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Army Thread Saturday 17th August

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    Army Thread Saturday 17th August

    Just I knew it must be A levels this week as it's GCSE's next Thursday as we've got a niece waiting for hers.

    I vaguely remember Jenz going to Nottingham for her aptitude test for medicine. She got a free stethoscope. She got a place at Glasgow but unfortunately didn't get the 3 As she needed.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Saturday 17th August

      It's really worrisome, in the past he couldn't organize his way out of a paper bag.

      And get this.......................he's ironed a shirt before going out.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Saturday 17th August

        hey all so i'm in a little trouble here n input would be great: i just got told by my mother i can't spend christmas with my family or even visit them because it may bother her and my brother. it's also been decided i am being unreasonable for not forgiving him (bear in mind he has not apologised). needless to say i am very very depressed, still sober but just clinging on and really need some help to figure out how to deal with this sober before i give in and just drink to make this easier.
        I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

        To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



          Army Thread Saturday 17th August

          Yo there Inchy.

          Got to be very quick here as I need to nip out for a bit. Believe or not we're going to Asda.

          Firstly very wise decision you've made there. We all know how stressed and unhappy you were at home and we're watching a real change in you now you're out of that situation.

          Secondly you know, I know that drinking will just lead you to a darker place.

          If you don't drink you are the winner here, drink and they win.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Saturday 17th August

            InChains;1544948 wrote: hey all so i'm in a little trouble here n input would be great: i just got told by my mother i can't spend christmas with my family or even visit them because it may bother her and my brother. it's also been decided i am being unreasonable for not forgiving him (bear in mind he has not apologised). needless to say i am very very depressed, still sober but just clinging on and really need some help to figure out how to deal with this sober before i give in and just drink to make this easier.
            Yo inchyroo - see wot Molls and Jacs said? I can't add to that. They too wise for words! :bow

            What i can recognise is that bit at the end i highlighted. Drink to make it EASIER? Easier? Don't we mean, drink to make it go away for a while? Don't we mean AHa! An excuse to drink!

            I do it. I did it today. For example, the day after being told me job was being made redundant (and feeling royally shafted by colleagues at work whom i had been resolutely loyal towards) i told myself i could have a drink. If i dared. I played with it in me head. Y'know the way - tossing it about from one metaphorical hand to the other. And today I did it - tossing the idea about in me head. Nothing in particular - but y'know, it would make NOW be easier. It would make NOW go away. And why would I be drinking? Och, just to drink at people. To drink at colleagues at work. To drink at my folks for me feeling me they've let me down. To drink at me and my self perceived (and utterly wrongly perceived) believe that i am not good enough/failure/pathetic yada yada yada... yup, we know it, we've heard it, most of us have a similar committee of C U Next Tuesday's in our heads.

            But is that a GOOD reason to drink?

            Of course not.

            Indeed if we always use drink as a source of sanctuary everytime something hard hits us, we'll only ever get weaker at dealing with the hard times.
            The more we deal with living the better we get at it.
            Like making art.
            It's being creative.

            Inchy - go be. Be a work of art. :l


              Army Thread Saturday 17th August

              Howdy :waving:


                Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                Hello inchy, arsey, satzy :hallo:

                mollyka;1544952 wrote: Your mother is enabling your brother obviously --- co-dependency springs to mind - you cannot get into the ring with them as long as they carry on like that --- you need out - and stay out - yes, you feel like you are rejected --- but it's NOTHING to do with you --- your mother is as 'sick' as your brother is --- they are living 'in' addiction, she in your brothers --- it's unhealthy and it's potentially lethal to you ----- imvvvvho xxxxx
                I agree with every single word of this molly - I hope you're taking molly's wise words on board inchy. TBH, from what you've told us, it's not obvious to me why you would even want to spend time with your brother at Christmas, though I could maybe understand how you might want to see your mum, but she is part of the problem and not part of the solution as things stand. The best thing you can do for yourself is to keep your distance from the situation back at home. Unless something changes drastically there, trying to maintain close contact with home can only harm your prospects of getting and staying sober and living a long and happy life. My two cents. Basically I agree with everything everyone else has said.


                  Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                  just had a blazing row with fiance, did a runner and had to be picked up by future father in law n driven to a store to buy booze. low point? yep.
                  I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                  To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                    Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                    mollyka;1544965 wrote: Howdy Benjy??!!

                    Nice post Arsey --- you ARE saying you 'thought' today a drink would make it go away --- ya didn't achully drink??
                    Of course i did:

                    6 pints
                    (Of apple and blackcurrant juice - with fizzy water cos it makes me burp)
                    1 bottle of beer
                    (AF beer)
                    4 shots
                    (of espresso)



                      Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                      Oh and 3 cups of T: 2 redbush (love a redhead me :H); 1 spiced apple&camokilometre


                        Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                        mollyka;1544971 wrote: I'm so so sorry pet ---- dunno what to say --- we can do all sorts of mad things when we are angry or grieving ---- I think you are doing both. Don't worry bout 'low points' - shit, we've all had them, just take care little one..... try and get some sleep and finish off a lousy day yeah?
                        What the wise woman said.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                          Geez D'Arsey, you'll be up all night piddling. I suppose with the espresso that'll be Ok as you'll be wide awake.

                          Glad we did that last minute dash to Asda means we don't have to do the big shop tomorrow.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                            mollyka;1544983 wrote: :H

                            Is Asda a sorta posh supermarket or is it friggintesco'ish? We don't have them over here.
                            Hope you're ok Inchy?
                            Asda's a cheaper version of friggintesco. Was taken over by Walmart a good while a go. Nowt to right home about.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                              mollyka;1544983 wrote: :H

                              Is Asda a sorta posh supermarket
                              or is it friggintesco'ish? We don't have them over here.
                              Hope you're ok Inchy?

                              Nice one Molls. Damn good joke!


                                Army Thread Saturday 17th August

                                Inchy, thinking of ya hun :l

