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Army Thread Monday 19th August

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    Army Thread Monday 19th August


    Sweety... don't feel guilty for vegging... you've been stressed out and need a breather hon... X And... all this came after you having your bro there and not a minute to yourself. It's no wonder you need a flippin siesta!

    Mr D'Arsey... I'll bet you're going to land yourself a job that you actually LIKE. No matter how crap they handled this, truth is you weren't happy there anyways. (I've just mentally stuck my two fingers up at them by the way...) :H

    The Home Owner Association annual tree trimming is taking place today and I feckin HATE this event. I always end up getting in a verbal with the tree trimmers when they throw the heavy branches on my bloody plants and this year was no exception. :upset: The screaming Scottish harridan and eight surly, tired, can't-be-arsed-to-be-bothered-if-I'm-flattening-yer-garden-missus Fellers. I gave the feckers ice water afterwards and all... sooky moi... gah.

    Does anyone know anything about smartphones? After Mollers mentioned the Samsung Galaxy S4 I went off and researched and have come up with that one and the HTC One. And the Samsung Galaxy Note (for the extra big screen that me peepers might be able to read but might be a bit bulky). Anyone familiar with this lot?

    Now that my yearly dust-up with the trimmers is over... time for a shower! I knew I would end up out there in the heat slinging branches so I didn't have one after the gym. Just wish I stank so they could have suffered and shared my pain! :H


      Army Thread Monday 19th August

      :hiya: my lovelies.

      Aye, the cheeky buggers ,D'Darsey.............freelance .........?90 + VAT per hour. Sounds like a deal to me.

      Sweety, big hugs to you and your family. :l:l
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Monday 19th August

        X-post Zennifer.
        Yoooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo to yoooooooooooooo.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Monday 19th August

          evening all

          Reccie: Thank you for what you said about luck, I've heard alot about how I'm lucky to be with my other half etc, it's nice to hear somebody say it's not just good fortune.

          Arsey: Lanegan's not metal - he owes more to Waits than to grunge/rock. Not what ya'll would expect me to listen to xD

          n my thighs don't like my choice of shoes, but I'll leave it til after my next big appointment to decide if the running shoes are worth getting - don't know if my motivation will carry on if my bloods come back the same.
          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



            Army Thread Monday 19th August

            RunningCourage;1545727 wrote: Lazy bint my arse! You of all people deserve a day of nada. The wisest and smartest people tell us we can only be our best if we rest, reflect, turn off, tune out, sleep. Siesta till yer hearts content!

            There's achully a number of semi-interesting jobs popping up - stuff i could do for a few months or a year. So yeah, just beginning to ping out job app's etc. "Ping" out makes it sounds like i can ping em out as easy as throwing a frisbee... job app's take forever with me.

            Off to go read, bacinabit...
            Delighted that ye have jobs popping up D'Arsey- all the better that they interest you

            Zenstyle;1545739 wrote: Arvo/evenink!

            Sweety... don't feel guilty for vegging... you've been stressed out and need a breather hon... X And... all this came after you having your bro there and not a minute to yourself. It's no wonder you need a flippin siesta!

            Mr D'Arsey... I'll bet you're going to land yourself a job that you actually LIKE. No matter how crap they handled this, truth is you weren't happy there anyways. (I've just mentally stuck my two fingers up at them by the way...) :H

            The Home Owner Association annual tree trimming is taking place today and I feckin HATE this event. I always end up getting in a verbal with the tree trimmers when they throw the heavy branches on my bloody plants and this year was no exception. The screaming Scottish harridan and eight surly, tired, can't-be-arsed-to-be-bothered-if-I'm-flattening-yer-garden-missus Fellers. I gave the feckers ice water afterwards and all... sooky moi... gah.

            Does anyone know anything about smartphones? After Mollers mentioned the Samsung Galaxy S4 I went off and researched and have come up with that one and the HTC One. And the Samsung Galaxy Note (for the extra big screen that me peepers might be able to read but might be a bit bulky). Anyone familiar with this lot?

            Now that my yearly dust-up with the trimmers is over... time for a shower! I knew I would end up out there in the heat slinging branches so I didn't have one after the gym. Just wish I stank so they could have suffered and shared my pain!
            :H Hiya Zenny :hiya: Yer too soft giving them beggers iced water!! Sorry don't know v much bout the smart phones- Ive a Samsung galaxy mini but alls I use it for are txtn and ringing!! Don't do technology me!
            How're ye doing otherwise- ye never seem to take a minute ne'er mind a siesta yerself!

            JackieClaire;1545740 wrote:
            :hiya: my lovelies.

            Aye, the cheeky buggers ,D'Darsey.............freelance .........?90 + VAT per hour. Sounds like a deal to me.

            Sweety, big hugs to you and your family.
            Hiya Jacks :hiya: Hows tings in Nooocastle? Hope me baby bro didn't wreck the place!! He's back in London now so I'd imagine the air is much cleaner and sweet-smelling up there now that he's departed! Thanks for the hugs- much appreciated, as are all the good vibes from the good Army folk xx


              Army Thread Monday 19th August

              Hiya Inchy

              When are you due next bloods?


                Army Thread Monday 19th August

                technically next wednesday, but as I'm working it'll be the following week
                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Army Thread Monday 19th August

                  The luvverly Jenz works ( deputy manager of one of our finest party establishments...........that was just a braggity brag there) in Noocastle and wasn't tearing her hair out when she came round last night so it must have been a fairly decent weekend.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Monday 19th August

                    Hi everyone
                    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                    AF date 22/07/13


                      Army Thread Monday 19th August

                      Yooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooo YouKayBee.

                      and Mollymoo and Incheroo and anyone I missed.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Monday 19th August

                        JackieClaire;1545759 wrote: Yooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooo YouKayBee.

                        and Mollymoo and Incheroo and anyone I missed.
                        I think I need a name change, love it makes me smile every time JC
                        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                        AF date 22/07/13


                          Army Thread Monday 19th August

                          Popping to bed soon, just wanted to say "hi" and show me face.
                          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                          AF date 22/07/13


                            Army Thread Monday 19th August

                            It's alway nice to see you, YouKay. Go on and change yer name. I dares ya.

                            I fell asleep reading me blooming book again so I'll be up 'til yon time again.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Monday 19th August

                              Hiya Molls and UKB :hiya: and Jacks n Inchy again

                              Phonecall from me other cousin took me away- no change from hospital tonight- looks like ventilator gonna be in for another 48 hrs tho.


                                Army Thread Monday 19th August

                                sweetpea29;1545749 wrote:
                                Hiya Zenny Yer too soft giving them beggers iced water!! Sorry don't know v much bout the smart phones- Ive a Samsung galaxy mini but alls I use it for are txtn and ringing!! Don't do technology me!
                                How're ye doing otherwise- ye never seem to take a minute ne'er mind a siesta yerself!

                                I am a wee bit soft in the heid but the poor feckers were knackered cutting down trees in this heat and I was kind of yelling at them like cos I just planted the back garden a few months ago and it's crap to see it getting flattened. (And I don't want them to come back and rob me gaff either!!!) :H Best to have left it on a good note... lol

                                I do take a min to myself, I just don't mention all the "sits" I have!

                                mollyka;1545754 wrote:

                                I've a friend at work with the HTC One - loves it to bits. One of the girls at Aftercare has the Galaxy Note ---- it's positively AWESOME ---- but quite big for a phone --- if I hadn't bought the Kindle I'd be tempted tho ---- the Galaxy S4 just fits the bill for me I think ---- was playing with the iphone 5 today in Rush --- and it IS lovely ---- screen just not big enough for me tho --- It's not that much bigger than my own and I find it fiddly if I need to browse and read a few pages or follow maps etc
                                Half the sitting room is dug up --- Joe's puttin a brave face on it but ---- oh fuck
                                Fucking awful news about your sitting room. What the hell happened? Did they lift the floor boards? :upset: If you have wood floors just make sure they put them back in after the wood's dried. Oh hell wait, but it might warp if it's not fixed down. The interior designer in me is all anxious for you... :l

                                I'm betwixt and between on the phones not that it's much to talk about after your living room fiasco. I may find out the Galaxy Note is too expensive and then it'll just be between the Galaxy S4 and the HTC One. But I don't have a Kindle so maybe the Note is the way to go? iPhones are great of course but they're too dear so I'm glad you said the screen's too small as I want a BIG one (as the actress said to the Bishop...)

                                :waving: Hiya You Kay Bee!

