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Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

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    Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

    mollyka;1546539 wrote: Howdo Zens!!! Whereas I DID have the equivalent appalling drunken shower incident --- it wasn't an eBay one ----- have NEVER used eBay but just started perusing it..... it's quite interesting indeeeeeeed
    :upset::upset::upset: The only thing that works on mine now is the actual shower and the tap. It's not even DRAINING right! :upset:


      Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

      mollyka;1546544 wrote: It went ok Recster --- in that, my fear was that she'd start telling me a catalogue of bad behaviour from Simon or summat --- he can be a grumpy shagger --- but no, there was nothing I didn't already know --- so we really just consoled eachother and it was grand... nothing is rectified tho..... I think Simon will have to accept that he'll always be second fiddle to Laura's mum if he decides to make a go of the relationship --- I saw a similar suffocating mother/daughter relationship with my mum and my eldest sister and tbh it makes me very uncomfortable ---- I'm a very hands off mother so Simon grew up exactly the opposite --- all very foreign to him ---- but she and I are ok --- she's a bit dim tho
      Aye well, not too dim to manipulate her daughter.

      I can see why Simon would get a tad fed up if that's what's been going on, in all honesty. It's hard to have a relationship with someone if their parent is in the mix to that extent. The only worse thing than a girl being tied to her mother's apron strings is a full grown man being tied to them... I saw that and it's pretty disconcerting!


        Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

        mollyka;1546545 wrote: :H AND ---- he's smelly ---- like AWFUL smelly...... he achully hasn't got an awful lot goin for him:H
        Tense smelly fucker!!! :H


          Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

          mollyka;1546548 wrote: Do you know I still have never used that shower Zens ---- and I REFUSE to clean it --- hateful bastarding thing
          When I get the money I'm ripping mine out and sending it to the dump. I'll do the demolition work myself... been waiting YEARS to take a sledge hammer to that fecker! I have to do the opening to the bedroom first though so that monstrosity gets to stay for however long it takes to save for the remodel. :upset:

          I don't use the bloody thing either. It's too much to clean it! I use the frikken guest shower. Ridiculous! lol...


            Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

            God... I remember that thread! :H. You've got to find it again or start a new one, Zennie.

            Just a quick :hallo: and goodbye, folksies. Bedtime again. See youse in the morning.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

              tiptronic_ct;1546554 wrote: God... I remember that thread! :H. You've got to find it again or start a new one, Zennie.

              Just a quick :hallo: and goodbye, folksies. Bedtime again. See youse in the morning.
              I CAN'T find it... it was deleted with my 22,000 posts and umpteen other threads! :H


                Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                mollyka;1546556 wrote: :H I 'martyr' myself daily in the teeeeeeenchiest ensuite shower in our bedroom ---- I'm gettin angry just thinkin of the other fucker ---- it really DID seem like such a good idea at the time!!!!
                That is MEEEEEEE to a T with mine. Oh Grrrr..... think I'm gonna hafta go give it a boot. If even the steam worked on it I'd be able to get something out of it. That's why I bought it in the first place... for the feckin steam... and it broke immediately. Once the damn thing's installed how do you send it back? It came on pallets FFS. Oh don't get me started... here I go again...


                  Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                  RunningCourage;1546536 wrote: Well when i run i take two things: my nano or music and my house keys. Both fit in the back wee pocket of my shorts - the ones you can fit a credit card into and have a zip.

                  I used to wear one of those things round your arm with my old phone, but when i got me new nano, i ditched that.

                  Oh and when i do long runs (more than 15miles say) and want gels i make sure i am wearing a top with a wee pocket like my shorts have and stuff a few in there. Got a water bottle so carry that too for longer runs. Am looking at getting a gel belt though - might do for the Moray Marathon. Hope that helps. Whizzy may have suggestions too.
                  Thanks for that. Maybe I should get some shorts with pockets in them...

                  Zenstyle;1546537 wrote: Get thee a small bum bag Reccy... couldn't find a pic of a small one. They call them fanny packs over here... :wow: (Yer fanny's yer bottom in America...)
                  That was actually what I'd been looking for zenners - a small bum bag - but the ones I found on Amazon all seem to be like the one in your pic.

                  mollyka;1546544 wrote:
                  It went ok Recster --- in that, my fear was that she'd start telling me a catalogue of bad behaviour from Simon or summat --- he can be a grumpy shagger --- but no, there was nothing I didn't already know --- so we really just consoled eachother and it was grand... nothing is rectified tho..... I think Simon will have to accept that he'll always be second fiddle to Laura's mum if he decides to make a go of the relationship --- I saw a similar suffocating mother/daughter relationship with my mum and my eldest sister and tbh it makes me very uncomfortable ---- I'm a very hands off mother so Simon grew up exactly the opposite --- all very foreign to him ---- but she and I are ok --- she's a bit dim tho
                  That's not too bad then molls - at least your fears were unfounded. I can see the problem with the relationship though - and I can sort of see both sides' point of view too. It's not exactly an ideal situation.


                    Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                    Recluse;1546559 wrote:
                    That's not too bad then molls - at least your fears were unfounded. I can see the problem with the relationship though - and I can sort of see both sides' point of view too. It's not exactly an ideal situation.
                    Yeah, I guess I can see her mam's side too seeing as she looks after Jamie while Laura's working. Ach... the two of them will need to sort themselves out at the end of the day. And it's not like it's a crisis situation... they're only arguing and I don't know bout anyone else but I used to argue with my then fiance all the time when I was their age!

                    Mollers... Would it do any good for you and the other mam to talk to them together? Just ask them to try and give a bit of leeway to each other?


                      Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                      Zenstyle;1546537 wrote: They call them fanny packs over here... :wow: (Yer fanny's yer bottom in America...)
                      So is yer bum yer fanny then?
                      Do you guys shit out yer fannies over there?
                      Weird :H


                        Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                        RunningCourage;1546563 wrote: So is yer bum yer fanny then?
                        Do you guys shit out yer fannies over there?

                        Weird :H

                        First time I heard the expression was when a yacht owner's American wife told me I had a cute fanny. I almost feckin DIED!!! :wow: I fecked off toute de suite and relayed my tale in the crew quarters and they told me it means yer bum in America! :new:


                          Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                          Mind you... now that I think of it. Not sure how appropriate it was to be commenting on my bum either.

                          On that note... orf to get scrubbed up. I'm hoping the tranny that used to show up at the karaoke place still goes... he made for smashing people-watching.

                          If i don't catch anyone aboot later, I'll see yiz on the morrow! X


                            Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                            Zenstyle;1546565 wrote:

                            First time I heard the expression was when a yacht owner's American wife told me I had a cute fanny. I almost feckin DIED!!! I fecked off toute de suite and relayed my tale in the crew quarters and they told me it means yer bum in America! :new:

                            Imagine if Willy meant Bum...
                            LASSIE: - Hey there Arsey, nice Willy
                            ARSEY: - you can SEE it through me jeans?! :wow: ehmm... yeah thanks! I do me Willy, Tums n Thighs workout daily :new:


                              Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                              mollyka;1546577 wrote: See ya laters Zens!!

                              FFS Arsey --- dunno my arse from my elbow now:H
                              Prolly need to go and cook somethin that Joe can bring to work tomorrow --- he's doing a full 7 days on this week but off all next week.... may peek in laters if anyones around --- otherwise nighty night!! xxxx
                              you poop from yer elbow? :H

                              S'laters troops, orf to buke n bed.



                                Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                                Dragged meself out of me sick bed to have a midnight lurk.

                                I think it's woman flu.:upset:
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

