But I am mortified to discover that the other night I caved (after over a month, damn it) and I leveled out..as in I didn't feel that creeping mania I try to get a grip on. That's not good and we all know why...
I am on the Lamitcal for the mania which has been a blessing but with the added menopause hormones, the intense Stress form Matt and marriage... WOW...my head goes to all sorts of dark and lonley places, especially in the evenings...
So with help of my peeps around the globe, what natural vitamin regime, juicing veggies and fruits have you all found helpful??
Obviously I can't use AL to level out even though the relief was intense and I was able to stop once I was leveled...like how long will that last...NOT!
So please, any suggestions, articles you can trickle my way will be so appreciated. I refuse to fall into the AL trap again. We all know where there train leads..:upset: