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    Has come to this

    Hey people. Never thought I would do this but here goes.
    I'll cut right to it since my story is very much the same. I am a successful person some would say by looking on the outside. I have a very nice paying job, great family and lovely girlfriend . Lately something in my body has changed where drinking over the weekend debilitates me for 3 to four days. I suspect I've become very depressed as a result, when I try to stop. I mostly drink with friends fri and sat nights..but the anxiety has become so great that I find I need to drink Sundays to cope with the upcoming work week an to deal with hangovers. This leads to many Mondays and Tuesdays becoming absolutely useless. Luckily I am on my own a lot at work and can deal with it silently. But this is no way to live. I've always been very athletic and so not being in a proper gym routine compounds my depression. The day after drinking I have sever panic attacks. When it first happened I went to the er because I thought I was having a heart attack. I'm 27 now and it first happened at 24. The panic attaks are very real physically. My heart rate skyrockets, my brain tingles o the point where I think I may have a seizure although I never have, my throat closes's all very physical and scary. The feeling of impending death I would call it. After abstaining for 4 days I feel invincible again and fall into the same trap. My doc says to see a therapist but I feel it is a waste. I know what's wrong, I hope, it is the drinking. Only I can fix it. I'm sort of rambling but I just needed to get this out and see if anyone out there experiences this as well. I've never taken pills or ever have done any drug at all including weed. But I feel my body is breaking down after the hard drinking college years and mid 20s. Any reply here will help me. Especially if anyone has overcome this. I'd LOVE to just get to the point where I can have two or three beers on a sat night and stop. But I'm def not there yet. I have a great life and don't want to flush it away because I feels myself slipping faster. Thank you guys

    Has come to this

    Welcome DK! Glad you are seeing what AL can do to the body. It is a poison. I wish that I could have "a few" and stop, but that is not how I am wired. I am sober around 6 months (went 11 months and slipped) and feel better than ever,. I remember the panic attacks when I had a wine hangover. Hated it. So happy that is gone. Not easy though - I still struggle and think every so often "why not just one glass?" but then common sense takes over, and I come on here and read and post. This place is a lifesaver. Sometimes it takes people a little while to respond as alot of people are in different time zones (I am in the Eastern USA and many are from UK, Ireland, etc) Don't be discourages about that - just keep reading and posting. Getting it out there is good for you. Drink lots of water, get lots of sleep, good, whole foods (no sugary stuff) and fill your time up with non-AL related things. You can do this and you should be proud that you have taken this first step!

    Your friend, Waggy
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      Has come to this

      Thx waggy...I was hesitant but coming here may be good in place of needing to drink. The next few weeks are Gona be rough :/


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        Btw I know my pic is douchey..but that's me from last month and it inspires me to work hard and lay off booze so sorry for tool-ishness lol


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          actually,im kinda diggin the picture haha,welcome to mwo d.knickerbocker,its a great place to be,lots of info and support to kick this ugly addiction,read around,post around,ask any questions no matter how big or small
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Has come to this

            I like the picture too - haha! You could be on the diet coke adverts. Definitely don't drink - your body is a (beautiful) temple ;-)

            You've come to the right place to kick alcohol out of your life now it's causing you these problems.
            AF since Halloween 2016

            Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


              Has come to this

              Hi DK,
              Oh i remember those panic attacks very well! My heart used to race around and flutter in the wrong rhythm. My throat also used to feel like it was closing up and i had pins and needles all down my arms and legs. I used to nearly pass out from the butterflies in my stomach. I can guarantee it is all caused from alcohol. I haven't had a drink for 90 days and i haven't had any anxiety at all in these 90 days. Absolutely none! I promise you will feel 100% better without it. Try to do 30 days and see how fab u feel


                Has come to this

                Yep, I know what you mean. A typical binge on a Fri/Sat would leave me not working out, not working well and not wanting to talk to anyone.

                Life is so much better when you accept that alcohol only gives the illusion of being fun. I really think a life of no sudden highs or lows is the most satisfying.


                  Has come to this

                  Thank you so much everybody..panic attack subsided late last night and I actually got to sleep. Feelin better today just a tad nauseas. Going to try an not drink at all this weekend..don't remember the last time that happened..Gota start somewhere!


                    Has come to this

                    paulywogg;1543859 wrote: actually,im kinda diggin the picture haha
                    No complaints here either!!! :H

                    I know this is hard at first, but it does get easier. Be kind to yourself the first few days, your body will be going through a huge adjustment trying to get the poison out of your system. Sorry to hear about the panic attacks, I know that must be hard. I had a lot of anxiety when I was drinking, but now it's gone.

                    Hang in there and stick close to us!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

