavin:


      Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

      Good morning Tipperooo, D'Arsey, Mollymoo

      I'm also at my desk today eating cheese scones as it'll prolly be dead quiet as most of the Metro system is closed due to major line works.
      Bit puzzled meself how I'm going to get in but I'll put me Dora the Explorer outfit and risk the buses.

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

        mollyka;1540590 wrote: Just thinkin bout Tipp's 'spring' comments --- even tho it's still lovely and warm here - there's a different 'smell' to the air --- just a teenchy taste of autumn maybe --- and d'ya'know --- I LOVE IT!!!! Love the transition seasons - spring and autumn -- things sorta 'happen' - lovely!!!
        Ohhhhhhhhhh Emmmmmmmmm Geeeeeeeeeeee I was just thinking that when I was getting ready.

        Long may this Summer we've had continue but I :h Autumn.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

          I'm orff on me journey too. If it works out the way I'm thinking I'll be bacinaverylongishbit.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

            Morning everybody, guess who's back? so it's been a godawful couplea weeks but I'm here, first coffee of the day, wife's gone off to do his work experience (in the courts where the posh people are xD) and I'm just hanging out in his room with the lappy. So I'm definitely back to getting myself together yesterday after the rather crappy news I might just be doing some damage with my meds/no sleep/drinking combination. Positive side of things: getting away from home has made day to day life way better, my skins better than its been in years and me n the wife get on really well living together especially considering we only have one room to be in with each other -all the time- (hows about that for a relationship test? xD).

            so the plan now is eat better, knock the drink on the head, sleep like what normal folks do (ie 2am-7.30am is not adequate! xD) get into exercise and vitamins and see if i can't persuade my counts that they should all go back up (the blood test is actually for liver and bone marrow function, the marrows doing great, livers the one mucking me about haha). so now i have a big ol' reason to quit.

            Morning to all anybody, good luck on your adventure Dora xD

            and I love Autumn too - not too hot and stuff happens with pretty colours. and I can start wearing my beloved boots n leather jacket again xD
            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



              Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

              Morning army. Yes last night and this morning I felt a change in the air a bit cooler but afternoons still warm. I like the seasons too nice to have the changes in the weather and the colour it brings. Waxing lyrical lol. I hope we still get more sunny warm weather as its only early august winter is long enough. Good luck with your quit and lifestyles changes this time Inchy health is important and you have plenty of time on your side to prevent liver and other organ damage that a mix of meds and al can do. I hope your skin clears up and the meds don't cause any bad side effects. Off to meet a friend for coffee in Bray this afternoon and to make an appointment in specsavers for contact lenses. haven't worn them in a year so need a new prescription and test. Okies better make a start be back later.out::handbag:


                Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

                the new doctor who... i may actually start watching it



                  Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

                  I am a huge doctor who fan, think the new guy is gonna do a good job, if i hear one more 'too old' comment from fan girls though i'll find a fun use for the sonic screwdriver :P
                  I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                  To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                    Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

                    Morning Army :hallo:


                      Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

                      RunningCourage;1540580 wrote: Morning Mr T :hallo:

                      Inchy - sorry dissappeared last night but you had the best advice from Brig and PP-the-Nurse. Look after yerself hun.

                      Right... orifice today and the morrow... and Thursday am - for a "consultancy meeting" re the job... then OFF!!!

                      Morning a'body else :wavin:
                      What ya mean by off, D'Arsey? After Thurs is that it? Did ye think anymore bout the new post?

                      InChains;1540608 wrote:
                      Morning everybody, guess who's back? so it's been a godawful couplea weeks but I'm here, first coffee of the day, wife's gone off to do his work experience (in the courts where the posh people are xD) and I'm just hanging out in his room with the lappy. So I'm definitely back to getting myself together yesterday after the rather crappy news I might just be doing some damage with my meds/no sleep/drinking combination. Positive side of things: getting away from home has made day to day life way better, my skins better than its been in years and me n the wife get on really well living together especially considering we only have one room to be in with each other -all the time- (hows about that for a relationship test? xD).

                      so the plan now is eat better, knock the drink on the head, sleep like what normal folks do (ie 2am-7.30am is not adequate! xD) get into exercise and vitamins and see if i can't persuade my counts that they should all go back up (the blood test is actually for liver and bone marrow function, the marrows doing great, livers the one mucking me about haha). so now i have a big ol' reason to quit.

                      Morning to all anybody, good luck on your adventure Dora xD

                      and I love Autumn too - not too hot and stuff happens with pretty colours. and I can start wearing my beloved boots n leather jacket again xD
                      Well Inchy- tis great to see ya back girl Really is!!
                      Keep this positive mindset and yer only way is up.... Knocking drink on the head alone will be sure to improve the liver function never mind incorporating all the other positive lifestyle choices:goodjob:


                        Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

                        sweetpea29;1540624 wrote: What ya mean by off, D'Arsey? After Thurs is that it? Did ye think anymore bout the new post?
                        Yo PP. no, I got some leave to take. So off for a week after the Thursday meet. During which time I need to let them know whether I will go for the job or not. If I do and I get it, then I get it. If I do and I don't get it - or if i decide to not go for it, then I'll have another week or so to erm.... Clean my desk. Twiddle my thumbs. Stare into a screen and wait for the clock to tick GO.


                          Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

                          Hello army

                          It was a very busy thread last night - that's what happens when zenners turns up!

                          sweetpea29;1540624 wrote: What ya mean by off, D'Arsey? After Thurs is that it? Did ye think anymore bout the new post?
                          Was wondering the same thing myself....arsey? My sympathies on your own job situation puddles. Hope you can find something better for yourself.

                          Inchy - I think you do need to try to cut down on or cut out the booze for a while to see if that's what's causing the problem. And I agree with molls about telling the medical folks about your lifestyle. They're there to help you and they can't help you so well if they don't have all the info they need. Good luck with trying to get your liver function sorted however you decide to go about it.

                          Glad you had a good trip away molls, sore bum notwithstanding! Can they make you work extra hours for no extra pay just like that? Seems very unfair!

                          There's definitely an autumnal feel in the air this week. It's the school holidays at the mo which means the dreaded "Do you want to meet for lunch?" text from my teacher brother has arrived. :upset: No I don't and I'm gonna say so this time.


                            Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

                            Xpost arsey


                              Army Thread Tuesday 6th August

                              RunningCourage;1540632 wrote: Yo PP. no, I got some leave to take. So off for a week after the Thursday meet. During which time I need to let them know whether I will go for the job or not. If I do and I get it, then I get it. If I do and I don't get it - or if i decide to not go for it, then I'll have another week or so to erm.... Clean my desk. Twiddle my thumbs. Stare into a screen and wait for the clock to tick GO.
                              Right so D'Arsey, it all seems so fast, what are yer thoughts on going for the other job? Tell me to mind me own if ya like tho!! Sending you best wishes for whatever you decide:l

                              Hiya Reccie and Molls :hiya:

                              Good man Reccie for deciding to do what you want and avoiding what does not make you happy:goodjob:

                              Molls think it's awful that they can do that to yis- really is. Have good few friends nursing down there and they're getting hit big-time too. Meanwhile back at the ranch the bankers are wholed-up in their safe havens. Not on :no:

                              Scares me how I can waste a whole morning perusing on the tinternet!! Time to get going and do summat.

                              See yis all later no doubt :hallo:

