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Army Thread Wednesday 7th August

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    Army Thread Wednesday 7th August

    what have i walked in on
    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



      Army Thread Wednesday 7th August

      InChains;1541158 wrote: what have i walked in on



        Army Thread Wednesday 7th August

        Zenstyle;1541154 wrote: So... it sounds like it's something you can do without much effort... a shoe-in as it were. Hmmm... it's starting to feel as if they might want you for that position Arsey. Not that I want to raise false hopes... but who better than someone that's familiar with it?

        Maybe play it a bit smart tomorrow. Be up front with them but maybe don't offload on them for their lack of dedication to their employees. (Leave THAT for if you don't get the job...)
        Thanks Zen...

        Actually I don;t think it's that at all... I pretty much know they don';t want me for the post. This past 6 - 8 months has seen me dissappear from the organisation, not there in me head, just not feeling it. If i don't feel it, other s will feel i'm not feeling it.

        My line manager is, tbh, in the post for herself... it'd be a bloody long post to write all the politics up... and i personally don't feel she values me much in terms of what i can do for the organisation. I'm pretty sure of that. COmmunication between her and I broke down... she just wasn't sharing anything with me, because there wasn;t much to share, because she was too busy with other aspects (projects) and now they want someone who can take on develop and manage other projects that her remit cannot make time for.

        A year ago, i was probably in their thinking that such a post was for me. But not now. Like I say, I disappeared.

        In effect it is constructive dismissal.

        But you are right - lay down that i am disappointed but not off load too much emotional stuff or sound resentful. I will praise them to the hilt for how they're progressing.


          Army Thread Wednesday 7th August

          Yo Inchy - watch out for zen, she got knife n she CHOPS TOMATOES :egad:

          Right, gonna hit the hay... not that tired, but need to rest up afore tomorrow.

          Thanks folks for listening to me mind blehs :l



            Army Thread Wednesday 7th August

            night arsey xD
            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



              Army Thread Wednesday 7th August

              RunningCourage;1541162 wrote: Thanks Zen...

              Actually I don;t think it's that at all... I pretty much know they don';t want me for the post. This past 6 - 8 months has seen me dissappear from the organisation, not there in me head, just not feeling it. If i don't feel it, other s will feel i'm not feeling it.

              My line manager is, tbh, in the post for herself... it'd be a bloody long post to write all the politics up... and i personally don't feel she values me much in terms of what i can do for the organisation. I'm pretty sure of that. COmmunication between her and I broke down... she just wasn't sharing anything with me, because there wasn;t much to share, because she was too busy with other aspects (projects) and now they want someone who can take on develop and manage other projects that her remit cannot make time for.

              A year ago, i was probably in their thinking that such a post was for me. But not now. Like I say, I disappeared.

              In effect it is constructive dismissal.

              But you are right - lay down that i am disappointed but not off load too much emotional stuff or sound resentful. I will praise them to the hilt for how they're progressing.
              Yeah... at the end of the day you will be able to hold your head high and know you behaved with dignity. :goodjob:

              Maybe they didn't feel your interest waning as much as you think they did. Ya know what... I guess the bottom line is you'll need to suck it and see. Put your best foot forward and see what transpires. Like Reccy said, it's best to be IN a job when you;re looking for a job so even if you don't want to work there it's worth pursuing I reckon.


                Army Thread Wednesday 7th August

                Nighty night Arsey and good luck tomorrow... X

