The reboot plans are all about getting healthy, no alcohol, no ciggies, no food - just juices and blends or smoothies, made from 20% fruit, and 80% vegetables. I thought I would give it a go. Not a serious juice only fast, but the 15 day reboot, that eases you in wirh smoothies and soups at first. I really expected to miss the booze, but I didn't. I suppose I was too busy missing the food!
I am now two weeks in and have lost 20 lbs in weight and I feel great. My sense of taste has come back and my sense of smell is improving too. Yes I do still have cravings for wine, and the ciggies, but when I do I have a juice or a smoothie instead. I do not want to sound patronising or insult anyone's integrity, I just thought I should share what has worked for me, in the hope it might work for you. If it does for even only one person, it will have been worth it!
Just google rebootwithjoe and the documentary can be found on YouTube.