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What is your daily fork in the road?

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    What is your daily fork in the road?

    That is, the point in your day, at which you will either simply drink, or not drink. For me, its that period right at dinner time. If I make it through dinner without booze, I will not drink, period.

    BTW, since January 12, 78 of 87 days AF. I've had wine 9x. I do not know why I continue to do it. Every time I drink (and I'm talking 2-3 glasses here) my night, and a good part of the following day are significantly worse than they have to be.

    Alcohol sucks ass.

    Going to the beach for a week. It will be a better time if I avoid booze altogether. I'm going to try.


    What is your daily fork in the road?

    BFF, Congrats on the AF days. Very impressive.

    My "fork" comes around 4pm everyday once I have picked the kids up from school and everyone is home. If I can make it to 7pm I am fine. I agree it's frustrating.

    Have fun at the beach.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      What is your daily fork in the road?

      10 pm..When the shop shuts..Although some nights are easier..If i can keep myself occupied.
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        What is your daily fork in the road?

        3:00 feels like an apporiate time,I wait until 7 or 8 for my 2 wines. In bed by 10


          What is your daily fork in the road?

          I think you are doing great BFF. Happy hour for me which is 3pm to 6pm wish they never would have started calling it that here in Wisconsin. I makes me think sometimes I am missing the happiest part of the day. I have to retrain my brain about that and its not easy.



            What is your daily fork in the road?

            It used to be 4:00; now it's about 8:00, except for the weekends. If I can make it til 8:30, I won't drink. I'm usually in bed by 9:00 or so, unless I start drinking - then I like to stay up later to drink more.


              What is your daily fork in the road?

              It used to be 5pm! Right after I got the kids home. But now I have things that keep me busy until 7 or 8pm at night...that's a good thing for me.
              Fork: When Hubbie pours himself that cold beer in a frosted mug for himself and continues for the rest of the night...ugh!


                What is your daily fork in the road?

                Hey BFF.....
                It does suck, doesn't it!
                I would say that I'm happy to see you back, but I'm not because it means you are still in battle.
                I hope you have a good break at the beach.
                Don't buy any....then I don't have that "fork"..
                It IS harder when its around.

                :l Nancy
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  What is your daily fork in the road?

                  4 o'clock is when I start craving. By 5 I need a drink. Particularly if my husband is having one.


                    What is your daily fork in the road?

                    Pretty much any time someone or something pissed me off. If working I'd catch up with the need later in the day and make up for lost time!!!!! Meeting friends at the club early evening was a sure route to over drinking as well. I miss the socializing and my close friends think I have become very anti social keeping away. I want the day to come when I can down a diet coke and not need the double, triple or BIGGER dose of vody in it. I believe that day can come so I'll keep fighting.
                    A BushBaby with Attitude


                      What is your daily fork in the road?

                      My fork in the day is just after i finish work at about 5pm , then i start arguing with my self ,or the voice that says you need a drink 9 times out of 10 i end up caving in and buying some ... So today is a new start again for me and hope fully will make it till the end of the week AF , setting my self small goals fingers crossed it works.
                      liz x


                        What is your daily fork in the road?

                        Mine would be as soon as I'm finished running the kids around or on other days after work when I'm stressed or bored. I really need to get a hobby to keep myself preoccupied!



                          What is your daily fork in the road?

                          My fork in the road was always around 4 to 5 pm. When I would start cooking dinner.
                          Now, that I trying to maintain a alcohol free life, everyday has a fork. But so far I have 95 forks in my drawer.

