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Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

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    Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

    Smoking doesn't help either... depletes us. :upset:
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread Tuesday 20th August


      Orff to read back.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

        Laters Mollers and :hallo: JC.

        I must be off soon as well, but to bed. Got less than 6 hours the previous 2 nights. That doesn't help either,does it?
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

          Recluse;1546169 wrote: Oh....think I may have annoyed the Scottish harridan!

          :hallo: zenners
          :hallo: Reccy! :H

          HarridanStyle would be more appropriate wouldn't it?!


            Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

            mollyka;1546170 wrote: Yo Zen!!! Oh - and I DID mean to say HIYA to Damo earlier --- lovely to see a fella Dub!!
            Never saw that Mega one Zens --- methinks it would look a bit silly taking a phonecall - would be smashing for browsing an all --- the Note really is fabulous tho -- played with it for a while there a few weeks back!
            They JUST released the Samsung Mega. It would look totally daft talking on it... which is why I won't get it! lol But, yeah, the Note... I think that's gonna be the one. Can't wait! My plan runs out at the end of the month so not too long to go. Might just switch next week cos I.can't.wait!


              Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

              satz123;1546172 wrote: Jazus Zen - I'm KNACKERED reading that lot:H
              Akshully... I got quite tired as I re-read it myself! :H

              I tried to avoid it but I think there's young kids coming on Saturday and all. I'll not get too pally with them. Made that mistake the last time and ended up tripping over them for the entire day... literally!


                Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                mollyka;1546175 wrote: Gawd yeah --- Zen's weekend!!! This is where I'm still reclusive achully --- any 'arrangements' for my weekends I consider an embuggerance!!!! STRIVE to keep weekends completely clear... never works tho :-( Maybe it's cos I'm out at work all week but I fear it may be more than that....... naturally a loner methinks!!!!
                I'm not minding this one too much as the only day that I'll be "entertaining" is Saturday. Everyone can fend for themselves other than that. I akshully am really looking forward to the Drag Show / Brunch... the craic was mighty last time I went... was sat with the "performers" at the side of the stage and they were a riot!


                  Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                  Roight I might just give up on the running club (skiving tonight, went for a late arvo run instead) because...



                    Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                    Evening Zennyrooney :hallo:

                    Oh Reccie - only Marathon number 4. Number 5 could be in October though. And then a long rest until 2014 (*phew*)


                      Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                      tiptronic_ct;1546179 wrote: I think I'm a bit thick, Mollers. I've been feeling run down for a while now - where everything feels like effort. Then it dawned on me that when my supps ran out, I never bought new ones. That has been rectified, so I hope I'll be back to a more bouncy state soon.
                      Tsk tsk tsk! Good job you didn't mention it sooner or I'd have been nagging you!

                      If you have a juicer throw some green veg in that... instant pick-me-up.

                      How's Mum these days?


                        Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                        :hallo: Mr D'Arsey!

                        I just got caught up to the end of the thread and realized I've been talking to myself! :H Glad you showed up!


                          Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                          Hiyis all -Zenny, MrT, Mollls, Jacks, Satz, Reccie who have I missed? :waving:

                          Dins in the oven Tink Ive got this day all arseways- got loadsa energy now- when should be winding down for leaba! Ah well that'll teach me for havin siestas!


                            Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                            sweetpea29;1546207 wrote: Hiyis all -Zenny, MrT, Mollls, Jacks, Satz, Reccie who have I missed? :waving:

                            Dins in the oven Tink Ive got this day all arseways- got loadsa energy now- when should be winding down for leaba! Ah well that'll teach me for havin siestas!
                            Me reckons you got energy cos you iz not so worried about your cousin now... :new:

                            Are you back at work tomorrow?


                              Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                              :hallo: Zennie and runners.

                              Mum is fine. Busy with 2nd roundof chemo for the skin cancer and so far so good. Just a little tired but otherwise fine. It's her bday on Friday. 78. Already has a lunch p,anned and then we're goingto dinner on Saturday.
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread Tuesday 20th August

                                D'Arsey!! You weren't ere a min ago!

