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Army Thread Monday 19th August

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    Army Thread Monday 19th August

    sweetpea29;1545770 wrote:
    Phonecall from me other cousin took me away- no change from hospital tonight- looks like ventilator gonna be in for another 48 hrs tho.
    Jingos... the poor thing. ( She just needs to make that initial start on getting well and it will be smooth sailing I'll bet. It can't be long now Sweety till she starts improving...


      Army Thread Monday 19th August

      Zenstyle;1545772 wrote: Jingos... the poor thing. ( She just needs to make that initial start on getting well and it will be smooth sailing I'll bet. It can't be long now Sweety till she starts improving...
      Ooch aye Zenny, in physical illness terms she's in a better place this week methinks, just that her muscles have wasted and weakened from over a week fully sedated, plus its obviously messed with her mind, its just gonna take time I suppose.

      Laughing at the picture I have in me heid of you yelling at those blokes:H

      Why's Molls sittin room dug up- musta missed summat?

      Wot happened Molls?


        Army Thread Monday 19th August

        mollyka;1545783 wrote: Hi UK!!! Good to see you round - you sound happy?

        Ah - they've taken up a few planks and drilled down into the cement underneath --- the lad who's doing it is one of Simons best friends and he's a perfectionist so it'll be fine! Pipes just sprang a leak really - dunno how long it's been there either --- wonder did any of the mwo'rs who were here last April notice that there was a bulgy floor??
        The Note IMO -- is absolutely perfect for a woman --- it's too big for a man's pocket, but just perfect for a bag ---- I'd love it - don't think it's THAT much dearer than the Galaxy...... the iphone is no dearer over here than the Galaxy achully..... but deffo not big enough for me!

        That poor wee lassie ---- my heart goes out to her really --- jaysus, just having a baby is traumatic enough..... but they'll be grand --- hugs and lubs to you all:l:l
        Ah Molls- that's pure crap bout the leak- happened in me Dad's house 2 yrs ago- we discovered it on New Years Day of all days- oh holy feck it was a nightmare trying to get a plumber out to fix it and then the clean-up afterwards!! 3 ceilings needed replaced when it was all over!! Didn't notice a bulgy floor :no:

        Here, what was the name of that book a few weeks back you were reading- I never got round to ordering it and want to now?


          Army Thread Monday 19th August

          mollyka;1545790 wrote: No don't think it was bulging that long ago --- your poor Da --- why do things things invariably happen at Christmas and such times!!!?? I'll regale you sometime we are bored on here with my washing machine man on a Christmas Eve ---- Mortification!!!!
          Was it the fella in the lighthouse? The Light Between Oceans? Smashing book!!! Waiting for Instructions for a Heatwave - believe it's great - just finishing Mockingjay --- feckin great 3 books - can't believe they are categorized for kids!
          Poor Da me arse- was muggins here had to do the clean-up!:H God love him he was just in shock at state of place!

          Yeah tink it was Light between oceans- better write that down- thankyou xx

          Ah so you got he Hunger games trio then? Really enjoyed them too and could near read them again I always fall in love with characters in books! Why can real life men not be like the wans in books?!


            Army Thread Monday 19th August

            mollyka;1545791 wrote: STUFFING my face with slabs of brown bread peanut butter and jam --- pure piggery!! Had a DAY of listening to arseholes --- it's Heritage Week here in Ireland and loads of events are being put on for free --- lots of them through the libraries --- some are booked up and the ABUSE some shaggers give you cos you can't fit them in...... came home like a tinker :-(((
            Ah sorry ye had to listen to abuse in work Molls- some people are downright ignorant arseholes- so many times in me own place would love to say exactly that to folk 'feck off ye ignorant arsehole' but methinks it wouldn't go down too well with the management! Say it under me breath tho!


              Army Thread Monday 19th August

              know how you feel with people Molly, taken some fantastic abuse at my work, some people...
              I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

              To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                Army Thread Monday 19th August

                brother just announced he's getting married.


                  Army Thread Monday 19th August

                  RunningCourage;1545802 wrote: brother just announced he's getting married.
                  Congrats to yer bro D'Arsey When's the big day?


                    Army Thread Monday 19th August

                    mollyka;1545804 wrote: Oh my oh my!!!!! Was that out of left field or were ye expecting it?? How do you feel about it? Is she nice? C'mon Arsey ---- SPILL!!!
                    sweetpea29;1545805 wrote:
                    Congrats to yer bro D'Arsey When's the big day?
                    2014 is the big day - he'll not know until like the day before :H

                    Aye, we've been expecting (hoping?) for it for a whiley. She's lovely - they've been together for about 3 years, live in Brighton. She's just become a qualified GP.

                    And me ma has gone absolutely fucking coocoo with excitement. P'd her pants? No. She's fucking showered Niagra right across Scotland. :H


                      Army Thread Monday 19th August

                      RunningCourage;1545809 wrote: 2014 is the big day - he'll not know until like the day before :H

                      Aye, we've been expecting (hoping?) for it for a whiley. She's lovely - they've been together for about 3 years, live in Brighton. She's just become a qualified GP.

                      And me ma has gone absolutely fucking coocoo with excitement. P'd her pants? No. She's fucking showered Niagra right across Scotland. :H
                      :H Excellent


                        Army Thread Monday 19th August

                        Okey dokes- time for sleeps again here!

                        Nighters and sweetdreams to ye all xx


                          Army Thread Monday 19th August

                          congrats to your brother Arsey thats great news
                          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                            Army Thread Monday 19th August

                            night molly
                            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                              Army Thread Monday 19th August

