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Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

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    Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

    mollyka;1546391 wrote: No luck needed honeybun --- what YOU need is determination --- Day 4 has tripped you up a few times --- so just tell yourself -- TODAY --- no matter what --- don't worry bout anything else --- there'll always be events ---- be it Day 4 - or like Tipps Year 4........ it's a pig keep having to do Days 1-2-3- ----- just ----- DON'T:l:l:l No one is gonna pour it down your throat

    Hey UKB --- what actually showed up in the screening? Hope the doc is an enlightened one --- they do vary so much!!

    Morning Jacks!!!
    It wasn't a physical test, just a questionaiire, like what you sometimes get for work - asking have you ever had mental illness or anything that's affected your work/education. I answered honestly with explaination so they called me in. Turns out they just want to make sure you are ok, and see if you need any extra support. Still felt like I was on the spot.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13


      Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

      I had to fill in a questionnaire like that for the child mentoring. Just asked if I'd ever had any issues with drugs or alcohol. It also asked how it was resolved.

      I put alcohol and was resolved with talking therapies. Seemed to keep the powers that be happy as I got the placement.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

        RunningCourage;1546373 wrote: Our Whizzy said:
        Anyone know where to get a replacement charging lead for my apple mac ? (besides apple shop)
        They are only a couple of quid on eBay Mrs A.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

          InChains;1546385 wrote: will be out for a run later too reccie, took the day off yesterday to rest my poor legs haha.
          I took yesterday off too inchy - don't think it's a good idea to try to run every day in the early stages.

          InChains;1546385 wrote: day 4 here n off to work, wife's out for the evening and it's his mam's birthday so its a tough one, gotta at least get through til next weeks blood test. wish me luck.
          I think this is another situation where you need to make your own luck, inchy. Relying on luck alone (i.e. hoping) isn't likely to work.

          mollyka;1546401 wrote:
          I'm away now folks --- I'm confronted with my absolute TERROR of confrontation this morning - I've been summonsed by my grandbabies other granny for a 'chat' --- as things are TRULY pear-shaped with the mammy and daddy I'm just petrified what's gonna get thrown at me. I really really must grow some balls --- I literally have a sick tummy and everything --- pathetic!!!
          Laters all xxxx
          Good luck with meeting your opposite number molly, I'm sure you'll be ok. The situation is what it is, can't see why she would start having a go at you. Hope she won't anyway!

          Morning UK Bee, Jackie and tabs


            Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

            Recluse;1546418 wrote: I took yesterday off too inchy - don't think it's a good idea to try to run every day in the early stages.

            I think this is another situation where you need to make your own luck, inchy. Relying on luck alone (i.e. hoping) isn't likely to work.

            Good luck with meeting your opposite number molly, I'm sure you'll be ok. The situation is what it is, can't see why she would start having a go at you. Hope she won't anyway!

            Morning UK Bee, Jackie and tabs
            Afternoon now.

            yes running is best done every other day, building up slowly oh and make sure you are reasonable trainers. Don't have to spend stupid amounts on them, I get last years colours at discount.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

              Ukblonde;1546386 wrote: Hope you do get through the day Inchy, what are the tests for?

              I had a medical interview yesterday. It's for entry to uni, they picked up on my alchyness from my health screening form so pulled me in. Went throught TSM with the Doc which I'd been worried about. She was going to do some looking up later. Was v tired afterwards.
              tests are to do with meds i'm on, they test my liver and bone marrow function (white cell count, mean cell volumes, hemoglobin etc) once a month, plus they're testing me for b vitamin deficiency and anemia - my tests have been tracking the wrong way.

              just decided to look up what a mean cell volume actually is, got my first confirmation that a high mcv is strongly associated with alcoholism so... definitely gonna try n behave until my test at least. if this helps i'll be off al until i come off my meds (which could be up to 4 years)

              thanks to everyone for support today, day 4 has been mean to me before, but that little bit of googling is a great incentive to stick to my plans.

              Re: running will probably take another day off today, it's hot so I shall swim instead
              I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

              To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                InChains;1546464 wrote: Re: running will probably take another day off today, it's hot so I shall swim instead
                Done mine! :wings:


                  Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                  :wavin: Army.

                  Thanks for all the congrats :l:l:l. Mrs. T and I both became a bit teary-eyed when I reminded her what day today is. Had a bit of a review of the then and now scenarios. Good to do that sometimes.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Wednesday 21st August


                    A hearty congratulations to the Tippmeister... just awesome!

                    Mollers... things must be bad between them right enough if you've been summonsed for a talk. Let us know how it goes. You're funny though... like a wee kid that's used to getting in trouble! :H :l

                    :wavin: @ a'body else!

                    I woke up with a sore throat today and really hoping it will ease off and not become an "issue". Still haven't been to the gym so need to get my arse in gear a la Saint Reccy!

                    It's a dull, overcast, yucky kind of day. I just cleared up the last of the tree trimmers' feckin mess wot THEY should have cleared up. They trashed several of my neighbour's back gardens... feckin disgrace! Anyhoo... 'tis over for another year.

                    I'm going to karaoke tonight (yes, you heard right!). I'll be very surprised if I sing as historically I've had to be trolleyed... but stranger things have happened at sea! ;o) Last night I went to a 60s bash on a girl's night out with the neighbourhood wimmin... brill music and lots of dancing, had a really good time. One of them is 70 and boy can she cut some moves on the dance floor! She looks late-50s/60ish and I want to be when I'm that age.

                    I just checked the weather for Saturday and it says isolated feckin thunderstorms. I might go and buy one of them canopy yokes for the deck. Been wanting one of them and it looks like now might be the time. I can get one cheap at Big Lots.

                    It's a busy week, this week. It's either feast or famine... I'll go weeks without doing anything sometimes.


                      Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                      Congrats Tips! Well done!
                      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                        Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                        Recluse;1546481 wrote: Done mine! :wings:
                        haha, good on ya Reccie - I just got back in from my swim, over an hour in the wife's pool (though I made him carry me about for some of that xD) had a lovely time and definitely did a fair bit of exercise

                        mollyka;1546401 wrote:
                        Ah hopefully they are just ticking boxes UK - like Jackie says ---- again!!!!
                        I'm away now folks --- I'm confronted with my absolute TERROR of confrontation this morning - I've been summonsed by my grandbabies other granny for a 'chat' --- as things are TRULY pear-shaped with the mammy and daddy I'm just petrified what's gonna get thrown at me. I really really must grow some balls --- I literally have a sick tummy and everything --- pathetic!!!
                        Laters all xxxx
                        really hope your summons wasn't as alarming as you thought Molly, let us know how you get on (though I'm sure you'll do fine)
                        I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                        To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                          Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                          Ello Tippers, knwo what you mean, too easy to forget.
                          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                          AF date 22/07/13


                            Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                            Zenstyle;1546492 wrote: It's a dull, overcast, yucky kind of day. I just cleared up the last of the tree trimmers' feckin mess wot THEY should have cleared up. They trashed several of my neighbour's back gardens... feckin disgrace! Anyhoo... 'tis over for another year.
                            Hiya zenny! Sounds as if a fair few folks are not over happy with the tree trimmers - couldn't the HOA get someone else to do the job next year?

                            Sorry about the sore throat - the thought occured that karaoke singing might not do it any favours. Mind you, a sore throat might not do yer singing any favours either! :H

                            And hurry up and get yer arse down to the gym!

                            InChains;1546497 wrote:
                            haha, good on ya Reccie - I just got back in from my swim, over an hour in the wife's pool (though I made him carry me about for some of that xD) had a lovely time and definitely did a fair bit of exercise
                            Ooh - has the wife's family got a pool in their garden inchy? Woulld love to have one of them, specially at this time of year. Well done on getting some exercise! :goodjob:

                            Hi tips, waggy, UKB :hallo:


                              Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                              Hi all:wavin:


                                Army Thread Wednesday 21st August

                                Evening satzy :wavin:

                                Busy day at work?

