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HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

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    HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

    Glass Half Empty;1543520 wrote: Kradle - just holding out my hand for you here. And this. :l

    I know how scary it is for you, but I can assure you that he'll be thinking it's a great adventure to tell all his mates when he gets home.

    Boys of 14 (and I think you said he's quite a big boy) are far more able to manage than we give them credit for. He's not in a foreign country, so he speaks the language and doesn't have passport issues. It sounds like I'm being tough, but the absolute worst thing that can happen to him is that he has to sleep in some uncomfortable airport chairs for a few hours.

    If he was a couple of years older and going backpacking that's what he'd be doing anyway! My kids have pretty much travelled the world and spent many hours sleeping in those chairs, and so have I! Believe me, 24 hours is nothing! It took me 3 days to get home once, with no hotel in between.

    And if it helps, when I was 15 I flew by myself from Australia to London - it took 36 hours with stops in Singapore and Dubai (changed planes both times but with no hotels) and I managed with no problems.

    So relax and try not to get yourself into a tizzy - OK? :h:h:h
    Thank You sweet Glass:
    I really needed to hear exactly that. YOu know my husband is actually being rather matter a fact about it and I have been getting more and more agitated with him, but after reading your post, all your flight time....I think I'll just calm down and join all of you .
    He has finally landed in Dallas and they comped me the UM status so he is going to the Un Minor rooms. Beds and TV there. He's not thrilled but he's safe and they will get him on th eflight tomorrow.

    Well, a real war story for him when he goes back to school...
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

      I had to check in first thing to make sure this turned out OK. So happy for you and your family, Kradle! And BRAVO for handling sober - what a champ! An inspiration to us all.

      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


        HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

        Just checking in as well. Good job Kradle! No need to fall apart later. Don't give yourself an excuse. Sobriety is all about dealing with life's shit without falling apart. You did great.


          HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

          OMG Kradle I just read this scary! I'm sure Matt will be fine, but it's not easy to not be able to "fix" everything for our kids. I'd probably have been figuring out a way to track down my kid in person (although that would make NO sense! lol). I may have missed this, but does Matt have a cell phone?

          I'm so proud of you for how you handle everything that life throws at you. You're a special lady! Keep us posted on the situation! :h:h
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

            It means SO much to read everyone's support this morning: K9, FLy, Siren :h and last night of course.

            I am so tired this morning my eyes hurt...Hardly any sleep and Matt calling every few hours. They did arrange for him to stay with the kids who were also stranded - a big room with cots and a TV and such...and he was NOT happy at all. He just couldn't understand why dad and I wouldn't let him go out into the Terminal and sleep in a chair or why Texas law (I think most states law actually) will not allow a minor to check in to a hotel by themselves. My beautiful boy has so much trouble accepting authoirty at home...Real world authoirity just floored him...

            He made it tough on the attendants and he was extremely uncooperative. BUt they don't mess around in Texas and I think Matt got his first real life lesson that 1) not everything goes as planned and 2) you submit to the authoirty caring for you or your life wil be pretty miserable.

            I just wanted him to accept his position and go to sleep...but he just couldn't so that so.... up most of the night :upset:

            Anyway, he is safe and sleepy and waiting for the 1:20pm out of Dallas. He seemed in good spirits. Met a friend in the 'holding' room and was glad that his trip was coming to an too !

            I just can't thank everyone enough for all your help. I really felt helpless and lost last night. My husband just wasn't supportive and he started to get angry which of course made it worse.... Haveing this World Wide resource of smart, experienced people is just an unfathomable blessing.
            If anyone out there doubts this, just stick around awhile and you will see the power of this place.

            PS: You nailed it FLy that I would use this as a later excuse to drink. I will stay close :h

            PPS: He has the Unattended Minor Service coming home so no worries there.
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

              Whew! I am glad it's all working out. You know, this may be just what he needed, to see that we ALL live by rules. Life is full of them....welcome to the Real World! :h
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

                I've been watching this closely. Kept sneaking on at work. Just wanted to say great job, Kradle. You handled everything wonderfully. And, it was good for Matt to see the 'Real World' rules.
                I'll be back tonight but just had to give you a hug. :l:l
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

                  Did he make it to the final destination already? I'll bet he's exhausted. Poor guy. I'm sure you are too!!!:h:h
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

                    getting ready for bed now. Early night thank heavens !

                    Matt is now in the loving hand sof his Uncle and Aunt. He called a few times tonight, discombobulated, somewhat depressed but I think it's all just th eterrible stress of this experience. And he did taste The Real World, K9...God that was hard to watch...

                    Anyway, thank you again everyone for all your guidance, hugs and phone numbers. :thanks: :h

                    Sleep tight everyone and hope everyone is safe in bed and not 'flying' anywhere tonight. :l
                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest


                      HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

                      Kradle, so glad this worked out!!!

                      I'm trying to leave you a PM, but your mail box is full! You are going to have to pull some maintenance!!! That's why I became a subscriber so I get 500 messages! ( I am an email hoarder!!) UGG!
                      XXOO, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        HELP ! Unrelated to AL help needed..

                        Hi birdie

                        I've though of becoming a subscriber! I'm a definite email header as well. O should see my computer email...god I messages in there from 2006! :H

                        I went and deleted a was tough...but I made it! :l
                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest

