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Odd Hobbies?

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    Odd Hobbies?

    What hobby do you have that some people find peculiar/ I don't think mine is all that odd. I like going to graveyards. I enjoy reading the headstones and picturing the people in my mind. If I can't read the writing on the stone, I just use white paper and pencil to rub out the message. My hubby finds this odd. Seeing that death petrifies me. But I find solace in a graveyard. My friend built a house on 15 acres in the very front where the house was to be built about 1/10th of a mile away was a small cementary. She planted these huge white pines to hide it. I thought it would been better left out in the open. Some of these graves went back to the late 1700's. Just curious as always

    Odd Hobbies?

    Hi Simey,

    I used to live not far from Greyfriars Graveyard, in Edinburgh, Scotland.... You will probably know about the little dog that sat on his masters grave "Greyfriars Bobby"?

    I too, have a fascination for gravestones and epitaphs. I think it is a shame that so many people are cremated nowadays and there is no place (as such) to visit and place flowers, have a chat, etc.

    It is soooo interesting reading names, dates of birth, death, family members, etc...


      Odd Hobbies?

      My wife and I travel a lot aroung the country on the weekends and often visit the local churches and their graveyards. I think the ones in fishing villages are particularly interesting. So many men of all ages missing and drowned so we can get a nice bit of fish. Also the older headstones often depict terrible famiy tragedy, young children dying of things that aren't a problem any more.
      During the Edinburgh Festival, we like to walk round the old town. We went to Greyfriars Church and found ourselves in the middle of a guided tour, a ghost walk they call it. We tagged along at the back pretending not to listen and got the tour for free. (a good Scottish tactic)
      Thanks simey


        Odd Hobbies?

        I cannot and I mean CANNOT pass a thrift/second hand shop without going in and browsing for ages and ages, I have been known to seek them out while away on holidays, and even take a day's holiday from work to go seek out new ones....

        Lorna (aka second hand rose)
        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          Odd Hobbies?

          Simey~I do like visiting historical gravesites being I live in New England. Weird too b/c as I stroll I talk to them. Give them the occasional "hello John or Sally. How are you? ". Never know-I need all the brownie points I can get! Of course I MAKE SURE NO ONE IS AROUND.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Odd Hobbies?

            SimeyB since you are in VA you must visit the Arlington Cemetery in DC if you haven't already. It's majestic, and to see the changing of the guard in person is just other-worldly to me. Wife and I were just in awe and silent for an hour afterwords.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Odd Hobbies?

              Those of you who love graveyards should get going to New Orleans where the above-ground cemetaries are absolutely gorgeous (at least the ones not hurt by Katrina). They don't generally bury people in the ground because of the high water table, so they have these beautiful crypts built above ground instead.

              I find graveyards interesting, but I'm really pretty boring. No interesting/odd hobbies here.
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Odd Hobbies?

                Hey Tea, I must admit ...I'm a thrift store junkie too! My Hubby hates it. Except when I find him cool stuff... (he's such a "name brand" kinda guy, it drives me nuts!)
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

