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Army Thread Saturday 17th August

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    Army Thread Saturday 17th August

    Good morning, folksies

    I can wear the t-shirt Satz bought me yesterday.

    Have to get the cubs to an inter-schools sports day in a town about an hour's drive from here. Leaving at 6.30. Probably only back sometime in the afternoon. The weather is truly miserable, so I'm feeling sorry for myself. I'm sure it'll be OK once I get my arse out of bed and get going.

    Have a lekker day, everyone.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Saturday 17th August

    Good morning MrT and all to come

    Glad to hear ye have survived the manful MrT! :goodjob:

    Off to workies for me, hoping it wont be too mental today!

    Cousin is making progress, hopefully today they're gonna take her off the ventilator, some change from this day last week when we thought we would lose her Poor wee thing still has a long road ahead for physical/mental recovery but at least recovery is an option.

    Hope everyone else here keeping well xx


      Army Thread Saturday 17th August

      Good morning Tipperoooo and Piddlepants,

      Lovely to see that, Sweety. Hope everything goes well today.

      Hope you win the egg and spoon race, Tips.

      Mr JC's going to bring the son and heir home today. Starts his new branch on Monday.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Saturday 17th August

        Good morning JC,Tips and Sweetie.

        Off for an 18 mile run around chester back later.

        Having a very busy but nice time at the moment--except for last evening at a big family get together in a restaurant, loads of expensive wines and liquers were consumed the bill was split equally Arghh:upset:


          Army Thread Saturday 17th August

          Hey Ms A
          Where do you get your energy - what is the secret?
          Do do eat well?
          What's your typical day's diet ?
          Do you take any supplements ?
          Just wondered -'cos I'm here knackered :upset:


            Army Thread Saturday 17th August

            Morning tips, sweetie, Jackie and mrs a

            That's great news about your cousin peapie

            Glad you're feeling better tips.

            anon;1544731 wrote: Off for an 18 mile run around chester back later.

            Having a very busy but nice time at the moment--except for last evening at a big family get together in a restaurant, loads of expensive wines and liquers were consumed the bill was split equally Arghh:upset:
            That's very frustrating for you whizzy - not only do you have to watch the buggers drinking, you have to pay for the privilege too! :upset:

            Going to try to get out for another run today, but it definitely won't be 18 miles. I did manage a short run yesterday afternoon though while my laptop was reinstalling. :goodjob:

            Footy season starts today!!! :yay:


              Army Thread Saturday 17th August

              Morning satzy

              Knackered here too.


                Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                Hi Reccy and satz

                FABULOUS news about your cousin Sweetie. Fingers and everything else crossed for a speedy recovery:l

                No supplements Satz but I did build up to this mileage. I started out with run walk for a mile until I could run (jog slowly) for a mile without stopping. Inchy take note!!
                I eat normal food in larger quantities and drink loads of water etc. On long runs when people are downing expensive sports drinks and Gels I eat jelly babies and drink water:H


                  Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                  Morning Our Whizzy, Satzuma and Reccybear.

                  Bet Whizzy takes nothing apart from enormous bars of Cadbury's Dairy Milk.
                  Ach wouldn't really bother me these days watching but I'd be seriously fecked off paying for them to do it.

                  Have you Sky Sports, Reccy, because if not they're doing a free day on Freeview.

                  Can't say this out loud but I'm looking forward to the Footie season too.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                    morning all :hallo:

                    today is a study day - well, study morning, notice that the athletics are on this arvo...

                    i'll go cook dinner if others are watching the footy...


                      Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                      JackieClaire;1544742 wrote: Have you Sky Sports, Reccy, because if not they're doing a free day on Freeview.

                      Can't say this out loud but I'm looking forward to the Footie season too.
                      No...I don't have Sky Sports Jackie. Ooooh...thanks! :thanks:

                      Edit: Morning arsey!


                        Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                        morning all, off to work in a bit, only 2 more weeks and then I leave my job of 5 years! I truly hate it there, although the lovely woman I work with bought me a brand new air of boots as a leaving present!

                        Glad to hear you survive the man flu tips
                        Hope your day isn't too bad sweetpea and still keeping your cousin in my thoughts x
                        Reccie: will also be out for a run this afternoon, god we're all getting fit round here eh?
                        Mrs. A: Thanks for advice, probably attempting an up hill sprint on my first run was not a good idea! Will try and be more sensible when I head out after work today
                        aaaaannndddd general helloings and good mornings to all and wishing everyone a great weekend

                        I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                        To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                          Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                          xpost morning to ye arsey
                          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                            Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                            Morning D'Arsey and Incheroooo.

                            Molls poke yer head in for a wave will you. I'm starting to fret.

                            What you going to make, Arsey. I can bring a chicken curry to the table.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                              RunningCourage;1544747 wrote: morning all :hallo:

                              today is a study day - well, study morning, notice that the athletics are on this arvo...

                              i'll go cook dinner if others are watching the footy...
                              Where are you RC - back home?

