Yep I used to hate the things, and a lot of drop-ins and other services are closed come bank holiday which I think it daft. Never is there more reason to hold one.
I can remember one fantastic August Bank Holiday when I think I was 19. The local rock pub which was absolutely legendary was changing owners, these owners were not bikers they were middle aged, middle of the road types but they knew how to run a business. Everyone loved them, they ran a tight ship that appealed to all sorts of people. They had the formula and there it was closing right at the beginning of my drinking career. My boyfriend put on a rock/heavy metal disco and we had a great time.
Other bank holiday memories I have involve hiding in my flat, hearing and seeing people on the way to the offy or the pub. Aware they were all having 'fun', yet I was desperately trying to avoid it. One of these I was alone because drinking had contributed to a relationship deterioration. I was angry because I felt everyone else was with someone, or with their families and I couldn't have that. I would try and stay sober, yeah that'd show em. On Monday the cravings would be too much, I'd be headed to buy cider/wine or out to Wetherspoons for a 'meal' with obligatory free pint. I can only remember I think one day in the last 15 years of my drinking where I only had that one pint.