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This is going to be a tough day

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    This is going to be a tough day

    Good day all, just need some good energy focused my way. It' not a good day woke up this morning ith the weight of the world on my shoulders. My daughter is not speaking to me because her husband won't "allow" her to. She is 28 makes her own money and could get out if she indeed wanted to. Which just shows me how much she does HATE me! My only child. I just don't get to see my precious Caden (grandson). My life revolves around him he was one of the main reasons change my drinking patterns. I didn't want him to remember me as a drunk MamaMar. I just can't seem to stop crying today? Hormones? Who Knows? I have so much pressure on me right now, in so many diffent areas. Most people would probably laugh at what I call problems but they are real to me. Just family and people who always want something from me. I am not going to whine. Right now I don't even feel welcome or wanted on this board. That is so silly, You all don't know me except what I've posted. maybe that is part of my problem. My Husband says I have a personality that is a force of nature and even though he personally dosen't understand it,most people don't like me. I'm not going to go on any longer. Thanks for listening

    This is going to be a tough day

    hang in there simey- it will pass. i dont post much but notice that you add alot here- so dont feel unwanted- ive gotten alot from your posts.
    your daughter will come around- she is a woman and we are all moody and sensitive- it will pass for her too- try to keep busy today so you dont think too much-
    i can drive myself nuts thinking too, were our own worst enemies.
    get to a project put off- clean out old pocketbooks or something!- throw some stuff away- that always feels good and productive!



      This is going to be a tough day

      Simey you are always welcome, I enjoy your posts and what looks like a mountain to some looks like a hill to others. I think you have problems just like everyone.

      P.S. We are all here for our own reasons.
      XXX Sammys


        This is going to be a tough day

        Sweetie..F-em'. We can't be liked by everyone and those that do, usually stick around for awhile. As for you daughter....BITE our tongue and take the upper road. You can make this. I know your son in law is a real ass. But, your grandbaby is more impratant...


          This is going to be a tough day

          Hiya Mar,

          We have'nt spoken much but i have enjoyed reading what you have to say..Dont ever think your not liked here..We are all in the same boat..
          Just a thought after reading what you wrote..And i may be miles off but i was thinking (Dangerous) Do you think your daughter resents you being so close to your grandson?...Just with her being an only child she might be jealous...Just a thought..
          And i doubt she hates you....You only get one mum..

          I hope your day gets better...Take care today anyway...Macks:l
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            This is going to be a tough day

            My post just disappeared!!

            Hang in there - we love you. Don't let people take advantage of you - I do it all the time, then get pi$$ed and let it ruin my day.

            Your daughter will open her eyes in time. In the meantime :l :l


              This is going to be a tough day

              Simeybear, that is just crazy talk to say you don't feel welcome on this board. Nothing but love and kindness and support from here always. Especially from you. We'd be lost without you. xoxoxoxoxox
              Reach deep, find your will power.


                This is going to be a tough day

                Thanks guys, but today so sucks!!! I havent't toldyou all everything because itis so lenghty. My daughter has been married twice. ! child from each marriage. the 1st one she left mid pregnancy, he quit his job and wouldn't work we paid out of our pocket for that little boy to come into this world, I cut the cord, he cried until I held him. I stayed up night after after night. While my daughter went to nursing school I raised him. When he was 3 she met this idot 2nd husband at school. She moved in with him and his Mother taking this baby away. I really was drinking then. I gave up! greg, called and told them to bring Caden over or he was coming to get him himself. Greg met them in town and brought him home. When I saw him he ran up the sidewalk arms outstrached calling my name; he was so sick. I took he tothe doctor the next day he had ear, throat and sinus infections! I was furious I asked Noelle my daughter why? She said Malcolm didn't think it was neceassary. His Mom is a smoker and Caden is allergic.I kept him until he was better she took him back then we ent though this dance he throws her out she goes back this happend so many times. During this time she told me some things that he had done to Caden like putting a baby gate up and leaving this childunattended for hours in a room by himself. And other things to painful to type. My daughter becaomes pregnant he throws her out again and tells her to get a abortion. She told him she miscarried. So for 5 months she and Caden lived here. we picked out baby clothes paid doctor bills etc. Then in her 7 month he show up at her work place and discovers she is still pregnant. She couldn't see she was a botty call for him. She fell immediately again, but forced his hand to marry her. When Sophie wasborn she had a birth injury which affected parts of her brain. Once this was discovered rather than try to find how what we do. His idea put her up for adoption. He couldn't handle a special needs child. Thank God she currently is developing normally. My daughter works Float pool as a RN on weekends 7pm-7am. Every other weekend Caden is with his naturlly father how in 5 years of life has paid 1800 for his well being. I buy all the children's clothing shoes toys etc. but I digress,Last night my Noelle called from work to see what he fed the children for dinner; Malcolm said he forgot about dinner so he gave Sophie a fruitbar and Caden a pop tart then put them to bed. this guy is so involved into a dungeon and dragons type internet game that these children watch themselves. I am seriously considering going for custody of at least Caden based on the relationship. I don't have a relationship with sophie her father won't allow it. I was at the bank Friday and pulled out my will and looked at it everything goes to my daughter,I have to change this because of her husband. You see he loves money more than anything else and I'll be damn he will have any of ours. I'll give you a example while they were dating he took her to a Burger King and order a hamburger then frove the 2 miles to his Mom's house reached into the fridge took out a piece of cheese and put it on the burger and said proudly I just saved 10 cents. He knew I was taking Caden to the circus last week,that's when her started the no communication with your Mother rule. I think she is afarid of him,but we can get her out oif yhis. Mac,In regards to your qurstion. I don't think she is jealous I have given her everything she has ever wanted. my other problem is my sister youngest son. she at 17 with severe ADD has let him quit school and has no plan for him. No medication no focus no direction. I feel a responsibility for him. His father died 2 years ago at 45 of a massive heart attack. he lived with his Dad,now with his Mom. Mysister who leaves him alone everyweekend while she parties with her 2 older sons. I just need to fix this too. Damn i could go on other 40 minutes with everything, including buying a house for my inlaws because they are being forclosed on.feels like a day for crying!! Thanks everyone
                Sorry I cant type and things run together. i am not good at anything today


                  This is going to be a tough day

                  Hi Mar,

                  I for one love reading your posts, you are one of the most thoughtful, caring people here.

                  My heart goes out to you today, hang in there love ......


                    This is going to be a tough day


                    Take a deep breath. You cannot fix everyone, or everything at once. I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed by 1000 things at once. It seems impossible to section them out and deal with them one at a time.

                    And you are not going anywhere. Everyone on this board loves you (especially me) and I hope for one that i didn't make you feel slighted.

                    I'm on day 3 and just trying to hold it together and also take care of my kiddie but you've been one of my faves, and you are one of the funniest people on these boards. Don't forget that. Try to think of all the good you have. Look at how much your hubby adores you! A lot of women would die for that. he is a good man. Try to focus on unbrainwashing your daughter. If she works go to her job. Get her in a place where he is not. I would start there. He sounds like such an SOB, if sheis afraid of him it could take a while to break through that. You'll never get custody of anyone based on assumptions so don't even waste your energy unless you know they are both unfit, and have real proof. you'll kill yourself doing that. try to get hold of your daughter. She doesn't hate you, she is in a bad spot and feels very trapped I think. Hang in there hon. :h
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      This is going to be a tough day

                      Good Lord Mar....Sometimes a good cry is helpful, you go right ahead and get some of that pressure out.
                      You truly are going through so many things that are emotionally taxing to say the least.

                      You have to do what you feel you can do to make some of these things better, and yet some of them are in the hands of those who have made some of their decisions.

                      I can relate to some of what you are feeling and wanting to do to fix things.
                      I know you have the support and understanding of all the folks here at MWO.
                      So many times I wish I could fix things people are going through...

                      I will Pray for you and your daughter, that the Lord will give grace and move those involved to do what pleases the Lord.

                      Hugs, Grace, and blessings to you Mar,

                      Control the Mind


                        This is going to be a tough day

                        Ditto on what Rocky just said!
                        A good cry clears out more than just your nose! I know this for a fact!
                        Works best for me if its the middle of the night and on the floor by my bed.... No hubby around will scare him to death!
                        Hubby's want to "fix" it for us and they just can't.

                        :l Nancy
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10


                          This is going to be a tough day

                          Simey...We don't really know each other but I feel for you & will put you in my prayers today. I have a full boatload of concerns & prayers today too. You sound like a very strong woman so I know you will get through & "this to shall pass away".


                            This is going to be a tough day

                            Awww.....simey, wishI could make ya feel better. Hugs to ya. Mainly I wanna say I bet your daughter doesnt hate you she is being controlled by her husband. I feel terrible for her. Such a bad place to fall into. I hope she gets out of that.
                            Try to be easier on yourself. Your on the right track being here and we all love you. Again.....sure wish I could just hug ya.
                            Gabby :flower:


                              This is going to be a tough day

                              :huggy Simeybear :huggy
                              :h :h :h :h

