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Army Thread Thursday 15th August

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    Army Thread Thursday 15th August

    Recluse;1543985 wrote: I've typed me symptoms into a symptom checker and apparently it's either anthrax or cat-scatch disease :nutso:
    :H :egad: :H


      Army Thread Thursday 15th August

      General good mornings and yooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooos today. I am soooooooooo late and had to get masked up before I came into the field of germs.

      Recluse;1543985 wrote: I've typed me symptoms into a symptom checker and apparently it's either anthrax or cat-scatch disease :nutso:

      Big fat :l for Sweatypea.



      .................................................. ......................and a long distance one for the sufferers...................:l
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Thursday 15th August

        I am................3............................... .........2...............................1 and she's gone.

        See youse in a bit.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Thursday 15th August

          Morning and bye Jackie :hallo:


            Army Thread Thursday 15th August

            Recluse;1543975 wrote: Morning sweetie and runners

            That sounds hopeful peapie - let's hope your cousin continues to improve. Be careful not to run yourself into the ground by going to work - you need to think about yourself as well as others. :l

            :goodjob: on the poetry arsey!
            Wot about MY po'try :stomper:
            I writ one for D'arsey last night ...............

            Oh and hello Army :waving:


              Army Thread Thursday 15th August

              mollyka;1543982 wrote:
              Have a luverly Thursday everyone --- quite like Thursdays me - and we have a fire drill this morning so should be able to while away an hour in the carpark today:H
              Molls - does KNOWING about a fire drill not defeat the purpose ? Just sayin'
              Everyone ready with their bags, coats , car keys, fags , snack ,bladders empty etc - :Hyeah like that will happen in a fire
              More like this zooooooooooooom !!!!nfire:


                Army Thread Thursday 15th August

                satz123;1544012 wrote: Wot about MY po'try :stomper:
                I writ one for D'arsey last night ...............
                Good morning satzuma :wavin: Your poem was a veritable masterpiece! :goodjob:

                satz123;1544014 wrote:
                Molls - does KNOWING about a fire drill not defeat the purpose ? Just sayin'
                Must admit - I thought exactly the same thing


                  Army Thread Thursday 15th August

                  mollyka;1543990 wrote: :H:H

                  Ah the sun will blaze out and Charlie (the boss) will make a bollix of it and we'll bask on the wall for hours:H Poor Charlie --- he's a wannabe Buddhist monk --- management doesn't sit easy on his shoulders --- I'm guessing he didn't sleep all night with the worry of the drill:H
                  So if Charlie's a wannabe monk-chill-out dude, WHY is he in management? Is there a contradiction in Charlie's desires? Actually found this very interesting as it's what i am thinking about a lot right now...

                  so, we have the perception of scales and ladders of careers that we must climb to be seen to be successful (yes, i know "what is success anyway?")... and management and leadership (in terms of departments in and of org's) is where my comtemporaries are largely now (if not being full time actors/writers/directors etc)... and i'm debating with the committee in the head how much I really want to be managing (with a job description that entails being rammed behind a desk, only freed for a ream of meetings) and how much do i want to be doing something that is more akin to working in the trenches.

                  Indeed i don't even think it's an either/or. Indeed again, management is something we do in our work lives even if we are not a "manager" per se. (I manage classes, freelancers, kids, my own time/work load etc). And "managers" can be workers in the trenches too. Still, it is about where is our pull, our passion even (especially?) when we are at a low ebb and we groan about going to work and we dream of a day off, count the days to the weekend/holiday - that pull, that passion - overides everything. Yes, there is meaning, value and a joy found in going to work. Yes it is hard, feels like a chore but that is second to my fundamental belief for why i do this job.

                  Back to Charlie. Do you think if he just decided to jack it all in and signed up to be a monastic monk in a monastry in mongolia he might find peace and contentment? Does his desire to manage people, to have control, overide is other desire to be totally oooommmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?

                  right, must write this job app letter (for the post: dictator of monastic monastery :H)


                    Army Thread Thursday 15th August

                    Good morning Army.

                    Get well soon all those men in the Army Sick Bay

                    Hoping your cousin continues to improve Sweetie

                    Off to a Chagall exhibition at the Tate Liverpool and then adventure golf with my grandaughter who is 11 today

                    Fire drills, poetry I cannot keep up:H


                      Army Thread Thursday 15th August

                      satz123;1544012 wrote: Wot about MY po'try :stomper:
                      I writ one for D'arsey last night ...............

                      Recluse;1544017 wrote:
                      Good morning satzuma :wavin: Your poem was a veritable masterpiece! :goodjob:
                      Right you, Reccie. You say MINE was good, and you call Satzuma's a "veritable masterpiece"? Like, WTF?! :stomper:

                      I wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote
                      and wrote and wrote some more
                      but all that reccie could give the froglet was
                      a mediocre score
                      but when the little orange satz wrote a line or two
                      the reccie bear said "congrats,
                      your words are sublime, an A*
                      i give to you."


                      bloody pandas.


                        Army Thread Thursday 15th August

                        anon;1544025 wrote: Good morning Army.

                        Get well soon all those men in the Army Sick Bay

                        Hoping your cousin continues to improve Sweetie

                        Off to a Chagall exhibition at the Tate Liverpool and then adventure golf with my grandaughter who is 11 today

                        Fire drills, poetry I cannot keep up:H
                        Morning whizzy! Enjoy your art exhibition and golf

                        RunningCourage;1544026 wrote:
                        Right you, Reccie. You say MINE was good, and you call Satzuma's a "veritable masterpiece"? Like, WTF?! :stomper:

                        I wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote
                        and wrote and wrote some more
                        but all that reccie could give the froglet was
                        a mediocre score
                        but when the little orange satz wrote a line or two
                        the reccie bear said "congrats,
                        your words are sublime, an A*
                        i give to you."


                        bloody pandas.
                        Oh gawd...should never have opened my big mouth in the first place! I'd forgotten what delicate and sensitive souls you poets are. Arsey, please accept my sincere apologies. :sorry: Your latest collection of poems is truly magnificent, wonderful, exceptional, incomparable, transcendent, and splendiferous.

                        Satzy - don't even think about it!


                          Army Thread Thursday 15th August

                          Morning Army! Sorry for those not feeling well - I know that manflu is a killer :yeahright:

                          RunningCourage;1544024 wrote: So if Charlie's a wannabe monk-chill-out dude, WHY is he in management? Is there a contradiction in Charlie's desires? Actually found this very interesting as it's what i am thinking about a lot right now...

                          so, we have the perception of scales and ladders of careers that we must climb to be seen to be successful (yes, i know "what is success anyway?")... and management and leadership (in terms of departments in and of org's) is where my comtemporaries are largely now (if not being full time actors/writers/directors etc)... and i'm debating with the committee in the head how much I really want to be managing (with a job description that entails being rammed behind a desk, only freed for a ream of meetings) and how much do i want to be doing something that is more akin to working in the trenches.

                          Indeed i don't even think it's an either/or. Indeed again, management is something we do in our work lives even if we are not a "manager" per se. (I manage classes, freelancers, kids, my own time/work load etc). And "managers" can be workers in the trenches too. Still, it is about where is our pull, our passion even (especially?) when we are at a low ebb and we groan about going to work and we dream of a day off, count the days to the weekend/holiday - that pull, that passion - overides everything. Yes, there is meaning, value and a joy found in going to work. Yes it is hard, feels like a chore but that is second to my fundamental belief for why i do this job.
                          Something similar to what I have been thinking about lately, given my company's re-org and site closures (and this imminently forcing me to move house). Do I want a career or a paycheck? As hard as I have worked for my company they offer no promises of loyalty for the future. So I have decided that I value a paycheck over a career. However, I must enjoy what I do and find value in it. I will go to extraordinary lengths at work, but it is for the people I work with, not the company. If they expect loyalty they can buy a dog.

                          Sweetpea, I am joining in and sending you and your family lots of positive vibes and crossing every possible appendage for a quick and speedy recovery for your cousin.
                          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                            Army Thread Thursday 15th August

                            Recluse;1544032 wrote: Morning whizzy! Enjoy your art exhibition and golf

                            Oh gawd...should never have opened my big mouth in the first place! I'd forgotten what delicate and sensitive souls you poets are. Arsey, please accept my sincere apologies. :sorry: Your latest collection of poems is truly magnificent, wonderful, exceptional, incomparable, transcendent, and splendiferous.

                            Satzy - don't even think about it!
                            A retort is beneath me :angel: ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!!


                              Army Thread Thursday 15th August

                              satz123;1544042 wrote: :H:H
                              A retort is beneath me :angel: ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!!


                                Army Thread Thursday 15th August

                                Siren136;1544040 wrote: Morning Army! Sorry for those not feeling well - I know that manflu is a killer :yeahright:

                                Something similar to what I have been thinking about lately, given my company's re-org and site closures (and this imminently forcing me to move house). Do I want a career or a paycheck? As hard as I have worked for my company they offer no promises of loyalty for the future. So I have decided that I value a paycheck over a career. However, I must enjoy what I do and find value in it. I will go to extraordinary lengths at work, but it is for the people I work with, not the company.
                                If they expect loyalty they can buy a dog.

                                Exactly -
                                Also RC I agree that moving up the ladder to 'success' should not automatically mean moving into management.
                                I have known very talented school teachers who then became 'just' principles ( no teaching ) - but were miserable in management.
                                I know a peer in here who when moved up grade became manager but HATED it and were CRAP at it. took a demotion they were so unhappy.
                                Grafters need to be grafters and let othose with the talent for it be the management side of things.
                                USE PEOPLE FECKIN' TALENTS CORRECTLY !!!

