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WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

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    WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

    So some of you guys know that I'm moving. Well, I occasionally go to the online newspaper of this little town where I will be living and was blown away by what I saw today.

    One of the captions for an article said "July DUIs and DWAIs". And there, bigger than life was a long list of people's names. I was shocked. Is this common? Wow, I would be so embarrassed! I suppose that's exactly why they do it?

    In a small town that would be so incriminating, especially if your employer took a look and saw your name there.

    What do you guys think of that?

    Incidentially, DWAI is driving while ability impaired (bac under the .08 level for DUI) - that was new to me.

    WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

    Hi UN!

    Oh, my dear, is this your first experience living in a small town?:H In my community, the local papers (aka "weekly rags") have ALWAYS published the names of people convicted of DWIs, drug dealing, etc. I have never heard of DWAI. Thank you for the insight.

    P.S. I followed you on the Daily Thread, I believe...or a while back in the Newbies Nest, and I love love love your posts.

    Good to have you back here with the land of the living.


      WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

      Gee, thank you Rusty. I remember you! Not sure where you post, tho. Do I remember you from chat with Kate? Or was that Rusty with the number in her name. Sorry, it's been do long I don't remember.

      Well, thanks for edifying me about small town practices. Yes, it's been a long time since I've lived in one! Guess they end up with lots of home bound drinkers:H. The restaurant and bar people gotta hate that!


        WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

        Hi UN

        No, I am not the Rusty-576 (or some close number). She has been sober for I think about 5 years +.

        I post on the Monthly Abs thread with Lavande, Dill, Stargazerlily, and occasionally, Guitarista.:h

        Guess they end up with lots of home bound drinkers. The restaurant and bar people gotta hate that!
        Ohhh, UN, I went into one of the "local" bar/restaurants here in my small town, to meet up with a friend of mine, and really, unfortunately, the restaurant industry makes A LOTof money from the "home bound drinkers." I was horrified when I walked in to see me DWIs, drugs, etc.

        I don''t pay for the "weekly rags." I prefer the NY Times and WS Journal. I read the rags in the library....where I can read them for free.


          WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!


          Hey Un

          Here the paper is called the Slammer, and is full of big pictures of arrested people.
          A coworker was in it and showed it to our boss. Not sure what happened exactly.
          But I know she was mortified.

          And you are right-another deterrent to drinking. Like we need one more-LOL


            WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

            Hey UN:

            I wanted to clarify my previous post:
            I went into one of the "local" bar/restaurants here in my small town, to meet up with a friend of mine, and really, unfortunately, the restaurant industry makes A LOTof money from the "home bound drinkers." I was horrified when I walked in to see me DWIs, drugs, etc.
            This is what happens when I type without my best reading glasses. :HWhat I MEANT to say that in this particular bar, and the one next to it, the "regulars" are guys who have lost their licenses and/or jobs due to DWIs, and it's so sad to see because, frankly, the bar and restaurant industry does NOT care if their patrons get completely smashed, as long as they're not driiving or they become abusive to other diners. What's also really sad is that when my friend met me at this particular bar, she pointed out people she knew who are our ages (56 and 52) , and I was absolutely astonished because they looked literally 25 years older....all because of booze and cigarettes. What a horrible way to die.

            Ann-wow, "Slammer." Yup, you're right....that is a deterrent.

            I did recently see a bumper sticker that said, "Convicted Drunk Driver." Yikes....I would start riding my bike.


              WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

              I have seen this practice in several small towns. I know of one person who after his name was posted in the paper, has not touched a drop for the past 12 years. Talk about motivating you to change your behavior.

              Like the saying goes, "Everyone knows whose check is good and whose spouse is not." But there's another saying I find true. "In our small town, when people ask how are you, they stop to listen to your answer."
              Free at Last
              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

              Highly recommend this video

              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

                Our town posts an "Arrest Log" online, we check it every Monday morning to see if any of our employees got up to anything over the weekend. Unfortunately we've run across several of them....
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

                  Some police forces here publish names and photographs of convicted persons. This then allows followers to add comments - I'm not so sure this should be allowed because it becomes an open market for people to slag them off. Yes people should be punished for crimes however letting people post comments encourages people to commit what is in essence harassment and online bullying.

                  I was very, very lucky with my drink driving offence in that it didn't make the local press, it was printed somewhere where people might know of me but it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

                  Main reason not to drink and drive is that it's bloody dangerous - you could kill someone and they don't deserve that and neither do you(you too could be the dead person).
                  I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                  Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                  AF date 22/07/13


                    WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

                    Standard practice in New Zealand to post names of those convicted of drunk driving. No excuses. occasionally a person may get name suppression but that's rare. And we are a small country so you can't hide.


                      WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

                      Wow, all of this is news to me, but obviously many of you know about it. Thanks for all the information everyone - very interesting!


                        WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

                        News to me too! Once I heard there was a campaign where they posted men's names who'd been caught soliciting hookers haha oh well if you don't want to wear the name don't play the game I guess!
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

                          My town paper also prints the police reports every week....we call it the 'Famous Pages'.


                            WOW! Talk About Incentive Not To Drink!

                            a bumper sticker that says Convicted Drunk Driver??? OMG...
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem

