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Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

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    Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

    RunningCourage;1546126 wrote: Aye Molls - tis good news. So might actually get a wee break in Sept' - may head abroad for a few days - to Englandshire :egad: and just, well, get away.
    It would be a perfect opportunity to get away for a little while arsey - might do you the world of good.

    mollyka;1546145 wrote:
    Oh I hope so --- wouldn't hurt anyone here for the world!!!
    Ok day at work --- working with someone who doesn't actually have B.O. but deffo never washes his clothes --- he's my senior librarian so it's really uncomfortable and god knows what the 'punters' think --- once they don't think it's ME!!!!!
    Oh yuk!!! :yuk: at the unwashed clothes!


      Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

      mollyka;1546145 wrote: Brilliant!! Hoping to do the same myself if and when the shop gets sorted -- would love to head to the Lake District or Scotland on the bike ---- we shall see!!! We could MEET-UP
      Would love to meet up if we can. :yay:
      By the way Molls, you do realise you CAN'T cycle from Ireland to Enguland, or Scotland?
      There's water between us.
      Suggest you get a BOAT and put yer bike ON the boat.
      Much safer


        Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

        RunningCourage;1546148 wrote: :H THat's it done now! Needed to do a test run with image and update marathon info!
        When's the Moray marathon?


          Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

          Hey Molls, D'Arsey, Reccie and any lurkers :wavin:

          Ya know tings are bad when yer bro returns home after a days work and yer still in the ol pj's, breakfast dishes in sink, hoover sittin aside ya like a pet waitin to go for its walk!!

          Never mind how many sudokos ye have completed successfully!! Like how can I nag him bout crumbs n like?!! Needless to say- took the ol dyson a wee walkabout- should keep it happy another whiley. Dishes are done, washing is out and uniforms waitin to be ironed. Hafta make a dinner too- gawd this is a hard ol life guys!

          Tink a break away would do ye the world of good D'Arsey :goodjob: You gonna travel all the way to Engerland? If Molls n Joe got one of dem bikes ya see with a sidecar thingy ye could go with them!


            Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

            mollyka;1546086 wrote: Evening arsey! And GREAT news bout ur cousin peapantz - delighted I am! Good to see you girly - how have you been doing?
            Foxy I hope I didn't appear unsympathetic earlier - trust me I know how you feel - been there enuff times! Just I'da needed to be asked those questions - come back!!!!!!! Pleez????? Xxx
            Arsey that musta been good news with the job yeah???
            mollyka;1546145 wrote:
            Brilliant!! Hoping to do the same myself if and when the shop gets sorted -- would love to head to the Lake District or Scotland on the bike ---- we shall see!!! We could MEET-UP

            Oh I hope so --- wouldn't hurt anyone here for the world!!!
            Ok day at work --- working with someone who doesn't actually have B.O. but deffo never washes his clothes --- he's my senior librarian so it's really uncomfortable and god knows what the 'punters' think --- once they don't think it's ME!!!!!
            Molls yer posts never come across as unsympathetic- ever- opposite in fact, its clear how much you care:l

            Commiserations bout the work situation- tis a tricky one xx


              Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

              Recluse;1546151 wrote: When's the Moray marathon?
              1st Sept, Recs - :egad: that's in 10 fecking days!! I have been training... just didn;t sign up until tonight. Teasing myself with the will-i-wont-i thing...

              sweetpea29;1546154 wrote:

              Tink a break away would do ye the world of good D'Arsey You gonna travel all the way to Engerland? If Molls n Joe got one of dem bikes ya see with a sidecar thingy ye could go with them!
              :HArsey in a side car! Perfect! Molls - go get Joe to buy us one will ya!

              mollyka;1546156 wrote:
              Cheeky bugger. The problem won't be getting the bike on the boat -- just me husband:H
              Is it Moray - as in Moray Firth?

              Aye, it's Moray Firth - start in Elgin, loop up and round to Losiemouth, and then back into Elgin.

              BUT... beat this, just pm'd the Whizmeister about runs n stuff and mentioned that my bro - he who is getting married (*yawn*) is running Jungfrau in Sept: Check it out:



              Maybe one day, maybe one day... just maybe i'll do that too...


                Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                Look at this Mollers! New Samsung 'Mega' phone nearly tablet-sized ? Corpus Christi Caller-Times Now I think THAT is TOO big but it?s interesting the way the phones are heading. I?ve more or less decided I?m going to get the Galaxy Note II unless something else pops up when I go to Best Buy. How is your floor saga?

                Foxy? It?s great to see you back posting hon. I was wondering where you?d disappeared to. Good on you for knocking it on the head and here?s to Day 5 tomorrow? XXX (p.s. remember it?s not about the winning, it?s about never giving up?) :l

                Whizzy? I want to be gadding about when I grow up! Ya lucky divil!

                D?Arsey? Sounds to me like you need to do a bit of pillow punching. That rage at your computer this morning is born out of frustration. I get it quite often myself? usually when I?m on a 1-800 call with someone in India trying to sort out a technical problem? I get frustrated because I can?t understand what they?re saying and they are used to American accents and they can?t understand my Scottish one. Gah! I?m getting angry just thinking about it!!! Go and stack some cushions/pillows up on your bed and punch the feck out of them. Hopefully now that you know where you stand viz a viz finishing up at work you?ll start to feel a bit better in yourself? XXX

                Sweety? Brilliant news on your cousin! The whole family can breathe a sigh of relief now. I?m sure she?ll be up and at ?em in no time now that?s she?s turned the corner? )

                Girly? I hope you?re hanging in there and you didn?t go to the shop. Let us know how you?re doing hon?

                Good to see you Sol and Damo!

                Recluse;1546033 wrote:
                "Scottish harridan" doesn't sound very zen-like, zenners. You might have to re-think your MWO handle if this continues...
                :H Fer the LAST TIME! Me name is from interior designing... Zen STYLE! :H :new: Ah man, I must be the most inappropriately named person on this site. Although! I will say... I have got a bit more Zen recently. It's been ages since I got utterly frustrated on a 1-800 call with India. ;o)

                :waving: Yoooo hoooo to a'body else!

                Yer wan indoors' brother is coming to spend the weekend so I've been putting a wee "plan" together. Going out for dinner Friday and afterwards live music at an Irish place, inviting a few peeps to a BBQ at my house on Saturday and probably going to a drag show brunch on Sunday (the same place we took Cheryl's mum). Maybe some golf but doubt I'll play... it's too feckin humid. I'll have their niece come over Saturday as well as a few friends. Tired just thinking about it!


                  Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                  RunningCourage;1546161 wrote: 1st Sept, Recs - :egad: that's in 10 fecking days!! I have been training... just didn;t sign up until tonight. Teasing myself with the will-i-wont-i thing...
                  Blimey, that's soon! Number 5 is it? I was wondering how many marathons whizzy has done too.

                  RunningCourage;1546161 wrote:
                  BUT... beat this, just pm'd the Whizmeister about runs n stuff and mentioned that my bro - he who is getting married (*yawn*) is running Jungfrau in Sept: Check it out:



                  Maybe one day, maybe one day... just maybe i'll do that too...
                  Wow, that looks glamorous, not to mention tough!


                    Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                    Zenstyle;1546164 wrote: :H Fer the LAST TIME! Me name is from interior designing... Zen STYLE!
                    Oh....think I may have annoyed the Scottish harridan!

                    :hallo: zenners


                      Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                      Yo Army !
                      What's the craic here ?
                      Am addicted to Love / Hate
                      Molls it is BRILLIANT - not messing - acting, camera work, Dublin scenes and the accents are not at all 'dodgy' - I'd be the first to spot one
                      LOVE IT !!! and it's hard to keep my attention these day.
                      Attention span of a goldfish - but have watched full boxset of this - just one episode left:upset:


                        Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                        Zenstyle;1546164! wrote:
                        :waving: Yoooo hoooo to a'body else!

                        Yer wan indoors' brother is coming to spend the weekend so I've been putting a wee "plan" together. Going out for dinner Friday and afterwards live music at an Irish place, inviting a few peeps to a BBQ at my house on Saturday and probably going to a drag show brunch on Sunday (the same place we took Cheryl's mum). Maybe some golf but doubt I'll play... it's too feckin humid. I'll have their niece come over Saturday as well as a few friends. Tired just thinking about it!
                        Jazus Zen - I'm KNACKERED reading that lot:H


                          Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                          :wavin: Army.
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                            Haven't read back further than the the top ofthe page. You running another marathon, D'Arsey? :goodjob:
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                              I think I'm a bit thick, Mollers. I've been feeling run down for a while now - where everything feels like effort. Then it dawned on me that when my supps ran out, I never bought new ones. That has been rectified, so I hope I'll be back to a more bouncy state soon.
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                                mollyka;1546183 wrote: You serious?? Despite my tangle with B12 deficiency - I still think all that stuff is a bit mumbo-jumboish --- an I know that's thick too cos the B12 made such a difference What do you take?
                                A multivitamin, as well as calcium, magnesium and zinc (3-in-1 jobbie) and Omega 3 capsules.
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

