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90 days :)

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    90 days :)

    Hi all
    Well i've made it to 90 days AF. I've done this once before but feel stronger this time.
    I've been having really strong cravings this week. I only used to drink whiskey/ vodka/ rum.
    I used to make super strong drinks cos i adore the taste. That's what i've been craving. The strong taste of it as it burnt my throat going down. How bloody stupid is that?? Also i've been trying to lose weight and i've lost a stone and a half ( 21 lbs ) in these 90 days. I am really pleased about it but because i'm always hungry my craving for alcohol has been intense too. On reflection i don't think u should quit alcohol and diet at the same time.
    It's been a tough 90 days but well worth it. Hangovers feel like a distant memory and i sleep like a baby. All anxiety has gone too I even called in on an old drinking buddy the other night to pick something up. There was a houseful. They were all drinking pints of vodka and snorting coke. The music was on and everyone was laughing and dancing in the garden. I couldn't take my eyes off all the vodka bottles strewn everywhere. I sniffed the bottle and it smelt like bathroom cleaner! I haven't had a vodka for over a year now i know why. U may aswell pour bleach down your throat. I totally and utterly lost my mind on that stuff.
    I walked away after about half an hour with mixed feelings. I do miss all the fun we had on the crazy nights but it wasn't worth me heading to an early grave for. I know for a fact i would of been seriously ill by now.
    So onwards and upwards i shall go. I cannot express enough how much this website has helped me. I know i should post more instead of lurking and i should support others more too. If anyone is reading this who is struggling believe me when i say "if i can do it ANYONE can!" You have to love yourself ultimately. We are all worth it!
    Love to you all xxx

    90 days

    Great work, Vegan!

    You have achieved this in kind of a difficult way -- lurking more than posting and dieting at the same time!!!
    That is impressive but since this is a lifelong commitment, I hope you find ways to make it a little easier on yourself .

    Now that you have the hardest part done, what are your plans for maintenance?

    It would be great to "see" you more around MWO!

    All the best to you - NS


      90 days

      Congratulations Vegan!! Keep up the great work!!


        90 days

        Fantastic to hear Vegan. Well done.

        It's weird when you see people drinking/doing drugs when you're sober. It seems so pointless. They think they're having the times of their lives though .... how mistaken.

        I had a sniff of how life can feel at the month mark free of A. Can only start to dream how 90 days feels.

        Make it another great 90 days and that's half a year!!!


          90 days

          Thanks guys
          No Sugar - Not sure about maintenance....... I suppose it's the one day at a time scenario?
          Don't get drawn into the advertising lies of alcohol, stay away from drinking parties, don't fantasise about how wonderful AL is and try to remember how very ill i had become? I also lost an old friend thru AL in June. She was only 41 so i think about her when i crave it.


            90 days

            Great stuff Vegan, first 90 can be so hard and now you can open your mind to looking at the world in a different way, enjoy
            "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


              90 days

              Very nice job!!!!!


                90 days

                Hi Vegan,

                I'm so happy for you! Really, now when I look at people drinking and having fun I don't believe it. In hindsight that fun was pretty phony if I'm honest. I often did and said things that so weren't me. I'm learning that not being blotto means a much more real and honest me.

                I wish you continued success and you should be SO proud!!

                Best to you,
                UN :lilheart:


                  90 days

                  Good work Vegan, and your experience at the party was a positive one. I remember having a dark wood table, didn't last very long once I started on the vodka - it ended up with white rings on it and a large patch where I spilt a drink. Goes to show it really is paintstripper!
                  I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                  Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                  AF date 22/07/13


                    90 days

                    Vegan, 90 days is fantastic! Congratulations. :goodjob:
                    Success is making yourself do the thing you need to do, when you need to do it, whether you like it or not.
                    If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.


                      90 days

                      Congratulations Vegan!


                        90 days


                        That is totally amazing I am so happy for you.

                        Many congratulations Flossie xx
                        Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


                          90 days

                          Dear Vegan,
                          Congrats on your big accomplishment. Those of us in early stages of AF journey could benefit from learning about how you did it. Keep going!
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                            90 days

                            thank you for posting this today,no so called "fun"is definitely not worth an early grave,gongrats on 90 days,thats an awesome achievement
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              90 days

                              Thanks all of you It really is nice to get a pat on the back
                              Free At Last - I don't have any magic words to give you on how i did it i'm afraid. As you can see by my join date i have been trying to quit for a long time. I just know i was getting worse and worse and becoming very ill. After every binge i would wake up in sheer terror. My anxiety after drinking was intense. I had stomach pains and a migraine that would last for up to a week. I started getting bright red hives all over my forehead and scalp. Not to mention the bloated face and red eyes. I was blacking out every time and embarrassing myself so much. I still cringe now. I started being sick in my blackout too which could have killed me if i'd choked. Anyway i turned 41 in April and had a very good hard look at myself in the mirror. I decided enough was enough and i wanted to change my life. Also i have lost countless people to alcohol. I have a memory of when i was 20. I was at a friends flat and we were all drinking and partying. There was about 7 of us there. I am the only one who is still alive today. All of them died from drink and drugs. The youngest died at 24 and the oldest died in june aged 41. That has given me a huge reality check i can tell ya!
                              I want to live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              Thanks again everyone u are the best xxxx

